No Fault Evictions

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Bored? That's a pity, why don't you go and do something creative then? It's not like you've got forever is it? ;)

Did you read any of the links I posted or are you one of the incurious who meander through life assuming that their emotions, convenience and whatever vague notions they picked up along the way are sufficient to build a world view on?

You don't have to agree with those author's conclusions, but an open-minded and curious person, that is a person actually seeking knowledge and understanding, can always gain from new information. "The opinions unexamined are not worth having". ;)

So in your mind the ability to express oneself clearly and having some knowledge of history etc. and opinions derived from demonstrable facts is the mark of a "zealot"? More and more we see who the actual zealots are in this world, and that's a polite name for them; most are found on the political left and the most murderous ones, though certainly not all.

One of the most interesting developments of recent years is how we begin to see more clearly than ever that the real divide in ideology, society and indeed personality, is not between the supposed left and right, but between those who understand that the rights and freedoms of the individual person versus the so-called "rights of society" is where the true separation begins and ends.

Our little debate is merely an amusement Jacob; I have long ago learned the fundamental facts of human psychology as revealed in the Asche, Milgram and other such experiments, if the experiment called human history were not proof enough. :giggle:

If you're not interested in substantive discussions, why bother at all?
I think Jacob much prefers an echo chamber, particularly where the echo is that of his own voice.
One only has to look at some of the threads he has started in the past. He is often the main participant, and can often go on for pages being the only one.
He has absolutely no interest whatsoever in researching any material that may express a view that differs from his own.
This is of course perfectly logical.
Jacob is always, absolutely invariably, right. Therefore any view that contradicts his own is necessarily wrong, and therefore not worthy of consideration.
It's quite simple really if you think about it.
Hope that helps.
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