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...but politically clumsy and inept, as is almost everything he does or says.
He's weird on TV - he dodges questions and talks over the interviewer, and it's the only time he smiles (or smirks). Can't help thinking of football the way he dodges and weaves, smirking in a self congratulatory way
To be fair he's trying to copy what Blair did but doesn't have the skills to pull it off!
She sounds quite a lass! Good luck to her, she obviously cares for her children.
In terms of antisocial behaviour, how do you think she compares to say Mohamed al Fayed? Why are the unwoke so bothered about her but not much about him and others like him?
No mention of the father of the brood either - she seems to be looking after them qute well, which is highly commendable, but is the dad helping too?
How do you go from complete disbelief in her existence to praising the woman? Does this say that you really respect the parasites in our society? Is this what being a socialist is, that you praise and celebrate those that are able to get everything for nothing and without contributing?
And the speciosity of your following arguments is breathtaking. Al Fayed was obviously a monster, and I don't doubt that both woke and unwoke think so, but what on Earth has that to do with this?
It's probably too much to hope that when the kids grow up, at least a few of her brood will become taxpayers rather than use her as a 'role model'.
Questions as much as an observations.

Does she get all these benefits because she has children. If so, this acts as a real incentive to reproduce as every child extends by 16 or 18 years her "right" to benefit payments, and I assume more children = more benefits.

Is it the case that when the youngest reaches 16 or 18 most of her benefits will cease. If her youngest and last is 3 years old and she is 42 it seems likely that she will reach this stage age 55-57.

At that time will she not only lose benefits but be required to move into a much smaller house more suited to her more limited requirements.

She will possibly have very limited work experience, be capable of only the most mundane of low paid jobs, and a limited pension on retirement 10 years later.

I have no sympathy for her anticipated predicament.
How do you go from complete disbelief in her existence to praising the woman?
I said that if the story was true she is likely to be the only one in her position
Does this say that you really respect the parasites in our society?
Sounds like a survivor to me.
Is this what being a socialist is, that you praise and celebrate those that are able to get everything for nothing and without contributing?
She contributes childcare, probably full time and unpaid.
And the speciosity of your following arguments is breathtaking. Al Fayed was obviously a monster, and I don't doubt that both woke and unwoke think so, but what on Earth has that to do with this?
The point is - her story and others like it about so-called benefit "cheats" are utterly trivial, in every way, not even very interesting, compared to what goes on at the top of the heap.
I've never understood why ear piercing is considered totally normal, but anything else is frowned upon.
I mean, I understand that's it's simply convention, but it makes no sense.
It's the same with tattoos. They are considered normal now but people often take offence to the swastika tattooed on my forehead for some reason.
I said that if the story was true she is likely to be the only one in her position

Sounds like a survivor to me.

She contributes childcare, probably full time and unpaid.

The point is - her story and others like it about so-called benefit "cheats" are utterly trivial, in every way, not even very interesting, compared to what goes on at the top of the heap.
Oh come on! Are you saying that:
If you believe that you would believe anything.
Which paper would that be then?
Viz magazine? you saying that you only doubted the veracity of the story, but you accept the possibility of it being true? You were quite clearly trying to say that he was gullible for believing such an obvious falsehood.

You also seem to think that she is the only one in her position but refuse to listen or accept any evidence to the contrary. She is an example, not an aberration, there are many others like her but your extreme lefty views cannot grasp the fact that the benefits system is an enabler for these sorts of people.

