Discussion of Brexit is an emotive waste of time. Remainers are still justifiably bitter about the process and "lies" that lead to the OUT vote. Those Brexiteers who still have the cojones to stick their heads above the parapet tell us the best is yet to come.
Boris and Co made a better job of selling the glass half full benefits - Remainers mistakenly in glass half empty mode focussed on the problems, not the positive benefits of membership.
Any energy devoted to our relationship with Europe should concentrate on eliminating the problems created, not bemoaning that which has already happened. Find solutions!!
This may one day lead to re-joining an EU wide organisation, although I think it unlikely in the next decade. An attempt in the next few years is likely to place greater constraints and costs upon the UK than when we left - we do not have a strong negotiating position.
More selective integration of trade, travel etc is possible. The EU may evolve over the next decade - take on the characteristics of a fully federal state or retreat somewhat - the UK is not alone in strong anti-EU sentiments. Memories will fade, those in power and demographics will change.