In a former career I was 'Device' (mobile 'phone handsets) manager for my then employer - a not so well known UK cellular phone operator. In my section of the company we commissioned an independent body to do ICNIRP research* on handsets. In the late 2000's we had a number of cell sites questioned due to their placement (along with the big 4 operators). I, along with with engineers from those operators gave presentations on why we chose those locations for the Cell base station sites - the 'Masts'. Most of the objections we had to counter were from concerned parents when the selected site was either a school or close by.
At the time I had access to the handsets 'engineering & faulting' tools so could demonstrate how the handsets transmit power varied with the received signal levels. Also as part of the presentations I/we explained basic antenna performance so when close to a site the majority of the transmitted signal is directed above the user (see
so actually having the cell site at or very close by the school was a benefit and not just for the service performance. That really went over many of the more argumentative objectors heads

A few memories from those meetings;
The number of people who didn't know, and on 2 occasions disputed, that a mobile 'phone and for that matter cordless 'phones are transmitters as well as receivers;
The number of kids who had expensive 'Smart' phones (read, very much that years model);
The most intelligent questioning was from the pupils and staff at a 'public' school.
*this link is a current document on ICNIRP not related to the one my employer commissioned in 2001.