There was a meeting of all the trades to finally put to rest the age-old question of the definitive answer to 2+2
The various groups met and discussed for many days, and as the meeting came to a close, the chairman asked each group to report back their conclusion:
- The lawyers went first - easy, 2+2 is legally 4
- Then the educators who also agreed that 2+2 = 4
- then the engineers - who came back precisely with an answer of 3.9999999998
- then the philosophers - who felt that it could vary according to your mood and perhaps it wasn't really important
and so on around the groups...
finally the chairman noticed that one group had not yet reported back - so he asked the accountants for their answer, the accountants' spokesman got up, put down his calculator and thought for a moment - well mr chairman, what would you like it to be?