That's some gorgeous workI'm a member of the Tetbury Men's Shed and we have just moved our portacabin from a scruffy industrial estate down the road to The Tetbury Goods Shed. It's the old goods shed from the now defunct railway station. We are alongside the old signal box and there's a finial at each end of the roof. The finial nearest our Shed was at a silly angle and obviously broken just above the roof level. It was taken down and I was talking to the blokes doing the job and said that I could repair it.
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Well, I decided to do it at home rather than on the Shed's lathe, more time and quieter. I chopped the bottom of, the broken bit, and turned a new bit for it. They wanted to keep of much as possible as it was the original from eons ago. That was fine, but when it came to getting layers (! of paint off I found the wood was well rotten! So I finished up doing the complete top section.
I had a nice oak off-cut from a newal post andcut the pointy bit on my bandsaw. The pointy bit is octagonal not round! That made it more interesting
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The rest was prettty straight forward turning and I enjoyed doing it. I was quite chuffed with the result.
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Side by side
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In situ and painted the colour for Great Western Railways. Funny really, when I was in the R.A.F. the aircraft desert camouflage was almost the same colours and it was commonly known as poo and biscuit, or something like that? Merde et biscuit for Sam
It's the shiny top bit.
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Spent a couple of hours sanding the play pieces for my balance game today, got all but the large willow discs done up to 240g, I'll do them tomorrow, will probably then do everything at 320g before deciding on a finish, not sure what I'll use yet as I've run out of Danish oil but I do have several others to chose from, they're too small to mess around with wax, I've already sanded the tip of my thumb away

The pieces are (extremely) spalted Ash, Mahogany, Cherry and the large discs are Willow.