No Fault Evictions

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If you believe that you would believe anything.
Which paper would that be then?
Viz magazine?
No, The Sun of course! Britains worst so-called news paper!
N.B. In case you don't get it: it does not mean that there are 9.4 million women with 8 children and enhanced breasts. She is almost certainly the only one, if true at all that is; much more likely to be a stupid Sun story enhancement.
Sun readers like that sort of nonsense - gives them something else to moan about - and mentions breasts! The Sun's main USPs, their speciality!
They always seem unhealthily preoccupied by single mothers on benefits, they get mentioned a lot. So this "enhanced" story really hits the mark!
Silly boys!
Are you suggesting my OH who is a social worker is lying to me? I'm sorry but you're living in socialist cuckoo land!
The lady I mentioned smokes two packs of cigarettes per day... calculating that out at the very cheapest brand of £12.61 per pack that is over £176.00 per week. @£14.39 average it's just over £200 pw.

I don't think you realise just how much these people get in benefits.
Part of my OH's job is to work with dysfunctional families who are on the brink of having their children taken into care which could easily cost £10,000 per week per child by the time all of the services are involved so the government by paying the enormous benefits is still saving vast amounts otherwise the coffers would be even more empty than the alleged £22 billion black hole.

Part of her remit is to help the people she works with to manage their budgets. They have SKY packages costing £80.00 per month. Mobile phone contracts costing £60 pm, couple those with smoking then you're talking about £500-1000.00 pm of taxpayer's money just wasted.
Another part of her remit is to negotiate with councils who are about to evict these families for failing to pay their rents and council tax bills which can amount to several thousand pounds in arrears. She also has to negotiate with creditors who are owed money by these people. This is your socialist reality!

When I hear government nonsense about smoking costing the health service billions, just look at the costs of cigarettes in the UK compared to the rest of Europe and you can see that it's a lie. Yes it might cost billions to treat smoking related conditions but the tax raised more than covers it. It's just an excuse to lay the blame on certain groups for the abject failure of the beloved NHS.

It's also little wonder why tobacco smugglers are suggested to account for half of the hand rolling tobacco sold in the UK. This is what happens when draconian taxes are introduced.

I'm sorry to burst your Utopian bubble but myself and others live in the real and not some imagined world which you seem to be totally unaware of.
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...but politically clumsy and inept, as is almost everything he does or says.
He's weird on TV - he dodges questions and talks over the interviewer, and it's the only time he smiles (or smirks). Can't help thinking of football the way he dodges and weaves, smirking in a self congratulatory way
It always occurred to me that what the Tories needed was a Sergeant Wilson type figure, who could look at some of their more stupid ideas and say "do you think that's wise".
Clearly Starmer and could do with the same.
WFP a spectacular own goal. You would have thought anyone with a functional brain could have seen that the political fallout just wasn't remotely worth it for the relatively trivial saving.
Jacob you may know how many newly minted Labour PM's have had the most significant policy decision they have made voted against at their first party conference, I am guessing not many ?
I think we might just find that the WFA is miraculously saved by Captain Starmer and his motley crew at the 11th hour, proving to everyone that he and his ministers listens.
I may be a cynic and even overthinking this but it could even be a double bluff in that they had no intention of removing the WFA and only put it out to take the heat off what they really intend to do with regard taxation. However I'm not sure Labour are clever enough to do that.

The savings made by removing the WFA definitely doesn't warrant the political fallout which was bound to happen. The same applies to suitgate and specgate.. Are these people naive and stupid or are they just incompetent? My guess based on their MO so far is the latter.

By tendering for the job of PM and government, the Starmer's Labour party now has the job of fulfilling its contract with the people who voted for it by putting its money where its mouth is. It will be interesting as to just what will happen in the next 12 months but I can't see any of us better off under Labour.
I do not my friend, and I fail to understand why others do, especially non natural colours. Is it purely attention seeking? Quest for personal identity? I have no idea.
You know - I have long suspected that those might not be their natural hair colours. So it's not just me then.
I do not my friend, and I fail to understand why others do, especially non natural colours. Is it purely attention seeking? Quest for personal identity? I have no idea.
You seem to be thinking about it quite a lot, maybe try it for yourself? Don't be shy!
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I do not my friend, and I fail to understand why others do, especially non natural colours. Is it purely attention seeking? Quest for personal identity? I have no idea.
I've found that people dying their hair are often the same as those who have piercings...they do them both in order to make themselves allegedly look more interesting or at least they think it makes them look interesting :unsure:
Sort of back on topic.. our energy chappie Ed Milliband has said that by 2030 he wants all rental properties to conform to certain energy efficiency standards.
I can agree with that sentiment but realistically it will cost many landlords around £10,000 to achieve this so where is that extra money going to come from if not from higher rents?
If the landlords say sod this it's not worth it, I'm going to sell off my buy-to-lets and invest the money elsewhere which is more profitable then let's just hope Labour gets a second term in office as we'll need the extra 1.5 million homes that Labour promises to build each parliamentary period.

