Smart meter con ?

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There’s really no need to get snarky and dismissive.

You may have discounted it as a line of reasoning. In my opinion there’s such a small chance of that happening it’s not worth worrying about.
But there is the risk - one that I and others prefer not to take. I accept that you have a different PoV as to the risk
As far as I’m aware you need a smart meter to get a decent EV tariff etc?
Not always.

I don't think anyone has mentioned emfs and possible negative consequences.

I know a lot of people are unaware/unconcerned, including my own daughter who keeps herself, her husband and two very young daughters in a 24 hour sea of 2.4 ghz and 5 ghz wifi as well as a mobile phone booster.
Fine - you hang on as long as you can then.

Your stated position does seem to be a bit at odds with your thoughts in this thread:

As far as I’m aware you need a smart meter to get a decent EV tariff etc?
This thread was started because I wanted clarification on whether or not a proposed meter replacement was an excuse to force a Smart meter on me or others in a similar situation. Rather than getting a simple Yes or No I got lectured.

The other thread is simply another fork in the road to be considered.
This thread was started because I wanted clarification on whether or not a proposed meter replacement was an excuse to force a Smart meter on me or others in a similar situation. Rather than getting a simple Yes or No I got lectured.

The other thread is simply another fork in the road to be considered.
Actually, you asked a question, which no one without psychic abilities could answer.

And once you pull the trigger, you can't bring the bullet back.
Great, which supplier and how does it work?
Power ni is the one I've seen, They may be the only one, I have no idea.

There are two digital readouts on the meter. One for units used and one for units sold.

A guy comes every three months or so to take a reading of the used units, and once a year for the sold ones, usually just after it's been submitted online.

But as he says if I let him read it as well, it's one less person on the dole queue.
I do not think people have irrational fears over smart meters but genuine concerns that they are still in there infancy and we do still hear of many issues. With the older meters they are an established technology where they cannot be altered remotely, there is no communication so no external control.

The electricity companies want you to have a smart meter so that they can have real time info on peoples energy consumption and essentially a running tab on their income, at the same time they can give better tarrifs for off peak periods and so maybe when these meters reach maturity they might benefit everyone. The info might also help the DNO's with distribution loading so improving system efficiency.
Every step in technology takes time to become the norm. There are benefits to knowing what your energy is costing from day to day, week to week and so on. I suppose I'm a glass half full and, by keeping a watchful eye on my daily usage, I can see how well I'm doing with no surprises.
I suppose it's a fear of the unknown for some.
Smart. Meter’s. Can. Disconnect. You.

How many more times do we have to say this?
'If you don't come to an agreement with your supplier to pay off your debt, they can apply to a court for a warrant to enter your home to disconnect your supply. Your supplier must send a notice telling you they're applying to the court. ' - Citizens Advive

Thems the rules. Now, the energy suppliers can switch off supply whether it's a smart, or ordinary meter, so your comment is without any merit.
Power ni is the one I've seen, They may be the only one, I have no idea.

There are two digital readouts on the meter. One for units used and one for units sold.

A guy comes every three months or so to take a reading of the used units, and once a year for the sold ones, usually just after it's been submitted online.

But as he says if I let him read it as well, it's one less person on the dole queue.
Thanks but I think you may be talking about selling your solar generated electricity back to the grid rather than Electric Vehicle Tariffs?
From my own investigations many years ago (YT) is was demonstrated that with an array of solar panels and a grid tied inverter when the sun shines the old disc type meter would go backwards so effectively reducing your bill unless you used more than you gained during the evenings.
I truly believe this is what prompted the development of digital and so called smart meters as they also allow the energy to pass through to the grid but not allow the meter to wind back so effectively stopping the customer from gaining any benefit but allowing the energy companies to sell the freely gained energy to other customers. Yes some have a feed in tariff but it such an insultingly small amount that it's just not worth the bother.

Energy companies are there to make money, neither the environment or the customer mean anything as it's all about profit.

So if you have a similar arrangement and you're forced to have a replacement meter you will need to find a way to store your solar energy and not give it freely to the grid to be sold for profit.

I thought it was worth a mention.

Just for the record the old style disc meters were fitted with reverse running stops years ago. Any disc meter still in service without one must by now be at least thirty years past its certification date. We were coming to the end of finding them when I was working for SWEB in the mid 1980s. The reason for fitting the reverse running stops was to prevent thieves using devices to run the meter backwards, solar panels were virtually unheard of at that time.
Just for the record the old style disc meters were fitted with reverse running stops years ago. Any disc meter still in service without one must by now be at least thirty years past its certification date. We were coming to the end of finding them when I was working for SWEB in the mid 1980s. The reason for fitting the reverse running stops was to prevent thieves using devices to run the meter backwards, solar panels were virtually unheard of at that time.
My friend has a reverse running one, her house was built six or seven years ago.