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11 Nov 2007
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Anyone else read the news on Sky?
I have been reading some of the private comments re the Fox attack on the two babies. Some refuse to believe it was a Fox, others say it's a conspiracy to start hunting, and quite a few blame the parents for having doors and windows open during hot weather! :oops:

we've been talking about that on wab, and personally i'd say bit was irresponsible to have a door open while they were in another room (particularly in hackney)

never mind foxes - that is a recipe for burgulary and or child abduction.

Also theres a lot about the story that doesnt add up, so i'm in the school of thought that it was a dog not a fox
StevieB":349kux2w said:
Wasn't SkyNet the computer system that started the nuclear Holocaust in Terminator?


yes - mauybe rupert murdoch has been sent back in time by the machines to destroy the free press :lol:
That presupposes Moose that people are incapable of distinguishing twixt dog and Fox, and if I could not leave my door open for the reasons you mention I would move!

mailee":t5aq5yst said:
YES IT WAS! Were all doomed Aghhhh! :shock:

Not as long as Billy Moffet (aka Studders) is about to protect we're not.

Anyway the latest news is that dirty nappies caused the fox to enter the property.


Mike.C":1zbi68gt said:
mailee":1zbi68gt said:
YES IT WAS! Were all doomed Aghhhh! :shock:

Not as long as Billy Moffet (aka Studders) is about to protect we're not.


Yeah, I'm ready and primed, like a finely coiled spring, for the call to action......

Just gonna have a cup of tea and a bit of a nap first though, so keep the noise down please. ... ed_Nappies

As far as I can ascertain Mike this story has gone from supposed soiled nappies to stating that as fact.
I have been reading the opinions posted by people on the follow up and many agree with Moose, also posted is, 'not a Fox, they wouldn't do that', 'it was a cat', 'the children's cots must have been in the garden,' 'it's a conspiracy to restart hunting!'

studders":2tyebm0v said:
Mike.C":2tyebm0v said:
mailee":2tyebm0v said:
YES IT WAS! Were all doomed Aghhhh! :shock:

Not as long as Billy Moffet (aka Studders) is about to protect we're not.


Yeah, I'm ready and primed, like a finely coiled spring, for the call to action......

Just gonna have a cup of tea and a bit of a nap first though, so keep the noise down please.

That's my man, sent back from the future to save mankind. Oi Steve don't forget to bring the tweezers for when I get a splinter, and don't tell anyone because they think I am well hard

Digit wrote:

[/quote]Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:30 pm Post subject:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... ed_Nappies

As far as I can ascertain Mike this story has gone from supposed soiled nappies to stating that as fact.
I have been reading the opinions posted by people on the follow up and many agree with Moose, also posted is, 'not a Fox, they wouldn't do that', 'it was a cat', 'the children's cots must have been in the garden,' 'it's a conspiracy to restart hunting!'

Hi Roy,

I am sure you are right, you don't know what to believe today :roll:

Bugger I messed the quote thingymebob up and I cannot be bothered to change it :roll:


Well, having seen the young female terminator in the Sarah Connor Chronicles, all I can say is bring it on!
During the week I stay just up the road from where this attack happened and on sunday night I saw 2 foxes within 5 minutes whilst walking from the station. One of them walked within 3 feet of me and just stared at me. It wasnt bothered at all by human presence.

I was brought up on a farm where foxes would happily kill a load of livestock (chickens & pheasants) just to take 1. Electric fences, various smelly repellant chemicals and large guns wouldnt stop them.

I can understand people wanting to have fresh air in the house at this time of the year (its like living in the tropics for me during the week) but urban foxes are getting so bold and abundant that these people learned that hard way to keep the doors shut.

To be perfectly blunt Jon I refuse to be a prisoner in my own home!

Digit":otdfkbaz said:
To be perfectly blunt Jon I refuse to be a prisoner in my own home!

I wouldnt move to Hackney then :shock:

Around here I would leave doors open unless I was close by. Back in yorkshire the backdoor is open all day. I was brought up in the country and we didnt have a key for the front door so couldnt lock it even if we had wanted to! Living in the city has been a bit of an eye opener for me. Just glad I get to escape back to the country at the weekend.

We don't even have keys! And yet some people insist that if you don't live in London you're not living!

Digit":buoq3xas said:
And yet some people insist that if you don't live in London you're not living!

Never understood that one :?

My career has brought me to london for the short term but it has had the benefit of reminding me how much I like living in the sticks.
Digit":ggnvhvgp said:
We don't even have keys! And yet some people insist that if you don't live in London you're not living!


Well it could not have been born and bred Londoners who insisted that. Londoners are found the world over (I met a bloke in LA that I had not seen since we were at school) and although we are fiercely proud of where we were born, we live and let live, and never force our ways on anyone else.
Think about it, if we thought that if you do not live in London your not living, why are we found everywhere else :wink:


I met one who sticks in my mind who delivered a machine to me in what is now Milton Keynes.
Based on his beer gut I would think that his only exercise was running to the pub, and I recall him saying to me, 'what do you do with yourself!?'
He went on to explain that in 'the smoke' they had art galleries, opera, ballet, museums, but I was left with the distinct impression that he wouldn't know a Tu-tu from a Ta-ta!
I also recall Johnson's comments about London!
