This is clearly going to rumble on until June 23
It's been mostly friendly which is a good thing!
The EU clearly has a lot of work to do to and there are aspects of it's activity that are impossible to justify (e.g. decamping en mass to Strasbourg is inexcusable). Of course getting 28 countries to work together is difficult and not all are going to agree. I bet you couldn't get 28 individual woodworkers to agree on sharpening so what's been achieved up to now isn't all bad surely?
Have to say I've learned quite a lot by having to go and read (and try and understand!) an awful lot of stuff.
Let me give you two options:
Option A:
Leave vote wins. 24 June the £ will drop considerably as the financial markets hate uncertainty. The price of exports will drop and the price of imports will rise. The effects on all of us will be fairly immediate through a slow but inexorable rise in prices.
Prime Minster to be Johnson's face will be everywhere as he crows about how right he was. My television will be destroyed as a couple of bricks are launched at his buffoon like features.
The French will give a Gaelic shrug and walk away from 'the jungle' and the English will have to deal with a very difficult immigration situation.
Option B:
Remain vote wins. 24 June the £ will rise slightly as the markets will feel there is a degree of certainty. This means that the price of oil will drop as it's priced in $. We however will petrol prices rise as the greedy effing chancellor gets his sticky mits on more duty.
That **** Cameron's face will be everywhere as he crows on and on and on and on and on about how wonderful he is in leading us towards the promised land. My television will be destroyed as multiple bricks are launched at his grinning gob.
Win or loose I'm going to need a new television and be worse off financially. I'm still voting to remain though!