Aha Gotcha! You just couldn’t help yourself. After all the discussions and heated words about the topic you just had to click on this thread. Relax. 
On any thread about sharpening there is always one guy who can sharpen really large, or really tiny, or really complex shaped tools totally by hand, no jigs, on his kitchen step in under a minute. Impressive! The problem is, I don’t have a kitchen step. I think I had one years ago but I’m sure the grit size was too fine …
So, where do you get these kitchen steps and what grade should I buy? But wait, I don’t have an outside door to my kitchen. Oh well. What about this chaps, what grit mug should I buy?
Edit: Apologies, in case it’s not obvious this thread is supposed to be humorous.

On any thread about sharpening there is always one guy who can sharpen really large, or really tiny, or really complex shaped tools totally by hand, no jigs, on his kitchen step in under a minute. Impressive! The problem is, I don’t have a kitchen step. I think I had one years ago but I’m sure the grit size was too fine …

Edit: Apologies, in case it’s not obvious this thread is supposed to be humorous.