My principal concern is the quality and cost of the services provided - either to me personally or society as a whole. There are a few constraints on this simplistic statement:
- I expect that staff employed by the provider are treated with respect and fairly rewarded
- for a limited range of services there may be a strategic concern - eg: self sufficiency in energy, or retention of a critical skill base - eg: NHS
That rail, water etc companies are owned by overseas companies does not concern me. Their assets and staff are physically UK based, and subject to regulation (which does leave something to be desired!)
The private sector may be able to provide a better quality, more responsive, and more efficient service whilst also making a profit and paying dividends to shareholders. These talents are far from the sole preserve of the public sector - indeed they are frequently lacking.
Privatisation during the 1980s initially exposed huge inefficiencies in the public sector. They tended to be bureaucratic, overstaffed, risk averse (not always bad), unresponsive. It is evident that in some cases structures set up 30-40 years ago may now need fixing - railways being an obvious example.
However the solution is not renationalisation - if government cannot effectively regulate a privatised industry I suspect there is little chance they could run one any better.