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The problem is, modern liberals (the left) have been effectively overtaken by malevolent types. Liberals are prone to being manipulated because they are more empathetic. This allows narcissists to come in and easily control them.
Unfortunately social media has been a huge opening for these types and they now control the narrative of the left.
That is why many if the current ‘lefts’ positions, make almost no sense.
You want to protect the working class but are pro mass immigration.
You want to protect women's rights but yet act in a way that only puts them in danger.
You believe in democracy yet want to overturn a referendum and take us into an increasingly undemocratic foreign union.
You hate the idea of Empire yet worship the EU.
You hate racism yet call north west europeans with red skin a certain cut of pork.
You hate bigotry yet also call for anyone who doesn’t agree with you, to be hounded out if their job, their life and society.

This is not the left. This is the signs of narcissistic manipulation done to the ‘left’ by intelligent manipulative types.

As Jordan Peterson so accurately put it, “they want to burn it all down and then dance in the flames”.
Narcissists are only happy when you’re in as much pain as they are. They want everyone to suffer as they do and they are going to do that, by destroying everything you hold dear. Your country, your culture (which they claim doesn’t even exist), your family and your right to speak out.
I agree, it’s awful the way lefty Labour want mass migration, in the last 2 years they’ve allowed a million people to come here.
they claim asylum when they get here because this administration has made it virtually impossible to apply for asylum without landing here.
That is no different to countries like Australia where you can apply and need to meet the criteria to be given asylum otherwise you are rejected, you could then just turn up but will still be rejected and deported.

because they have no alternative
Everyone has alternatives and makes the decision, they have decided that rather than remain in there own country they will take a gamble to get to the UK where they believe that life is so much better, perhaps if they were told the truth about the cost of living in the UK and the current crisis then they would not bother.
I agree, it’s awful the way lefty Labour want mass migration, in the last 2 years they’ve allowed a million people to come here.
You’re not really addressing my point. Rather trying to spin it in a way that doesn’t make sense.
The left wing approach is to limit people’s success, to define what is sufficient, and when that level is reached to take it from them and give to those who either can't or won’t strive for success
The last 14 years has seen a huge transfer of wealth from working people into the assets of the wealthy.

Home ownership rates have plummeted.

If you can’t buy a house, that severely limits peoples success.

I blame the left wing govt we’ve had in power for the last 14 years….oh hang on a moment
The last 14 years has seen a huge transfer of wealth from working people into the assets of the wealthy.

Home ownership rates have plummeted.

If you can’t buy a house, that severely limits peoples success.

I blame the left wing govt we’ve had in power for the last 14 years….oh hang on a moment
Couldn’t agree more on two of your three points. Home ownership is the bedrock of right wing politics. The socialist agenda ie the very definition of socialism is that nobody should own property, it should all be owned by the state.

We have all become far wealthier than 14 years ago, it’s just some have increased their wealth at a much higher rate.
Everyone has alternatives and makes the decision, they have decided that rather than remain in there own country they will take a gamble to get to the UK
I don’t think these people are sitting comfortably in their homes, looking through travel brochures.

Evidence shows most small boat arrivals are from: Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq.

They aren’t leaving because they think they might earn a bit more in U.K., they are leaving to stay alive.
The last 14 years has seen a huge transfer of wealth from working people into the assets of the wealthy.

Home ownership rates have plummeted.

If you can’t buy a house, that severely limits peoples success.

I blame the left wing govt we’ve had in power for the last 14 years….oh hang on a moment
This position doesn’t make any sense.
If you cared to listen to the conservatives you would hear them making an identical claim.
The Tories are not conservative, they are aligned with the city, the institutions and corporations.
Neither are serving the public but rather themselves. It is not about right or left. Both of which traditionally believe in the nation state, borders and low immigration.
This is a new political dynamic that is being propped up by the ‘new left’. A bunch if narcissists who are effectively sucking all the air out of the room and jamming any signal that might get through. The problem Is your average lefty, is being so successfully manipulated by these types, that they cannot mount a coherent argument. Instead they just trott out the orthodoxy of ‘the conservatives are destroying everything’, when in fact, it’s the very opposite.
The Toeirs are collapsing. They don’t have any conservative voters.
Not trying very hard! :ROFLMAO:
I see you know the price of tattoos - were you hoping to have one yourself and feeling a little jealous?

