Joke Thread II

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Yeah, me too, what's calling the polis got to do with anything ???:dunno: Or as Alf would say"What's got to do with the price of fish?".
Thanks for the name (Gordon Ramsey). He's even on the box here I think (dubbed into German), but I don't watch cooking programmes 'cos I do NOT cook!
He is known for his foul mouth and shouting at failing chefs so if some one served up a bannana pizza he would have you arrested because its ¥€%$₩□¿ #£&@
A bus full of housewives going on a picnic ,
fell into a river ,
all died .
Each husband cried for a week ,
one husband continued for more than two weeks !!!
When asked that did he miss his wife so much ?
he replied miserably :
My wife
the bus !!!
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