You when sometimes things seem to be against you and then it turns out for the best? Well today has been such a day. Well, the afternoon has anyway. I've had two really lousy nights sleep and I had to do something far less pleasant than potter in my workshop this morning, so I didn't really get going until lunchtime.
But off I went to the timber yard just down the road to see about getting some architrave for the double doors. Unfortunately, although they arrive in 5-point-something-metre lengths, they then get cut up into sets I have a 3' man-door and the top piece is just a tad too short.
It's very annoying, because there was a couple of inches spare on each upright, and if I'd started with the original length it would have worked out fine. So I was hoping to find some uncut lengths and also find some the right length for my double doors. 'Twas not to be.
So I went off to another timber yard not far away, but they are not really a retail merchant, they supply lorry loads to the retails guys. But the chap there was very helpful and asked me if I had tried Jet Joinery Supplies in Kirkby. Well I'd never heard of them, but it turns out they are only a mile or so away from where I live, so off I toddled to them.
Small, but well-stocked and a very helpful young chap behind the counter, who happily sold me three lengths of torus architrave to the lengths I require. Unfortunately it is not exactly the same profile as the existing, so I can't just cut another length for the top of the man door but it will do just fine for the double doors. The other very satisfying thing is that they sell hardwoods. They don't have huge stocks, but they has some oak, ash and beech in, as well as some very nice looking Douglas Fir. And they sell the PVA glue that I like as well. Recently I've either been buying it from Axi, or getting my mate Jim to pick up a bottle from Turners Retreat, which is close to where he lives. But it is expensive. These guys sell it and the price is very good too. So I would call that a result.
So, with some architrave work to sort out, I started on my Cunning Plan. First I stuck two pencils up my nose and marked out around the light switch. Unfortunately the jigsaw makes a bit of a mess of the white primer, but it will need to be painted anyway.
Then I cut the top piece in half. Yes, really. This is from the if-you-can't-hide-it-make-a-feature-of-it school of thought. I cut a keystone shape from a bit of flooring with the intention of making a sort of art deco look. Then I made a stupid schoolboy mistake, I mitred the architrave the wrong way. Not what you want to do when you are already short of material, so the keystone has had to be made somewhat wider than the narrow elegant one I had intended. But I think it will look fine when painted up and I might even do the same on the double doors, even though I don't have to.
I trimmed out the lining of the double doors,
but I'd had enough, even though I had such a late start. So more architrave and skirting tomorrow, I guess.