She is a survivor all right, much in the same way as a lamprey will attach itself to a host and extract everything it needs to survive without contributing anything to the host.
I really think she has been paid handsomely for her efforts, by those of us who work or have worked.
It doesn't compare at all to the top of the heap. I don't really like the way the very rich are able to accumulate such wealth, but they generally pay taxes and pay for their own houses, childcare, food etc.
She sounds quite a lass! Good luck to her, she obviously cares for her children.
In terms of antisocial behaviour, how do you think she compares to say Mohamed al Fayed? Why are the unwoke so bothered about her but not much about him and others like him?
No mention of the father of the brood either - she seems to be looking after them qute well, which is highly commendable, but is the dad helping too?
Never mind she sounds quite a lass, she sounds like a sponger whose sole purpose in life is to sponge off other taxpayers.
Sorry but you just come across as someone completely out of touch with reality trying to justify the left wing nonsense.
She's a parasite pure and simple who could only exist in a flawed social system which allows her to behave that way.
It doesn't compare at all to the top of the heap. I don't really like the way the very rich are able to accumulate such wealth, but they generally pay taxes and pay for their own houses, childcare, food etc.
Billions of £ get stashed away and tax avoided, vastly in excess of the tiny bit which gets lost with "benefit fraud". In fact figures say that more is probably unclaimed rather than is fiddled.
What the establishment, oligarchy, financial world, the right, etc etc want you to believe that everything that is wrong with the world is the fault of "the lower orders".
It's always been like that.
The main stream media is owned and run by the same people, mega rich, tax dodging, non doms, and they happily join in and whip up a frenzy of dissatisfaction and positive hatred. Other "races" being top of their list, single mothers on benefits very popular, and so on.
You are a sucker for believing everything they say.
Even if everything you've read about this woman is true you are attacking the wrong targets.
You've probably also missed that in any case there is no suggestion that she is fiddling anything. She's just making the best of some cr ap decisions and probably other circumstances beyond her control.
Kids look happy and well cared for! Better off with her than in care, which would cost much much more.
Billions of £ get stashed away and tax avoided, vastly in excess of the tiny bit which gets lost with "benefit fraud". In fact figures say that more is probably unclaimed rather than is fiddled.
What the establishment, oligarchy, financial world, the right, etc etc want you to believe that everything that is wrong with the world is the fault of "the lower orders".
It's always been like that.
The main stream media is owned and run by the same people, mega rich, tax dodging, non doms, and they happily join in and whip up a frenzy of dissatisfaction and positive hatred. Other "races" being top of their list, single mothers on benefits very popular, and so on.
You are a sucker for believing everything they say.
Even if everything you've read about this woman is true you are attacking the wrong targets.
You've probably also missed that in any case there is no suggestion that she is fiddling anything. She's just making the best of some cr ap decisions and probably other circumstances beyond her control.
Kids look happy and well cared for! Better off with her than in care, which would cost much much more.
You really do believe your own crap don't you?
Billions may get avoided, but they quite often still pay billions in tax. Tax that wouldn't be paid if they didn't exist. There are some big companies that take the piss, but then, they are just playing by the rules, much like your local heroine with the 8 kids.
It's quite funny reading your tripe really as it's astonishing how much pure drivel you can produce.. You say I'm a sucker for believing everything they say but I would say that it's you who are the sucker for believing all the dogmatic, ideological rubbish that has been fed to you by the all the class warriors out there.
There was some advice earlier about putting you on ignore, I had you on ignore before but for some reason took it off. Time to put it back on.
It's the same with tattoos. They are considered normal now but people often take offence to the swastika tattooed on my forehead for some reason.
I have read that tattoos were once a mark of wealth and privilege, then became fashionable for sailors, now seems to be acceptable for just about anybody.
I'm not planning on getting inked anytime soon, but I think I've pretty much overcome the prejudice I acquired growing up.
Billions of £ get stashed away and tax avoided, vastly in excess of the tiny bit which gets lost with "benefit fraud". In fact figures say that more is probably unclaimed rather than is fiddled.
What the establishment, oligarchy, financial world, the right, etc etc want you to believe that everything that is wrong with the world is the fault of "the lower orders".
It's always been like that.
The main stream media is owned and run by the same people, mega rich, tax dodging, non doms, and they happily join in and whip up a frenzy of dissatisfaction and positive hatred. Other "races" being top of their list, single mothers on benefits very popular, and so on.
You are a sucker for believing everything they say.
Even if everything you've read about this woman is true you are attacking the wrong targets.
You've probably also missed that in any case there is no suggestion that she is fiddling anything. She's just making the best of some cr ap decisions and probably other circumstances beyond her control.
Kids look happy and well cared for! Better off with her than in care, which would cost much much more.
  • Latest HMRC estimate of non-compliance unchanged from previous year, at 4.8% of all tax owed
  • Absolute Tax Gap figure is £35.8bn – up from £30.8bn the previous year
The UK government is projected to spend on social security in Great Britain in 2024 to 2025
  • Working age and children: £138 billion, including Universal Credit and other non-DWP welfare spending
  • Housing benefits: £35.3 billion

