Health Secretary:"People who are abusing NHS staff can be turned away, and should be turned away, if that is the way that they are treating our staff"

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I think you will be surprised, whites are the least racist. ......
Possibly the daftest thing you've ever said Deema! 🤣 🤣
Have you really not noticed that virtually all racism is by white people inflicted on black people? :unsure:
Are there cases in the NHS where black people have objected to or otherwise bullied white staff on the basis of race?
OK there might be a very isolated incident from somebody off his head but I doubt there is even a record of such an improbable event.
@selectortone first off, don’t make assumptions about my race. Second, the UK by every international measure is one of the least racist countries in the world. The Arabic states are some of the most. Equally having run company’s around the world including Africa I can absolutely state, Africa makes the UK look and feel like utopia. We tend not to commit genocide based on race, tribe or religion.

I’ve experienced being a minority in an extremely racist country including having a gun pulled on me because of my skin colour. So, I’ve walked the walk.
Possibly the daftest thing you've ever said Deema! 🤣 🤣
Have you really not noticed that virtually all racism is by white people inflicted on black people? :unsure:
Ah, wondered when you’d make a contribution. Have a look at
I love your insights, your remarks and lack of cultural understanding is both micro aggression as well as being pure racist against whites. Apart from that, your view as to whom is the racist race is simply wrong.
Ah, wondered when you’d make a contribution. Have a look at
I love your insights, your remarks and lack of cultural understanding is both micro aggression as well as being pure racist against whites. Apart from that, your view as to whom is the racist race is simply wrong.
We are talking about racism in UK NHS here but anyway most (all?) of the countries in your list involve white on black racism, or even brown on browner racism.
What if you’re drunk? On certain drugs, have a mental health condition, brain trauma, suffering from Alzheimer there are lots of reasons why someone may be offensive.
You could always use a tranquiliser gun to subdue them. Better still why worry about what a politician says, they are most deceitful and misleading and nothing changes so as Mr Brown says

but I've got better things to do
so lets try some woodworking or something we do have control over and be productive with our time rather than worry about the next blow from starmer as he will not be around for the whole term anyway and many of his cronies will start bitching with each other and things might get worse but at least we can have nice days . So seems like more reasons to be safer in our workshops because if the NHS becomes selective will they treat people with a finger in a bag of peas or access their views first !
Absolute twaddle. Your comments reveal your underlying pure racist perspective. with your racist views, you also wouldn’t qualify for NHS treatment. The white NHS staff would have legitimate reasons to refuse you treatment.
Are you bored, Deema?
Better still why worry about what a politician says,
My wife started out practicing medicine and worked her way up running hospitals. She was one of those who was called upon to turnaround failing hospitals receiving a CBE for her work and becoming a professor. From listening and supporting her through the hoops she was dragged by the various health secretaries of both main parties I can say with absolute conviction, when a health secretary says something you really should prick up your ears because behind the scenes the wheels will be turning and grinding down the system.
Are you bored, Deema?
I love how the left leaning members try to make it personal and attack or dismiss as pure ‘silliness’ any view or opinion or indeed fact as in this case that highlights the ridiculous path and views of the socialist left wing ideology. What the left needs to learn is how to debate and persuade based on facts. Now, I understand that a number of people will be conflicted by their desire to wrap the NHS is cotton wool and protect it, and the rights of all individuals to receive medical help based on need rather than political view.
I love how the left leaning members try to make it personal and attack or dismiss as pure ‘silliness’ any view or opinion or indeed fact as in this case that highlights the ridiculous path and views of the socialist left wing ideology. What the left needs to learn is how to debate and persuade based on facts. Now, I understand that a number of people will be conflicted by their desire to wrap the NHS is cotton wool and protect it, and the rights of all individuals to receive medical help based on need rather than political view.
No, I meant the whole thread - bizarre misrepresentation of a news report to set the ball rolling, then lots of strange accusations and dodgy reasoning to keep winding it up. I just wondered if you have too much time on your hands.

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Abusing people in a service role anywhere is pretty stupid and counterproductive. Restaurants spring to mind where customers abuse waiting staff.

A few weeks ago I had to take my wife to the GP, who promptly sent us straight to A&E with a GP note to prioritise. Never encountered this before, but it was very effective as she was sent straight to charge nurse triage and a young female doctor then saw her pronto 2 minutes later at most. At this point a woman started complaining very loudly about queue jumping, letting everyone know using shall we say fruity language that she is a Traveller and she was being discriminated against. Her evidently dimwit husband joined in proving conclusively that idiots attract.

An older female doctor emerged straight away and spoke to the travellers, very calmly. She said the doctors prioritise emergency care and if they did not behave themselves immediately they would be put at the bottom of the priority list (the woman had a cut hand I think) and any hint of further trouble would result in them being removed from A&E by security without further debate. I got the impression that the medical staff are used to dealing with abusive people and quite rightly refuse to tolerate it.
Ah, wondered when you’d make a contribution. Have a look at
I love your insights, your remarks and lack of cultural understanding is both micro aggression as well as being pure racist against whites. Apart from that, your view as to whom is the racist race is simply wrong.
My view as to whom is the most racist "race" in the UK is simply right and being demonstrated on a regular basis. As we speak in fact.
In so far as "white" is a race of course - we are all the same race in reality.
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Abusing people in a service role anywhere is pretty stupid and counterproductive. Restaurants spring to mind where customers abuse waiting staff.

A few weeks ago I had to take my wife to the GP, who promptly sent us straight to A&E with a GP note to prioritise. Never encountered this before, but it was very effective as she was sent straight to charge nurse triage and a young female doctor then saw her pronto 2 minutes later at most. At this point a woman started complaining very loudly about queue jumping, letting everyone know using shall we say fruity language that she is a Traveller and she was being discriminated against. Her evidently dimwit husband joined in proving conclusively that idiots attract.

An older female doctor emerged straight away and spoke to the travellers, very calmly. She said the doctors prioritise emergency care and if they did not behave themselves immediately they would be put at the bottom of the priority list (the woman had a cut hand I think) and any hint of further trouble would result in them being removed from A&E by security without further debate. I got the impression that the medical staff are used to dealing with abusive people and quite rightly refuse to tolerate it.
As far as I know, there have been notices up in hospitals and GP practices for some years now, stating that abusive behaviour towards staff will not be tolerated. While I thought this was a sad sign of the times, I failed to interpret this as the implementation of capital punishment for racists.
I have to say chaps, the left wing contingent when they know they have no ground to stand on to make a legitimate point revert to type. Cancel culture. 😂😂😂😂😂
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