Riots - Bring on the army

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OK lethal force is OTT........... how about if the police catch 'em, chop their pineapples off, i'd even donate my very blunt gluing up chisel for the purpose
LOL at how the oldies resent the youth. I really don't care if they tear London apart
LuptonM":2iteaq3w said:
LOL at how the oldies resent the youth. I really don't care if they tear London apart

What a well thought out social statement........ who says the youth of today have no conscience. I wait with baited breathe for your next post
Noel":27th7jcy said:
That's a shameful statement. So you're quite happy perhaps seeing a 12yr old or a 14 yr old shot dead? Or perhaps a 10 yr old dragged along by his or her elder peers. May as well shoot everyday shop lifters too, burglars breaking into to steal from empty properties. You really think that's a just action for smashing windows and nicking goods? Sure it's theft, criminal damage, arson. May as well shoot the stone throwers too.

Need a curfew - why are 10 / 12 / 14 year olds on the street at night in the first place? These kids are now criminals and tomorrows adult society. :shock:

Bet you weren't on the streets at that age Noel !

The media, with their graphic details have informed the other yobs around the UK that the police are stretched and can't respond for hours so they know what to do and how long they have before they have to run.
I see little difference between these actions and terrorism. they are putting innocent peoples lives at risk and deliberately targeting busnesses who they see as "the rich". Too stupid to see that these companies provide jobs which they are now destroying.

They need locking up but in reality will get an ASBO :?

We're all doomed I say - doomed #-o
Let's just all be thankful, at least it hasn't spread to Sheffield yet, we can't risk the Clifton factory being burned down!

doctor Bob":3suo23x0 said:
LuptonM":3suo23x0 said:
LOL at how the oldies resent the youth. I really don't care if they tear London apart

What a well thought out social statement........ who says the youth of today have no conscience. I wait with baited breathe for your next post

Personally I believe that civilization needs to be destroyed and then rebuilt, but in a much more thoughtful manner for any thing to really improve. The complexities of current law provide one too many barriers for any real change

Anyway, London's a concrete waste land- wouldn't u rather have a nice forest there or a picturesque meadow? Saying that I may end up there working in investment banking next year. However I bet u guys blame the bankers, whereas you should be blaming the politicians worldwide since they allowed the financial markets to have such an effect

The media is very selective in what they show. They like to dramatize things and don't always show a balanced view
LuptonM":21gpxk9s said:
doctor Bob":21gpxk9s said:
LuptonM":21gpxk9s said:
LOL at how the oldies resent the youth. I really don't care if they tear London apart

What a well thought out social statement........ who says the youth of today have no conscience. I wait with baited breathe for your next post

Personally I believe that civilization needs to be destroyed and then rebuilt, but in a much more thoughtful manner for any thing to really improve. The complexities of current law provide one too many barriers for any real change

Anyway, London's a concrete waste land- wouldn't u rather have a nice forest there or a picturesque meadow? Saying that I may end up there working in investment banking next year. However I bet u guys blame the bankers, whereas you should be blaming the politicians worldwide since they allowed the financial markets to have such an effect

The media is very selective in what they show. They like to dramatize things and don't always show a balanced view

Statements like this certainly make you sound like a merchant banker or perhaps a very naive and silly young man.
LuptonM":35g4fzjw said:
I may end up there working in investment banking next year. However I bet u guys blame the bankers,

What, for being greedy, selfish, thoughtless, underhand, deceitful, etc. etc ? Never really given it a thought. With your attitude to the destiny of others though, you should do well.
Jacob":3h0igmgj said:
I'm as horrified as anybody and I'd be just as pineappled off as anybody else if it was my shop etc.
But there's more to it than thieving and shooting. Most of the looting is after the event it seems with just "ordinary" people following the mobs.
Cameron needs to think a bit more about "the big society"

You are labouring under the illusion that what is happening is some sort of civil protest.
Its not it is wanton destruction to cover theft.
I understand you have your point of view Jacob but you don't work in the middle of it and you would't last five minutes with these delightful poor misunderstood youths.
studders":335ymest said:
LuptonM":335ymest said:
I may end up there working in investment banking next year. However I bet u guys blame the bankers,

What, for being greedy, selfish, thoughtless, underhand, deceitful, etc. etc ? Never really given it a thought. With your attitude to the destiny of others though, you should do well.

