Oh, Jacob, that is so touchingly naive. That route will hardly touch the small change in their pocket. You have to try harder than that and so any better ideas ?Through the usual channels. Income tax, inheritance tax, property taxes (rates etc) an endless list possible! Taxes on businesses, corporation tax.
Um no. Again, naive. Scratching the surface. Ever heard of shell companies ? Trusts ? To use your phrase, the list is endless.Good idea! Easiest to locate and tax would be land and property of course. Then attention to finance, including tax avoidance/evasion etc, tax havens. ..all sorts of measures possible
See previousThrough the usual channels - passports, property addresses, business accounts etc etc
Oh my, so touchingly naive again, Jacob. Most of their wealth and where it is located is opaque.They are already known and being taxed at various points and don't live anonymously in a wealthy underground movement.
Oh how sweet, Jacob. You are living in a fantasy world of your own making.In fact they tend to be highly conspicuous! If not, sooner or later they have to emerge from their diamond encrusted hidy holes and move about in public, and thats when we nab them!
Because I actually do know just a little bit about this.
Why do you think it would be a problem?