An embarrassing moment..

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Established Member
30 Apr 2021
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New Zealand
We are home for a week now after two and a half months of aimless wandering around the country in the motorhome.
In the South Island we decided to overnight in a small rural town which I won't name to protect the innocent. This little town had just a general store, petrol station, a chemist, a Cafe I think, and a vet serving the local farming community. The vet and a very nice free parking area was why we chose to stay.
We travel with our dog, a very agreeable and placid spaniel cross and probably the best dog we've ever owned except for one little problem, and that is with her anal glands. For non-dog owners who may be reading this, anal glands are located either side of the dogs rectum and about a finger length up its dirt shute and are the reason dogs are forever sniffing each other's butt's. These glands continually secrete miniscule and undetectable amounts of fluid but with some dogs, of which mine is unfortunately one, the glands become impacted and apparently start smelling with an aroma that is pretty high up on the revolting scale. I say apparently because I don't have a sense of taste or smell but according to the Child Bride the smell is reminiscent of fish left in the hot sun for three days over high summer which I take to mean pretty bad.
This necessitates a trip to the vet where after a few minutes of digital manipulation up the dirt shute, the glands are relieved and I in turn am relieved of on average $90 a time.
This visit, I took some rubber gloves with me, told the vet of my background on ambulance and asked if he could teach me the procedure. How hard could it be? The vet was agreeable and like all things it's a bit more complicated that it first appears but under his guidance I became familiar with the anatomy found up a dogs bum hole and managed to clear the glands. Going to save a lot of money going forward. Luckily my dog is very easy going and suffered these indignities with good grace but I do have the feeling that when she walks past me now she does so with an odd sideways shuffle and keeping her hndquarters towards the wall, but that probably just my imagination.
Obviously a lubricant is involved in the procedure which I thought I could buy from him but he only had it in large tubs as you would expect from a large animal vet in a farming area. But he did write something on a piece of paper, folded it and told me to take it across the road to the chemist and 'she would see me right.' So I took the dog back to the motorhome and went to the pharmacy.
The chemist shop.. well I felt intimidated. It was staffed by two very tall, very broad very buxom and very dour looking ladies. I think they were sisters. I must have hesitated in the doorway because the one behind the counter left her place and came striding towards me, watched by her sister in the dispensary. It's funny how things can come to mind in such circumstances and I remembered a line written by a man in a similar situation describing such a woman's approach as 'like a Ship of the Line under full sail with all her cannons run out.'
She took the paper from me without a word, graced me with a lingering look of distaste and took the note to her sister where a conversation took place. I didn't think anything of this, assuming I was getting a product licensed under the NZ Restricted Animal Remedies Act.
I admit what followed was largely my own fault. My head was full of stuff the vet had told me - the glands are located at the 10 O clock 2 O clock position...palpate the tissue ...discharge the gland with upward pressure.. As well, I was in some distress from an old injury and leaning rather heavily on my cane. I was distracted and that's my excuse.
Eventually they came together to the counter, the assistant lady taking my money and the chemist lady giving the sort of look that shrivels up your insides and turns them to mush.
Chemist Lady : Is this product for your own use?
Me : Yes.
Chemist Lady : You will be wearing protection.
Me : Of course.
Chemist Lady : Apply the lubricant sparingly to the rubber, more at the point of insertion.
Me : Yes.
Chemist Lady : Pay particular attention to hygiene. The risk of cross infection remains.
Me : Getting a bit tetchy by now ....Look, all I want to do is have a poke around up my dogs bum now and then. It's not a big deal, is it?
With that the parcel was thrown down on the counter and off they went. I heard the word 'pervert' said, intentionally loudly.
Back at the truck I discovered upon unwrapping that the product the vet had me buy was something called 'Sylk' which the label described as a pleasant tasting lubricant for consenting adults engaging in intimacies of a sexual nature.
And I wonder if the vet was having a bit of a laugh at my expense but whatever, the Child Bride's opinion was that being in a small town where gossip spreads fast and everyone knows everything about everybody, perhaps we should move along, which we did.
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When I reachd that line, I immediate thought of this by Joyce Grenfell

When you need more cream..try asking for kyjelly ( or order it off t'interthingy ) ..has many uses, totally safe for what you need it for.
Similar to what is used in hospitals for echograph imagery, skin safe..also used as a lubricant for those ultrasonic shoulder massage things.

When you buy one of them there is a tube of similar in the box..made in UK I think, but if you can't get it in NZ..any pharmacy will have an equivalent.

It's other potential uses will be apparent.
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So many names; so many uses. As a diver it is known as (O'3) Jollop or 'Vet Slip' - in the UK comes in 1/2 or 1 Litre squeezy bottles. For the poor souls who have just been subject prostrate cancer and indignities of the drugs involved with the cure which causes your willie to shrink for which a vacuum pump is the resolution it's SOMATheraepy ED lube.
KY is now expensive but there is several makes available seeming made in various asian countries such as Adore, Kinect, Pasante - it's all water based lubricating jelly.
It does wash off easily and cleanly. When you buy such in the chemist or supermarket just ignore the sniggers.
When one of our 2 dogs scoots across the floor with her hind legs on either side of the fronts we know it is time to express her. The job goes to my wife since she is a nurse and has small fingers, something the under 3 kilo dog appreciates for sure. To me it is too much like a Prostrate exam so I'm happy to sit it out with the other dog which because of her big byproducts, self expresses. 😉

I got my wife to read your story Chris and she got a laugh too. Thanks for sharing your 💩 adventures.

