Joke Thread 5

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I don't know if this is appropriate for the thread as it is true, but Uncle Fred told me this on my first visit in uniform after I joined the navy, guess he thought I was old enough to hear's prompted by seeing a YouTube on glass fluorescent H.V. sign making.

He finished his time working as a servant at Dartmouth Naval College after an interesting life, RN during the war, fishing, boatman etc. and claimed to have driven the first internal-engine driven fire engine in Dartmouth. Anyway, he told me that he earned a little beer money one summer, sitting on a beer crate opposite the cinema in Victoria Road, 'O' watching!

When I asked what that entailed he smiled, Auntie Bess went red and left the room as he explained "They were showing the 'Count of Monte Christo' and my job was to watch the electric sign over the doors and to rush in and tell the manager if one of the 'o's went out..."