The referendum is a once in a lifetime (or at least generation) chance to vote. It is potentially life changing for ourselves and our children. We should not be distracted by what is really trivia - often the sort of stuff politicians and media focus on to the exclusion of what is actually important.
EU intrusion in day to day life is mostly trivial. Schools and health services can be fixed by the government
if they have the will and a bouyant economy to fund it -
you said it brother. I don't care about the shape of tomatoes or cucumbers - although regulations on vegetable size create waste.
( some crops are running at 40% waste because of EU legislation, costing the farmers tens of thousands in lost revenue )I am not worried about immigration. Their work is of value in the community and competition drives prices down and quality up.
(you mean the ones that are actually working, right?)
The big things are the economy, sovereignty and security.
I have no doubt that the economy will suffer materially if we leave. Despite glib assertions, we will not quickly sign new trade deals etc. At best we will have a rough ride for 5 years+ as inward investment falls and new deals (hopefully) set up. Thereafter its just guesswork.
Our economy, while not buoyant as you have clearly stated is still far healthier than many other EU countries, so what part of an EU based companies ethos to benefit from this and make profitable sales within the UK do you think will suddenly stop because we are no longer members of the EU? Money is the great overrider and companies will ALWAYS find a way to supply to a willing market - oh and pay attention again to the bit about how our farmers / fisheries are seriously suffering because of unnecessary / almost criminally biased EU legislation
Sovereignty is emotive - but ask yourself whether (a) you really have greater trust in a Westminster elite and (b) how is your life materially adversely impacted by being 1 of 28.
Most people don't know just how adversely - you included it seems, but here's a thing, when you went to school how many were there in class and if you have children how many are there in class now, and did you check that figure before sending your child to that school? Do you think it's more beneficial that there are more now than before, and do you think that the schools that boast having small class numbers and better education standards are all lying? Why do you think private schools exist at all? Maybe you think that a school classroom should have 100 children - all of whom have a voice, all of them with conflicting interests and all of them wanting to get the teachers attention.
And it's only 1 of 28 for now - there's already 5 in the wings; broke, corrupt and barely hanging onto what meagre posession they have, all of whom will have their hands out for money before the ink is even dry - try and call me a liar.
Security is partly a NATO function, but I see no real benefits in leaving and a lot of risks. Jaw-jaw and trade-trade is far better than war-war. Membership can only make the chance of a repeat performance of 1914 and 1939 much less likely.
You honestly think this is even a remote possibility between the current EU member states even if the whole of EU fell apart? you need to get a better grip on the realities of the 21st C mate - every single one of the current member states might not agree on much but on this they all agree - none of them are a threat to each other, and even if they ever were they all know that N Korea, china, india, pakistan, iran, iraq, possibly even russia (with all this ukraine nonsense) along with a whole bunch of non affiliated radical militant groups all have a far bigger potential to start WW3 than anything in Europe. The fact that you think WW3 may well originate from inside europe as a possibility shows just how little grasp you have of the facts. Oh and syria and possibly some african nations who may be on the brink of becoming a nuclear power.
In the 1970's the UK was the basket case of Europe. Even rose tinted spectacles don't make the memory any sweeter.
(Show evidence that it was SOLELY the EU membership that brought about the change of the 80's and not the extremely hardlined measures of the Thatcher years (bloody hell, never in my life did I ever think I'd say that along with other factors and I'll consider it) I am strongly in - although I accept that some may have seen serious personal consequences of membership. But be objective - this is far more important than simply an opportunity to vent frustration with the current government or
annoying EU trivia.
Boy oh boy....