U guys don't even know what investment bankers do. U have just jumped on the scapegoat wagon. I doubt u could differentiate between traders and investment bankers. If anything u think them the same. What next, pagans to blame for the next financial crisis?

At least I did not suggest shooting people - inferiority complex much? Thats truly foolish and will just lead to nationwide uprisings and more riots and deaths. I am guessing I can't really win an augment on a forum where the average user is above 60 years of age
Karl":29zhngip said:
"The signs were there alright, they started when we prevented schools from disciplining pupils and therefore erroded respect that children have for any authority when they were just infants, it was perpetuated when we prevented parents from disciplining their children and reinforced the belief that children can coast through life with few consequences to their actions. It continued when we erroded the value of family and created social support networks that enable people to live comfortable lives without ever having to work, entirely supported on the state with no obligation to take any responsibility for their actions or their life. It gets worse every year as this underclass of undereducated, under diciplined irresponsible individuals continues to have more an more children born into a ghetto culture where underachievement is celebrated, criminality is glorified and parental responsiblities are ignored and abdicated to the state."

Perfect! Couldn't say it any better myself (that's why I quoted Karl's quote :lol: )

LuptonM":f2q3lvfo said:
studders":f2q3lvfo said:
LuptonM":f2q3lvfo said:
I may end up there working in investment banking next year. However I bet u guys blame the bankers,

What, for being greedy, selfish, thoughtless, underhand, deceitful, etc. etc ? Never really given it a thought. With your attitude to the destiny of others though, you should do well.

U guys don't even know what investment bankers do. U have just jumped on the scapegoat wagon. I doubt u could differentiate between traders and investment bankers. If anything u think them the same. What next, pagans to blame for the next financial crisis?

At least I did not suggest shooting people - inferiority complex much? Thats truly foolish and will just lead to nationwide uprisings and more riots and deaths. I am guessing I can't really win an augment on a forum where the average user is above 60 years of age

Shame the username Pike is taken as you are most certainly a stupid boy.
LuptonM":2rk5aqhp said:
studders":2rk5aqhp said:
LuptonM":2rk5aqhp said:
I may end up there working in investment banking next year. However I bet u guys blame the bankers,

What, for being greedy, selfish, thoughtless, underhand, deceitful, etc. etc ? Never really given it a thought. With your attitude to the destiny of others though, you should do well.

U guys don't even know what investment bankers do. U have just jumped on the scapegoat wagon. I doubt u could differentiate between traders and investment bankers. If anything u think them the same. What next, pagans to blame for the next financial crisis?

At least I did not suggest shooting people - inferiority complex much? Thats truly foolish and will just lead to nationwide uprisings and more riots and deaths. I am guessing I can't really win an augment on a forum where the average user is above 60 years of age

Tell me..when you went to schooll (if you went to school) - did they teach you any English? The word is YOU not U - you egregious stupid little t w a t

In any case, I thought one had to be over 4 years old to join this forum?
LuptonM":z51p870v said:
LOL at how the oldies resent the youth. I really don't care if they tear London apart

LuptonM":z51p870v said:
I am guessing I can't really win an augment on a forum where the average user is above 60 years of age

I fear you'd fare no better even if the average user was under 6! What a clown.
LuptonM":1kpyz12p said:
Saying that I may end up there working in investment banking next year.

Good on you, some of those bogs need a good scrub after the bankers have a good lunch, make sure you clean under the rim.
doctor Bob":3svkrhpg said:
LuptonM":3svkrhpg said:
Saying that I may end up there working in investment banking next year.

Good on you, some of those bogs need a good scrub after the bankers have a good lunch, make sure you clean under the rim.
What sort bonuses would you get? Sweep up some coke dust? Big cigar ends? Unfinished champers bottles? I bet you'd never find an accidentally dropped fiver!
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