How is your weather and have you experienced any summer yet ?

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A few hot days here in the Midlands - (anything over 25 degrees is too hot for me) but mainly erratic apart from a 10 day sunny spell- mostly felt like dry one day / wet the next / windy the next etc.
On the plus side, (and I have no idea what I should be expecting as I'm no gardener), since being made redundant and taking some time off I've been lovingly tending my tomatoes & I'm well pleased. I counted 67 total last night including the little dinky ones still growing - I'm going to feed the family a massive salad at some point yay ;)
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Your bulbs seem to be glowing; [growing] well!
A few hot days here in the Midlands - (anything over 25 degrees is too hot for me) but mainly erratic apart from a 10 day sunny spell- mostly felt like dry one day / wet the next / windy the next etc.
On the plus side, (and I have no idea what I should be expecting as I'm no gardener), since being made redundant and taking some time off I've been lovingly tending my tomatoes & I'm well pleased. I counted 67 total last night including the little dinky ones still growing - I'm going to feed the family a massive salad at some point yay ;)
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I bumped into two Beechgrove garden presenters at Southport show recently. They too have had a disastrous year with tomatoes in an unheated greenhouse.
the main problem is the inconsistent temperatures. If it drops below a certain level, I've forgotten what that is, lol, they shut down until the temperature rises. It then takes them 4 or 5 days to slowly start to grow. So in a growing season like we have experienced this year it has caused problems everywhere. Unless you have temperature control and heating.😉😉😉
It's a self preservation process for the plant.

on the plus side here in Scotland we have had 248% more rain than normal.
Round here it seems we get warm and wet or cold and dry, often to hot for me or most of the time it has been wet. Many fields that flood in winter are currently flooded in August as the ground is just saturated and rivers have been running full.
Mrs has managed to grow more tomatoes and cucumbers than we know what to do with, again. Quite few toms split this time though.
Round here it seems we get warm and wet or cold and dry, often to hot for me or most of the time it has been wet. Many fields that flood in winter are currently flooded in August as the ground is just saturated and rivers have been running full.
Fun times for you then, when winter comes along! Do you get flooded roads too?

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