No Fault Evictions

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Probably not true. London is a major money laundering centre and I expect there is access to all sorts of stuff.
What do you know about it, if anything?
As I understand it truly rich people are actually relatively poor on paper as all the money is kept within companies all over the world who then buy expensive things and then let them use them! I'm curious as to how you think the British government would be able to tax a company in another country!
As I understand it truly rich people are actually relatively poor on paper as all the money is kept within companies all over the world who then buy expensive things and then let them use them! I'm curious as to how you think the British government would be able to tax a company in another country!
Are you suggesting that we shouldn't bother trying to tax the rich? I'm curious too!
Always strikes me that labour dont actually want to tax the rich as of course it might upset sir kneelalot if he has to pay more. (although he has probably written a get out clause just like his pension). But i do think its the middle earners who are going to get hammered by labour (again!)
So let me get this straight, you provide properties for altruistic reasons, not to run as a business for profit?

I joined this Forum as I thought it was a place to share knowledge and experience, I've even paid into it. Much as I enjoy reasoned debate, I'm finding the general tone lately as toxic as any of the main social media platforms. Perhaps that's where we've arrived as a Society now.
No, let me set you straight, I provide very nice homes for people to live in so that I can make a profit.

Do you expect me to do it for free?

Not sure what you find toxic about wishing to earn a living and offering a good quality service in the process.

Your response is odd.
No, let me set you straight, I provide very nice homes for people to live in so that I can make a profit.

Do you expect me to do it for free?

Not sure what you find toxic about wishing to earn a living and offering a good quality service in the process.

Your response is odd.
I guess what GuitardoctorW7 finds toxic is the blame culture of the right. Same themes crop up all the time: immigrants top of the hate list, followed by all foreigners, people on benefits, bad tenants, stupid people, the woke, the left, black people especially women, do-gooders, the poor, cyclists, muslims, vegetarians, climate change activists... and so on.
There's a sort of logic in as the right tend to argue for neo-liberalism, small state, deregulation etc with the associated idea that things sort themselves out naturally with least intervention.
This doesn't work as we all know, but they can't always blame the state as they see non-intervention as a good thing - so they have to find others to blame!
A vicious circle!
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I guess what GuitardoctorW7 finds toxic is the blame culture of the right. Same themes crop up all the time: immigrants top of the hate list, followed by all foreigners, people on benefits, bad tenants, stupid people, the woke, the left, black people especially women, do-gooders, the poor, cyclists, muslims, vegetarians, climate change activists... and so on.
There's a sort of logic in as the right tend to argue for neo-liberalism, small state, deregulation etc with the associated idea that things sort themselves out naturally with least intervention.
This doesn't work as we all know, but they can't always blame the state as they see non-intervention as a good thing - so they have to find others to blame!
A vicious circle!
Thats rather random - they are not the topic here, the topic is 'No Fault Evictions'.
I guess what GuitardoctorW7 finds toxic is the blame culture of the right. Same themes crop up all the time: immigrants top of the hate list, followed by all foreigners, people on benefits, bad tenants, stupid people, the woke, the left, black people especially women, do-gooders, the poor, cyclists, muslims, vegetarians, climate change activists... and so on.
There's a sort of logic in as the right tend to argue for neo-liberalism, small state, deregulation etc with the associated idea that things sort themselves out naturally with least intervention.
This doesn't work as we all know, but they can't always blame the state as they see non-intervention as a good thing - so they have to find others to blame!
A vicious circle!
Bit like the toxic blame culture of the left; the rich, corporations, tories, Brexit…
Just read through the last few pages of this thread, not sure why anyone would want to be a private landlord based on what the landlords are writing. If the motivation is profit, I guess you choose to accept the horrors and responsibilities of what you do for that gain, within the parameters of whatever laws are in place at any time. Maybe sell your properties and do something else with the money if it's not working for you? Life's short, I'm sure there are better things to do.
Just read through the last few pages of this thread, not sure why anyone would want to be a private landlord based on what the landlords are writing. If the motivation is profit, I guess you choose to accept the horrors and responsibilities of what you do for that gain, within the parameters of whatever laws are in place at any time. Maybe sell your properties and do something else with the money if it's not working for you? Life's short, I'm sure there are better things to do.
That’s all well and good if the laws and regulations were stable, but they aren’t, successive governments have all adopted an anti-landlord stance and constantly increased regulation, increased taxes and steadily removed our property rights.

I guess if politicians are trying to win votes in a democracy then tenants are a larger demos than landlords, so all parties have become anti landlord.
Just read through the last few pages of this thread, not sure why anyone would want to be a private landlord based on what the landlords are writing. If the motivation is profit, I guess you choose to accept the horrors and responsibilities of what you do for that gain, within the parameters of whatever laws are in place at any time. Maybe sell your properties and do something else with the money if it's not working for you? Life's short, I'm sure there are better things to do.
Most people are decent, landlords or tenants. I have just spent the day doing minor maintenance at 3 of my properties, pleasant tenants taking good care of the property, paying the rent and bills, not upsetting the neighbors, telling me when things need attention before significant damage occurs. All of which keeps my costs and therefore their rent down, well below the ridiculous current market levels while maintaining my 3% return and keeping their homes in good condition, every bodies happy. Of course I could sell up and pay a lot of capitol gains on places I have owned 20 years plus, a tax based on successive governments inability or disinclination to control house price inflation through under investment and by buying votes with the sale of council housing while preventing councils building replacement stock.

Rough estimate I have had about 100 tenants of which 2 caused real problems, intimidated their neighbors, caused damage and left bills unpayed, some people just don't play by the rules. The scumbag who caused me to start this thread will leave me £5,000 out of pocket with two solid weeks work putting things back in order, £1600 unpayed to utilities, council tax I presume unpayed and having caused a lot of distress in the street moved on to repeat the process elsewhere. Thankfully his kind are the minority. The end result will be the house in better condition than when he moved in and hopefully let to people who appreciate a nice place to live, take care of it and by keeping my costs down allow me to drop their rent below market levels while making a living.

If the people we elect would give us laws that made it easy to get rid of people like him while providing security to those who keep their side of the contract (including those who would if their circumstances allowed - isn't this why we have a welfare state) the decent majority could get on with their lives.
If the people we elect would give us laws that made it easy to get rid of people like him while providing security to those who keep their side of the contract (including those who would if their circumstances allowed - isn't this why we have a welfare state) the decent majority could get on with their lives.
Who could possibly argue with that?

If the people we elect would give us laws that made it easy to get rid of people like him while providing security to those who keep their side of the contract (including those who would if their circumstances allowed - isn't this why we have a welfare state) the decent majority could get on with their lives.
What would you do with "people like him" after evicting them?

Monbiot on the ball here. Why not 12.8%?
Deport the drug dealer back to Albania. Personally I think the permanent right to abide should be conditional.

What would you do, I feel no obligation to give him a free house to trash.
Not unlike private medical care - they can take on the profitable and safe cases and pass the difficult ones back to the state (NHS).
We need a solid and reliable state housing sector.
Not unlike private medical care - they can take on the profitable and safe cases and pass the difficult ones back to the state (NHS).
We need a solid and reliable state housing sector.
So private or state does a person have a right to damage the property and harass the neighbors?

What should the state do using your tax money?
So private or state does a person have a right to damage the property and harass the neighbors?

What should the state do using your tax money?
Any answer?

Unpaid rent and damages £5000
Unpaid utilities £1600
Unpaid council tax (I assume)

In state accommodation should we all cover that.

Try behaving the way he does in China and see what happens

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