The richest King in the Middle East summoned his 3 sons to celebrate the monarch's birthday.
He addressed his eldest son.
"First born on mine, to celebrate my birthday I'm going to treat you to whatever you desire. What would that be?"
The son thought for a moment before replying "My dear father...I would love a Ferrari..."
"Very well, my son. 'Twill be so."
A few hours went by, and a bright red Ferrari was delivered to the palace door.
"My son, I want you to know I'm very proud of you. Here is your own Ferrari, and as a special surprise, I have also bought the entire company for you...."
The King offered the same deal to his middle son, who stated his desire was to own an aircraft.
A few hours later, not only did the son have his own private jet, but also owned the entire Gulfstream company.
The King then asked his youngest son, aged 7, what his special present would be...
"Father, I've been watching lots of films lately, and love watching Westerns, with gun slingers, baddies in black hats, fast-draw men and Indian tribes, and sheriffs and......"
"Yes, yes, yes..." interrupted his father, "Get to the point please! What is your heart's desire?!"
"Father...I would really love a cowboy outfit...." said the excited 7 year old.
Within hours, the boy became owner of [insert hated football club name here]