Riots - Bring on the army

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LuptonM":3titnxmo said:
U guys don't even know what investment bankers do. U have just jumped on the scapegoat wagon. I doubt u could differentiate between traders and investment bankers. If anything u think them the same.

Merchant Banks - Investment Banks.
There isn't a lot of difference sunshine.

They operate in slightly different fields, but in much the same manner. They both raise funds. but not necessarily in the same way, or for the same clientele.

Investment banks raise funds for businesses and governments by registering and issuing debt or equities which are then sold on a market. They focus on the larger organisations.

Merchant banks serve companies that are too big for venture capital firms to deal with, but are still too small to make large public share offering on a major exchange. They place equity privately, with other financial institutions, and in doing so, take large portions of ownership in companies that are believed to have strong growth potential. (I.e., they really do screw their customers over)

So while Investment Bakers screw over the massive Companies and some Governments, Merchant Bankers screw over the smaller fry.

Merchant or Investment they both spin money, mostly for themselves, and both could be used in Cockney Slang.
Apportioning blame is becoming academic.

Last night in Birmingham, some lunatics deliberately drove at, and murdered people on the pavement; people who were trying to protect their property.

I think this scum has interpreted Cameron's little speech as a challenge.

This is getting beyond debate, way, way out of hand and something has to be done.

I don't want to see the Army on the streets, nor anyone shot, out of hand, but this really is getting desperate. :cry:
If something is not done in the next day or so I suspect that people getting run over while trying to protect their property will be the least of the problems.

Alot of the ring leaders will be gang members and will have access to guns, and if they decide to use them from amongst a crowd of other rioters what are the police going to do then, a baton charge is not going to stop a bullet.

The thugs are getting more and more confident they can get away with this and will carry on.

It is a small group of thugs organising this over the internet and mobile networks and the rest are following like sheep because they do not know any better.

I hope the ISP's and the phone companies are going to provide the police with the info they need to stop these people and the that the freedom of speach and human rights lot will keep their collective mouths shut and let the police get on with their job in stopping this from spreading.

LuptonM":n61mis5h said:
I am guessing I can't really win an augment on a forum where the average user is above 60 years of age

Possibly; however you have been quite happy for the average 60 year old user of the forum to answer your dumb, often glaringly obvious questions in the past.

It's also difficult to preach a message of anarchy, destroy and rebuild society etc, and in the same breath aim for a career in investment banking! silly person.

Grow up and take a long hard look at yourself.
To lupton

I know exactly what investment bankers do and it verges on criminal. someone i know hedged a bet on share prices falling in a particular company, and his colleague from another company sold the shares to make this happen, with the 'winnings' of the hedged bet he bought back the shares, so he won twice over, now multiply this by a few thousand people and you get the drift.
Noel":1ji8pew6 said:
JMcK":1ji8pew6 said:
studders":1ji8pew6 said:
Why don't we have Water Cannons for these situations, or do we but they are not being used?

The Met have had, may still have, water cannon. They were evaluated and it was decided not to use them. Apart from political considerations there are practical ones too. Superficially attractive they are not all they are cracked up to be. The main problem with them is that at an effective pressure (which can cause injury) they use all their water very, very quickly and then become a liability as a vulnerable vehicle.

The use by other nations appears to be less so nowadays.

Totally inaccurate, current models seem to work well and they are armoured.

Thanks for the update.

Noel":1ji8pew6 said:
As for those that advocate the use of lethal force, really worked well the last time the British government authorised it, didn't it?
And with the authorities record of recent shooting incidents (table leg or rifle? Terrorist or visiting South American?) it's a recipe for disaster.

Just another factor to throw into the mix. When your society celebrate 'personalities' such as Jordan, it's hardly surprising that it loses a lot of it's values. The damn women was on the front page of virtually every Magazine and tabloid for month after month on end.
Britain now celebrates the super rich, the banal and every other toe rag who is famous for doing absolutely nothing.
MIGNAL":1mum0jr2 said:
Just another factor to throw into the mix. When your society celebrate 'personalities' such as Jordan, it's hardly surprising that it loses a lot of it's values. The damn women was on the front page of virtually every Magazine and tabloid for month after month on end.
Britain now celebrates the super rich, the banal and every other toe rag who is famous for doing absolutely nothing.

Not to mention Ronnie Corbett!
MIGNAL":3dseeqna said:
Just another factor to throw into the mix. When your society celebrate 'personalities' such as Jordan, it's hardly surprising that it loses a lot of it's values. The damn women was on the front page of virtually every Magazine and tabloid for month after month on end.
Britain now celebrates the super rich, the banal and every other toe rag who is famous for doing absolutely nothing.
News of the Screws and other bottom feeding press. A continual diet of sh|t and envy p|sses people off.
Aces and Eights":14nqhgpm said:
Here's why they're bloody doing it T W A T S. ... 560646.stm
Have a listen.


Camerons Big Society, I think someone in No 10 instead of telling him everything is fine, should perhaps tell him it is F****ed.

What are these kids parents doing, probably waiting for their little darling to bring home a bigger TV so they can watch daytime TV while drinking beer and claiming benefits
I really don't believe the politicians are in touch. Even after all this, they still don't get the message.
If they won't see now, they never will.

I'm off.

TTFN folks
doctor Bob":3fckcg7i said:
LuptonM":3fckcg7i said:
Saying that I may end up there working in investment banking next year.

Good on you, some of those bogs need a good scrub after the bankers have a good lunch, make sure you clean under the rim.
You do know how to brighten a chaps day Doc. :lol:

Err.... actually... that reads a bit suspect.. :shock:

Ah.. what the 'ell, you know wot I mean. :)
MIGNAL":2jymluxx said:
Just another factor to throw into the mix. When your society celebrate 'personalities' such as Jordan, it's hardly surprising that it loses a lot of it's values. The damn women was on the front page of virtually every Magazine and tabloid for month after month on end.
Britain now celebrates the super rich, the banal and every other toe rag who is famous for doing absolutely nothing.

Amen to that. It's just another thing that I am totally sick and tired of.
Just read this on the BBC web site.

David Cameron said every action would be taken to restore order, with contingency plans for water cannon to be available at 24 hours' notice.

Does he not realise that if he brings in the water canon the next day the cleanup people will get very wet and be a bit upset.

The looters will be at home by then playing with their new toys or selling them down the pub.
How can these a***holes say they they are doing what they are doing because they have "nothing" when they are all running around in their £100 trainers & co-ordinating the rioting with their £300 phones.

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