Foodbank users tend to be mothers with children and the old, but not exclusively.
Did you really see these other people? I simply don't believe your account.
Or was there a Reform UK membership meeting going on in the same building! :ROFLMAO:
n.b. There are some very tedious and unpleasant people in every walk of life. Being poor doesn't turn people into saints, though it does give many food for thought and probably produces one or two occasionally!
You may be interested in some facts (tedious I know) produced by the Trussell Trust and DWP on food bank referrals: DWP Trussell

A few points emerging from a quick scan:
  • 3% of used a food parcel in the last year - public perceptions are that it is endemic
  • only 3% of parcels are for pensioners despite forming 19% of the population
  • 78% of food bank users are on benefits and not earning
  • only 4% of food bank users are earning and not on benefits - despite the media giving the impression that there are queues of nurses, teachers etc in desperate need
  • there were 35 food banks in 2010 - in 2024 there are 2500+.
  • There is no obvious link between changes in poverty and growth of food banks - pensioner poverty (possibly due to triple lock) has declined with other groups fairly stable.
I note the above not to suggest all is well or that complacency is acceptable. More that there needs to be an intelligent debate about how to improve, not righteous ranting which inflames the arguments rather than providing sensible balanced solutions.


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They aren’t leaving because they think they might earn a bit more in U.K., they are leaving to stay alive.

Is this a case of they are fleeing from the women in Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Eritrea, Iran, and Iraq that they have left behind or are these women actually that dangerous that they have fled !
We have all become far wealthier than 14 years ago, it’s just some have increased their wealth at a much higher rate.
I would would to politely challenge you on the specific point:

“We have all become far wealthier than 14 years ago”

The evidence does not support that, as far as I can tell, currently there are:

4.8million people suffering food insecurity
6.0m people suffering fuel insecurity
Pensioner poverty up
Child poverty up
Malnutrition up
Home ownership is down
Since 2019 tax policies have put in place tax rises of £80 billion
Taxes are highest since WW2
Childcare is up
Poverty is now increasingly affecting middle classes, people in professional jobs

Wages have stagnated since 2010

I would appreciate if you could provide more detail on your claim we are all much wealthier.
Is this a case of they are fleeing from the women in Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Eritrea, Iran, and Iraq that they have left behind or are these women actually that dangerous that they have fled !
This is a common trope.

Please have a think why children, women and the elderly are less likely to take arduous, dangerous journeys.
In my view. modern liberals (the left) have been effectively overtaken by malevolent types. Liberals are prone to being manipulated because they are more empathetic. This allows narcissists to come in and easily control them.
Unlike the right wing in the USA?
Couldn’t agree more on two of your three points. Home ownership is the bedrock of right wing politics. The socialist agenda ie the very definition of socialism is that nobody should own property, it should all be owned by the state.
No it isn't. There's no "should" about it. Socialism is a very loose undefined term and tends generally to mean that the welfare of all is the responsibility of all. More practical than ideological - as compared to the rigid ideology of the neo liberals for instance.
We have all become far wealthier than 14 years ago, it’s just some have increased their wealth at a much higher rate.
Not necessarily wealthier for many who, as a result of de-regulated right wing politics, now can't afford to buy or rent the types of homes their parents had .
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Please have a think why children, women and the elderly are less likely to take arduous, dangerous journeys.
So you are saying that if you were put in such a situation that you would put yourself first and flee the country leaving your wife and children behind ! Would you not decide to find a route out that would be shorter that you could take your family with you and not leave them behind ?
As an example, the grade requirement to get into our two most elite universities is dependant in your background sex and ethnicity. If this continues we will create even more prejudice and inequality.
Your piece is riddled with untruths and inaccuracies. This is just one example. I assume you are referring to Oxford & Cambridge. I went to Cambridge and I am still closely associated via an honorary role with my College and the University. What you say is nonsense. Admission is based exclusively on merit in the form of exam results and school record and a rigorous interview process. If the rest of your assertions are as fictitious as this your posts have little credibility.
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So you are saying that if you were put in such a situation that you would put yourself first and flee the country leaving your wife and children behind ! Would you not decide to find a route out that would be shorter that you could take your family with you and not leave them behind ?
Whole families attempt to move - haven't you seen those pics of drowned children in the Med? Men tend to move in order to send money back home and hopefully to bring their families too, eventually
We have an election coming up but are we really looking no further than our noses, yes it will have an impact on us but in the grand scheme of things what about the goings on in America which could have far greater impact on us long term. It is probably as certain that Trump will win like Starmer here and then what about " our special relationship" as Trump has said that Europe needs to stand on it's own feet and not be so reliant on the USA. Now Starmer could be given the cold shoulder by the US and no hope of any trade deals which is not good and then maybe we should snub him and turn to China.
Whole families attempt to move - haven't you seen those pics of drowned children in the Med? Men tend to move in order to send money back home and hopefully to bring their families too, eventually
This is all rather odd and a classic example of jamming the signal.

Please tell us roughly how many people wishing to move here and what type (skills, beliefs), we should take?
Perhaps starting at the end, will be more sensible.