Woodworking Youtubers


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it's not just sellers, he will occasionally bash other people here too including myself, after showing my krenov style high angle plane, his response what 'it needs a handle' and that krenov was just an old fool e.t.c and wouldn't accept that I can get a better surface on figured woods than any standard bailey plane, then proceeded to write a 200,000 word novel about how to set up the cap iron and simultaniously blaming me for not setting up my regular planes properly, no apology for it and no respect at all for other peoples opinions, talks to you like you're an i-diot, even when you know what you're doing.

i'm not sure why you'd ever think I bashed you. me saying that Krenov's plane is clearly not designed for much more than following power tools isn't bashing people who like krenov's plane. It's lighting into the idea that one can just come up with a plane design, and then declare it better than centuries of makers, some finer than krenov by a good deal.

But krenov was an accomplished model maker, right? And an accomplished woodworker. It's not uncommon that people in the US think that he was more qualified to talk about plane design than he was, and that he worked "only by hand" (which he didn't). In the states here, there literally was near noone working entirely by hand - hand tooling was on the outs by 1900 and once 1935 or so came along, there was no economic interest in it. people in the US followed modernity - they didn't cling to tradition. So, Krenov was working almost completely in isolation. The internet brings us a lot more history at once, and the ability to just go read nicholson or holtzappfel as public domain.

If people think something with a negative opinion about something they like is bashing, i can't really help anything about that and I don't think it does anyone favors if people who know what they're talking about hold their opinions because they're afraid that someone else may take it as a direct comment when it's no such thing.
Way too many off any persuasion as just You Tubers way to busy with camera/yapping/moaning instead of providing you with any decent info/input for your time watching.
There are some that are good though that actually make you feel like included in the Video rather than an add on trailing along like a tiny puppy dragged along on it's lead treated like your an after thought while they play to YT's algorithm and try to bump their followers up.
Like watching guy that makes things out of Pallet wood etc Woodworking skills i think?
Tim welds is good.Tinmans saws and Buckin'Billy Ray Smith he's just a laugh but informative also but also pretty safe.
But just because someone isn't making things to your taste don't mean you can't learn things as ive watched things which have given me ideas for other things
Buckin'Billy Ray Smith he's just a laugh but informative also but also pretty safe.

legitimate faller who is in love with the art and can tell you down to the wood fiber exactly what he's doing and why.

We cut and split our own firewood as a kid, but other than cutting the notch and having a vague idea which way the tree was going, we'd never seen anything like he does, and the commercial tree guys around here are more likely to show up with a bucket truck, a skid steer and five guys to work for 5 hours taking down one tree BBR would size up for 10 minutes and then drop on a painted line.

I remember watching early on when he had about a 160 foot fir tree that was a snag. He eyeballed the tree and said it was about a 160 footer and set a camera just off the end of where he thought it would fall. it fell not a tenth of a degree from where he was aiming. Since it was a snag, the top shot straight off and hit the camera that he'd laid out like a spear shooting off of the end of the tree. It was amazing.

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