The other natural stuff for skin and also for cooking is coconut oil, turns to a liquid at a warm room temp. Has many uses, even dissolves sticky label glue and road tar, yet is perfect for skin.
We are home for a week now after two and a half months of aimless wandering around the country in the motorhome.
In the South Island we decided to overnight in a small rural town ….,

Have you considered writing a book?
We are home for a week now after two and a half months of aimless wandering around the country in the motorhome.
In the South Island we decided to overnight in a small rural town which I won't name to protect the innocent. This little town had just a general store, petrol station, a chemist, a Cafe I think, and a vet serving the local farming community. The vet and a very nice free parking area was why we chose to stay.
We travel with our dog, a very agreeable and placid spaniel cross and probably the best dog we've ever owned except for one little problem, and that is with her anal glands. For non-dog owners who may be reading this, anal glands are located either side of the dogs rectum and about a finger length up its dirt shute and are the reason dogs are forever sniffing each other's butt's. These glands continually secrete miniscule and undetectable amounts of fluid but with some dogs, of which mine is unfortunately one, the glands become impacted and apparently start smelling with an aroma that is pretty high up on the revolting scale. I say apparently because I don't have a sense of taste or smell but according to the Child Bride the smell is reminiscent of fish left in the hot sun for three days over high summer which I take to mean pretty bad.
This necessitates a trip to the vet where after a few minutes of digital manipulation up the dirt shute, the glands are relieved and I in turn am relieved of on average $90 a time.
This visit, I took some rubber gloves with me, told the vet of my background on ambulance and asked if he could teach me the procedure. How hard could it be? The vet was agreeable and like all things it's a bit more complicated that it first appears but under his guidance I became familiar with the anatomy found up a dogs bum hole and managed to clear the glands. Going to save a lot of money going forward. Luckily my dog is very easy going and suffered these indignities with good grace but I do have the feeling that when she walks past me now she does so with an odd sideways shuffle and keeping her hndquarters towards the wall, but that probably just my imagination.
Obviously a lubricant is involved in the procedure which I thought I could buy from him but he only had it in large tubs as you would expect from a large animal vet in a farming area. But he did write something on a piece of paper, folded it and told me to take it across the road to the chemist and 'she would see me right.' So I took the dog back to the motorhome and went to the pharmacy.
The chemist shop.. well I felt intimidated. It was staffed by two very tall, very broad very buxom and very dour looking ladies. I think they were sisters. I must have hesitated in the doorway because the one behind the counter left her place and came striding towards me, watched by her sister in the dispensary. It's funny how things can come to mind in such circumstances and I remembered a line written by a man in a similar situation describing such a woman's approach as 'like a Ship of the Line under full sail with all her cannons run out.'
She took the paper from me without a word, graced me with a lingering look of distaste and took the note to her sister where a conversation took place. I didn't think anything of this, assuming I was getting a product licensed under the NZ Restricted Animal Remedies Act.
I admit what followed was largely my own fault. My head was full of stuff the vet had told me - the glands are located at the 10 O clock 2 O clock position...palpate the tissue ...discharge the gland with upward pressure.. As well, I was in some distress from an old injury and leaning rather heavily on my cane. I was distracted and that's my excuse.
Eventually they came together to the counter, the assistant lady taking my money and the chemist lady giving the sort of look that shrivels up your insides and turns them to mush.
Chemist Lady : Is this product for your own use?
Me : Yes.
Chemist Lady : You will be wearing protection.
Me : Of course.
Chemist Lady : Apply the lubricant sparingly to the rubber, more at the point of insertion.
Me : Yes.
Chemist Lady : Pay particular attention to hygiene. The risk of cross infection remains.
Me : Getting a bit tetchy by now ....Look, all I want to do is have a poke around up my dogs bum now and then. It's not a big deal, is it?
With that the parcel was thrown down on the counter and off they went. I heard the word 'pervert' said, intentionally loudly.
Back at the truck I discovered upon unwrapping that the product the vet had me buy was something called 'Sylk' which the label described as a pleasant tasting lubricant for consenting adults engaging in intimacies of a sexual nature.
And I wonder if the vet was having a bit of a laugh at my expense but whatever, the Child Bride's opinion was that being in a small town where gossip spreads fast and everyone knows everything about everybody, perhaps we should move along, which we did.
I'm surprised you need a prescription for that- the equivalent is KY Jelly, and can be bought in any supermarket in Australia readily... (no prescription needed lol...)
Knowing one or two antipodean vets, I’d guess yours might be down the pub now, recounting how he sent a bloke to get edible sex lube for his dog’s bottom…

Something plain like E45 skin cream would do. Anal glands are at 4 and 8 o’clock, unless your dog is upside down.

You could try adding some fibre supplement to her diet, or swapping to a plainer, more wholesome one. ‘Chappie’ is very good over here.

There is an op to remove them, but only for extreme cases, since it carries a risk of incontinence.
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