Exploding Pagers - Lebanon


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The question I would ask of all wars is:
Who is making money from it in the long term?
That’s is unfortunately the wrong question. One side is fighting a holly war a Jihad, there is no logic, or indeed rational when your motive is a belief founded on a hope to become a martyr and go to paradise. The other side is fighting for the right to exist, to avoid being exterminated, a genocide. Now the last genocide is still a memory for some, a thing that probably tainted and affected just about every Jew living in Israel, so the motivation and knowledge of what happens is very tangible and real. It has not been a question of making money.
Jacob, you are right. There you go. Does that make you happy :D Right about what? Does it matter? Whatever someone will suggest, you will take an opposing view. How long have we known each other ... 20 years? Neo-Luddite, indeed! :) Ordinarily I would suggest that you broaden your selective reading but you and I know that will not happen.

Regards from Perth

Jacob, you are right. There you go. Does that make you happy :D Right about what? Does it matter? Whatever someone will suggest, you will take an opposing view. How long have we known each other ... 20 years? Neo-Luddite, indeed! :) Ordinarily I would suggest that you broaden your selective reading but you and I know that will not happen.

Regards from Perth

20 years - seems longer!
What did you think of the Omer Bartov article Derek?

best wishes from darkest Derbyshire!
If we all just accepted that there is no god, then we would have no excuse for religious division. We would not need churches, mosques, prayers or religious leaders and would save a lot of angst. It would not stop humans worrying about what happens when we die, or falling out over territory though. We are doomed.

These justifications for war, with a religious component often, remind me of a Ricky Gervais line (though others have said similar before):
"Next time someone tells me they believe in God, I'll say 'Oh which one? Zeus? Hades? Jupiter? Mars? Odin? Thor? Krishna? Vishnu? Ra?...' If they say 'Just God. I only believe in the one God,' I'll point out that they are nearly as atheistic as me. I don't believe in 2,870 gods, and they don't believe in 2,869."
Israel vs Palestine is a conflict with no realistic end.
Israel has made many enemies as they have tried to expand, ignore international law and land grab, at some point someone will make Israel look like Pompeii and that will be the final resolution for all the middle east problems.
Israel has made many enemies as they have tried to expand, ignore international law and land grab, at some point someone will make Israel look like Pompeii and that will be the final resolution for all the middle east problems.
With respect Roy I think your comment demonstrates why this topic isn't one for a bunch of keyboard warriors on a woodworking website.

I'm sure you don't mean to say that resolution will only come from Israel being nuked but that's how it can easily be interpreted.
All sides need levelling up, just like in a boxing match where you don't have heavyweights fighting less weights so bringing Israel down to a level where they don't have the overwhelming superiority to kill civilians at will. This means stopping all military aid and giving them a good hard slap so they know what living in piles of rubble is like and then maybe they will get rid of nu nu and start talking long term peace.
Israel vs Palestine is a conflict with no realistic end. It's a war and so both sides do bad things and then defend it and blame the other. People seem to find it very polarising, hence there is no middle ground, thus internet debate is just as extreme as the actual conflict. We are in the UK and it's not our war. It is not our business as we are no longer a global power.
I agree - but there are two alternative futures:
  • accepting there is no realistic end likely consigning those involved to perpetual conflict
  • seeking peaceful resolution despite the low probability of success
Our actions both as a non-global power, and as individuals should be to support peaceful resolution - accepting, as you say, it is not our war.
All sides need levelling up, just like in a boxing match where you don't have heavyweights fighting less weights so bringing Israel down to a level where they don't have the overwhelming superiority to kill civilians at will. This means stopping all military aid and giving them a good hard slap so they know what living in piles of rubble is like and then maybe they will get rid of nu nu and start talking long term peace.

With respect Roy I think your comment demonstrates why this topic isn't one for a bunch of keyboard warriors on a woodworking website.

I'm sure you don't mean to say that the solution is to bomb Israel but that's how it can easily be interpreted

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