Billions of £ get stashed away and tax avoided, vastly in excess of the tiny bit which gets lost with "benefit fraud". In fact figures say that more is probably unclaimed rather than is fiddled.
What the establishment, oligarchy, financial world, the right, etc etc want you to believe that everything that is wrong with the world is the fault of "the lower orders".
It's always been like that.
The main stream media is owned and run by the same people, mega rich, tax dodging, non doms, and they happily join in and whip up a frenzy of dissatisfaction and positive hatred. Other "races" being top of their list, single mothers on benefits very popular, and so on.
You are a sucker for believing everything they say.
Even if everything you've read about this woman is true you are attacking the wrong targets.
You've probably also missed that in any case there is no suggestion that she is fiddling anything. She's just making the best of some cr ap decisions and probably other circumstances beyond her control.
Kids look happy and well cared for! Better off with her than in care, which would cost much much more.
She's a parasite and a leech so stop trying to defend her. You and her type are all that is wrong with Britain's welfare system! You condone benefit spongers and yet attack successful people who pay their share of taxes. Where is the moral compass in all that?

As for you always attacking the rich.
May I remind you that the top 1% of earners pay getting on for 28% of the tax burden and the top 10% combined pay over 60% of the tax burden so how much more do you expect them to pay?
If you want to raise more in taxes then dip your hands into your own pocket and pay more in taxes instead of slagging off those who are successful and who already pay more than their fair share of taxation would be my answer.
If you want to raise more in taxes then dip your hands into your own pocket and pay more in taxes
I asked this once before. If Jacob thinks the government can spend his money better than he can, I assume he can show us a tax return showing he's paid much more that the HMRC have demanded. He didn't appear to have read the post for some reason.
Never mind she sounds quite a lass, she sounds like a sponger whose sole purpose in life is to sponge off other taxpayers.
Sorry but you just come across as someone completely out of touch with reality trying to justify the left wing nonsense.
The purpose of socialism isn't to hand cash to people who don't have enough. That's necessary only when things have gone very wrong - which seems to happen rather a lot in our economy. The purpose is to give all people the opportunity, education and framework within which to work in a productive, fulfilling way that contributes to society. I'd urge you again to do some reading about what socialism is.
The purpose of socialism isn't to hand cash to people who don't have enough. That's necessary only when things have gone very wrong - which seems to happen rather a lot in our economy. The purpose is to give all people the opportunity, education and framework within which to work in a productive, fulfilling way that contributes to society. I'd urge you again to do some reading about what socialism is.
There's plenty of opportunity and available education for the taking if people are willing to get off their backside and work for their living or goals instead of feeling entitled to everything being handed on a plate to them.
If I was stuck in a dead end low paying or boring job with no prospects I'd simply set about improving my education so that I could then apply for better paying more fulfilling jobs. Those jobs won't come to you if you haven't got the required education or training.
Education is for life and shouldn't just end when you leave school. Education should be ongoing.

Coming from an impoverished background in a North Eastern mining village in the 1960s as I did and like many of my peers never stopped me or them from achieving. It's all there for the taking if one is prepared to work hard.
I later dropped out in the 1980s and took a three year full time honours degree in Geology/Geophysics as a mature student after having completed the Open University Maths and Science foundation courses which got me into university.

I promised myself I'd get a degree and I did.

I attended a village RC school which gave a basic but sound education foundation. The maths education definitely had a business-leaning problem solving emphasis and 30 years later I happened to bump into someone whom I knew at my school and of the the class I was in, 85% of my classmates both male and female were ALL in business for themselves which is remarkable so aspirations start early on in education with the right teaching.
You don't need socialism, what you do need is to ferment aspirations early in life and instead of telling people they're victims, encourage them to go out and achieve their ambitions.
Life is what you make or don't make it.
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