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Epicentre, it’s always the Epicentre on the BBC, and of course it actually means the place on the surface above where an Earthquake has occurred, so quite specific, and not as they always use it to just mean the centre or middle of anything. Grrrr.
When I was working in professional life, rather than just doing what I want as I do now, it was imperative to use correct English, grammar, punctuation and be brief. As I got more senior and started running businesses it was apparent that new graduates had simply not been educated in the same way. They did not write well. The text generation pushed that envelope to extremes and now we communicate with these things :rolleyes:

It used to irritate me, but now I am relaxed about it and just observe the change in how humans communicate, oblivious to the way AI is encroaching on their time and creativity.

Good writers and storytellers still prevail. The systemic decline simply makes identifying the skilled ones easier.
I try, usually successfully, not to let any of it upset me. Why raise your blood pressure over anything so trivial?
When I had a job, a colleague and I calculated that on average we each proof-read/ assessed approx. 1.5 million words per year. That's apart from our own reading and writing. I think it's fair to say that I still obsess over language, tho it's a combination of pleasure and pain. But I'm coming round to the idea that so long as it communicates well enough, best let it go. Chill. Etc.
Errors of spelling or syntax don't bother me too much unless they quite obviously alter the meaning of what is written.

I get irritated at the mixing up of compliment and complement - that often does alter the meaning.
The answer to whether you can have it is not necessarily very helpful. But, the same applies for get. It should be may I get not can I get unless you are Yoda and want a can. (I'm guilty of saying can I get reasonably often in practice).
I have seen Judge Judy correcting people when they say 'gotten'. She points out the correct word is 'got', suggesting 'gotten' is also regarded as wrong over there, despite its popular usage.
According to numerous sources, she's out of step and fails to understand the nuances with which 'got' and 'gotten' are used.


Although both gotten, get verb transitive are accepted past participles for most senses of the verb get, gotten has become the prevailing form in the U.S. in all speech and writing, especially for the senses of receiving, becoming, or arriving; the gradual acceptance of gotten over the past 40 years or so has probably been facilitated by the desire to distinguish between possession, as in the informal I've got a car, and acquisition, as in I've gotten a car; these forms are not commonly used in most other English-speaking countries, where the standard form for possession is have (I have a car) and the standard past participle is get verb transitive (for instance, in Britain, I have got a car means I have acquired a car).

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.



North America:

"Gotten" is the preferred past participle of the verb "get" in the United States and Canada. It's often used to emphasize the process of receiving or gaining something, such as "I've gotten a lot of support from my friends". Possession: 'I've got a car'. Acquisition: 'I've gotten a car' means 'I've recently acquired one'.

The word "gotten" was once more common in English, including in the works of Shakespeare and political philosopher Hobbes. However, it fell out of fashion in England by the late 18th century. In the United States it was never completely lost, and experienced a revival in the late 19th century.
  • Outside of North America
    "Got" is the preferred past participle of "get" in English-speaking countries outside of the U.S. and Canada. In British English, "gotten" is rarely used, especially in formal writing.
'Gotten' has been researched within in inch of its life.

For those inclined, there's 27-page paper which highlights the seven categories of usage:

1. Acquisition
2. Change of state
3. Causation
4. Understanding
5. Possession
6. Obligation
7. Idiomatic
Ah dinnae think it pure matters in this day 'n' age, or ur wur aff tae mak' cream 'n' jeely scones compulsory
A word that clings on from the 1700s in Scotland, in criminal law, but not in England, is 'proven', or rather 'not proven'.

As a past participle, proven is the accepted form in Scotland and (according to Google!), the preferred form throughout North America.
Proved tends to be the word of choice in England.

In Criminal Courts in England and Wales, if someone is accused of a crime, there are only two verdicts: 'Guilty' and 'Not Guilty. To be found guilty, the case has to be proved to the criminal standard of 'Beyond reasonable doubt'. (Not, as is often incorrectly stated in crime dramas 'beyond all reasonable doubt'). If there is a doubt it has to be exercised in the defendant's favour. However, in Scottish criminal law, there is a third verdict of 'Not Proven', (which means the defendant is found to be innocent, just as a not guilty verdict, so is acquitted). 'Not proven' rather suggests that 'we think he did it, but we can't quite prove it'. That seems almost a level of proof in English civil law where the burden of proof is 'on the balance of probabilities, it's more likely than not that the case is proved.

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