This period's promised 1.5 million homes won't even keep pace with today's demands let alone a falling home rental market so if more people are chasing fewer rental properties the rents certainly won't fall that's for sure
It was reported in other papers as well - you wouldn't expect to find it in your favourite rags, though, would you?
Yes - it was widely reported - the Mirror, Telegraph, Metro, Daily Record, lots of others, and on news channels.

"Benefits mum-of-eight Marie Buchan set to fly to Istanbul Turkey for £2,500 boob job".

Marie Buchan, 42, is one of millions in Britain's worklessness crisis. The mum-of-eight has been on benefits for most of her adult life but says she has always managed to treat herself to luxuries. She has received around £500,000 in government money and says the state has allowed her to live an extravagant lifestyle.

The Daily Star considers here a victim of the government's 'benefit caps', and says:

"Marie is just one of hundreds of thousands of families understood to be affected by the Government’s recent “horrendous” benefits cap. Daily Star Online revealed this will plunge families into poverty. Speaking exclusively to Daily Star Online, Marie said: “I have quit my job. I am better off as a stay-at-home mum until my youngest is five, she is three at the moment".

(No mention of the guy(s) who sired her eight kids playing any part in funding their upbringing).

She was also criticised last year for stumping up £200 per month for a horse called Bobby. She bought the horse to cure her 'depression'

Thankfully, she's had to have a hysterectomy so is no longer a 'baby factory'.

Her car, her horse, her entire lifestyle is funded by Taxpayers, and she's by no means unique.

It's probably too much to hope that when the kids grow up, at least a few of her brood will become taxpayers rather than use her as a 'role model'.
:ROFLMAO: Most women over say 30 die their hair. Most have ear piercings. This is of course the fault of the patriarchy. (Isn't everything).
There's subtle hair dying which most females do and then there is bizarre hair colouring. Yes they have ear piercings that is just normal but nose, eyebrow and lip and tongue piercings are less common.
Yes - it was widely reported - the Mirror, Telegraph, Metro, Daily Record, lots of others, and on news channels.

"Benefits mum-of-eight Marie Buchan set to fly to Istanbul Turkey for £2,500 boob job".

Marie Buchan, 42, is one of millions in Britain's worklessness crisis. The mum-of-eight has been on benefits for most of her adult life but says she has always managed to treat herself to luxuries. She has received around £500,000 in government money and says the state has allowed her to live an extravagant lifestyle.

The Daily Star considers here a victim of the government's 'benefit caps', and says:

"Marie is just one of hundreds of thousands of families understood to be affected by the Government’s recent “horrendous” benefits cap. Daily Star Online revealed this will plunge families into poverty. Speaking exclusively to Daily Star Online, Marie said: “I have quit my job. I am better off as a stay-at-home mum until my youngest is five, she is three at the moment".

(No mention of the guy(s) who sired her eight kids playing any part in funding their upbringing).

She was also criticised last year for stumping up £200 per month for a horse called Bobby. She bought the horse to cure her 'depression'

Thankfully, she's had to have a hysterectomy so is no longer a 'baby factory'.

Her car, her horse, her entire lifestyle is funded by Taxpayers, and she's by no means unique.

It's probably too much to hope that when the kids grow up, at least a few of her brood will become taxpayers rather than use her as a 'role model'.
She sounds quite a lass! Good luck to her, she obviously cares for her children.
In terms of antisocial behaviour, how do you think she compares to say Mohamed al Fayed? Why are the unwoke so bothered about her but not much about him and others like him?
No mention of the father of the brood either - she seems to be looking after them qute well, which is highly commendable, but is the dad helping too?
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It always occurred to me that what the Tories needed was a Sergeant Wilson type figure, who could look at some of their more stupid ideas and say "do you think that's wise".
Clearly Starmer and could do with the same.
WFP a spectacular own goal. You would have thought anyone with a functional brain could have seen that the political fallout just wasn't remotely worth it for the relatively trivial saving.
Jacob you may know how many newly minted Labour PM's have had the most significant policy decision they have made voted against at their first party conference, I am guessing not many ?
I’m seeing a similarity with the political skills of Liz Truss.
:ROFLMAO: Most women over say 30 die their hair. Most have ear piercings. This is of course the fault of the patriarchy. (Isn't everything).
Most women over 18 die their hair. I have a wife and four daughters. They all have piercings and three of four daughters have tattoos (only one daughter left in the will now)
It’s more to do with the peer group than the patriarchy 🙄