Exploding Pagers - Lebanon


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THE partition of Palestine was suggested by UNSCOP in August 1947 and was finally achieved by the UN General Assembly in November 1947. The UK had little or no involvement in the partition process beyond the Balfour declaration in 1917 and the mandate system in 1922 (that was ratified by the League of Nations). The continual assertion that all the problems in the Middle East were initially started by the UK is incorrect. The UK had a lot of input but the partition was achieved by agreement with many nations.
You're right. I was thinking of the Balfour Declaration of 1917.
No I don’t share your anti-Semitic views.
There is nothing written, thus far in this thread, that is anti-Semitic, but it is a claim made by those who want to shut down any criticism of Israel. I criticise the Israeli leadership for their indiscriminate killing of people and I criticise Hamas for the same thing but, in this latest conflict, I see Israel using the opportunity to wipe out, not only Hamas, but the people. Is history is repeating itself where the old victim is now the oppressor?
The illegal settlements continue...
The Balfour Declaration is very vague and I guess the Zionists believe it gives them permission to occupy all of Palestine.

The Balfour Declaration is very vague and I guess the Zionists believe it gives them permission to occupy all of Palestine.
Of course it did not. It's perfectly clear in the quoted paragraph in the letter.
Whether it was ever a realistic prospect is another matter. So far it has certainly been a disaster.
The blame, as with most things, is with those who have or had the power over the process at various points; the UK, UN, now the USA and the Israelis themselves.
Palestinians themselves largely the victims.
Those who are well-researched do not have to claim it. Please observe the left-hand peak in the Dunning-Kruger Function . . . .
There are no peaks on the data plotted by Dunning and Kruger. If you read their paper, Unskilled and unaware of it: how difficulties in recognizing one's own incompetence lead to inflated self-assessments, you will find only four points plotted, and it doesn't represent any of the curves that I think you think represent the effect (it's also not a function) that you are thinking of.
The Balfour Declaration is very vague and I guess the Zionists believe it gives them permission to occupy all of Palestine.

View attachment 188468
From another time and place:
  • the UK in colonial power empire building mode may have thought it then had the power to commit to a national home for Jewish people - it certainly would not today
  • it makes clear that nothing shall be done which would prejudice the civil and religious rights of others - absolutely right
  • it was anyway utterly superseded by the UN resolution post war creating the State of Israel
An interesting piece of history, trying to do the right thing.

Using historical "evidence" as the basis for agreement between Palestine and Israel is futile - both s being entirely selective as to what constitutes evidence. Whilst the two sides may agree that bacon is off the menu, they would have problems in finding consensus on which way is "up".

Solutions will come through finding common goals for the future, not waving bits of paper from times gone by.
Geez, all the pussy cat cat footing around discussing a UK government defined terrorist group. What is all the ‘without taking sides’? To me it’s like saying your not taking sides discussing a convicted child molester, or the Nazis, there is only one morale stand point.
"a UK government defined terrorist group" That would be the present Israeli government ?
There are no peaks on the data plotted by Dunning and Kruger. If you read their paper, Unskilled and unaware of it: how difficulties in recognizing one's own incompetence lead to inflated self-assessments, you will find only four points plotted, and it doesn't represent any of the curves that I think you think represent the effect (it's also not a function) that you are thinking of.
The curve function maps through the four points. Read the article carefully. Consider whether you are not yourself on the left-hand peak.

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