Non woodworker woodworking videos

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I see YouTube as an open resource available to all. Some, but not all, might get a return for their content be it for good educational material that becomes well known or the influencers who hit the jackpot and gather eye-watering numbers of followers. I suspect these two account for a minute proportion of the total content in YouTube.

But I believe a fair number of the rest are just charting their daily lives through video and posting the results to YouTube. Those that may be unskilled probably have no idea of professional approaches to a particular job but delight in the fact they achieved what they set out to do and want to share that delight.

Whether the viewer learns from such videos would indicate their level of understanding and, more importantly, how discerning the viewer is with regard to the intricacies and complexities of the tasks being undertaken.

I guess an analogy might be that before YouTube we would ask a neighbour how they made something that took your eye. The answer that you might get would be as variable as the content on YouTube.

I guess what I'm saying is that YouTube as a concept should never be sold as educational but if you're lucky, as I have been, you can learn a lot.
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I see YouTube as an open resource available to all. Some, but not all, might get a return for their content be it for good educational material that becomes well known or the influencers who hit the jackpot and gather eye-watering numbers of followers. I suspect these two account for a minute proportion of the total content in YouTube.

But I believe a fair number of the rest are just charting their daily lives through video and posting the results to YouTube. Those that may be unskilled probably have no idea of professional approaches to a particular job but delight in the fact they achieved what they set out to do and want to share that delight.

Whether the viewer learns from such videos would indicate their level of understanding and, more importantly, how discerning the viewer is with regard to the intricacies and complexities of the tasks being undertaken.

I guess an analogy might be that before YouTube we would ask a neighbour how they made something that took your eye. The answer that you might get would be as variable as the content on YouTube.

I guess what I'm saying is that YouTube as a concept should never be sold as educational but if you're lucky, as I have been, you can learn a lot.
I agree, it's often instructional in how not to do things, but there are some gems offering real education. I got into cnc through YouTube, and although it took a lot of video watching, I found a lot of help in getting started. I also fixed my van by watching YouTube, saved a big garage bill. Lots of woodwork channels are pretty low skilled, but I consider myself the same in a lot of areas and find some entertaining. Bad sponsored tool reviews do get my goat though..
I view YouTube (no pun intended) as an incredible resource of knowledge but there is a problem. People are the problem and the fact that there is no such thing as objective facts anymore.
Most things in life you go through a learning process or stages. First it's at a junior level, then maybe an apprentice, then eventually up to an expert level. YouTube puts everyone in the same bucket and a large portion of the viewers don't know enough to be able to tell who they're watching.
I see videos that I can't even finish watching but I always look at the comments. People are fawning all over the presenter, "oh, you're so clever". Frankly, it's disgusting, not to mention dangerous at times.

When did doing things the proper way, without drama, become boring? I prefer to see craftsmen/women who are skilled at their craft and not constantly falling over in one way or another just for clicks.
🙄 there's a lot of yelling at clouds in this thread. Youtube has 800'000'000 videos, created by 68'000'000 contributors, on a near infinite variety of subjects, with infinitely different perspectives and contexts. It's simply a mirror of society, just as the greater internet is. I prefer to find my crowd than to bemoan everybody else that are quite obviously "wrong".
🙄 there's a lot of yelling at clouds in this thread. Youtube has 800'000'000 videos, created by 68'000'000 contributors, on a near infinite variety of subjects, with infinitely different perspectives and contexts. It's simply a mirror of society, just as the greater internet is. I prefer to find my crowd than to bemoan everybody else that are quite obviously "wrong".
It's not yelling at clouds or bemoaning people you think are wrong, that's not the point at all.
It's people that are perpetuating bad, unsafe behavior and methods. This helps no one, to simply ignore it, is to add to the problem.
I would think that Youtube is just a channel to portray your skills, there is no point in being a proffesional youtuber if you have no skills to portray. Then you have these weird so called influencers, who are they trying to influence because you would need to be either a sheep or a lemming to take any notice.

Do you think Peter Millard would have such a following if he looked like this !

View attachment 184842
Sadly, I suspect I’d have a bigger following if I looked like that Roy! 😂