Don't. Just don't....

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13 Jun 2017
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I dropped off my significant other half at our local Aldi this afternoon, and rather than "interrupt what you are doing" (?) she would ring me when she wanted picking up.
Suited me, so went home and pretended to tidy the shed. Again.
The call duly came, so off I tootled. I was dismayed to see her minding not one but two trolleys when I pulled in. I thought we'd only needed dog biscuits and a four pinter milk, but there you go....
There was but a single box in trolley number two. A wooden mini greenhouse. My heart sank.
It wouldn't fit in my 4x4's boot, so had to be manhandled onto the back seat. The box was too long for outstretched arms, and too wide to fit underarm, but somehow it was juggled in.
I didn't comment. I simply stored up any reservation I had, as "credit" against my next purchase and the Gestapo-like follow-up as to why "we" needed whatever it happens to be. "They only had one left..." she chimed. I have to admit that my thought was "But I wonder how many they'd had delivered?"
Suffice to say, it became apparent that putting together this afternoon. Before dark, in case it was "complicated"....

It wasn't. It may have been complicated to the 5 year old who designed it, or the bloke who cut the timber...perhaps his guide dog wanted a walk or something. I say "timber"'ll not need a drill, put it that way. The screws were provided. I use the term "screws" loosely. I used others....

15 minutes later, it doesn't look bad, in truth. Useless, of course, but looks OK, in a dull, grey sort of way. I don't know how much they are, but it's too much. Nothing fits, and a stiff breeze will most likely move it.
"Will it be OK over a winter?" she innocently asked.

I'll be amazed if it outlasts the summer, let alone a winter.....
I guess you are alive to tell us because if you had said anything along the lines of her being too big to get inside to do any weeding it would have gotten ugly really fast. 😁

Her middle name's not Genghis for nothing... :confused:
If it's this one, then you'll find the price in the link. Make sure the receipt is kept, as it's guaranteed for 3 years!
(Morning, Gordon...hope you're well)
Yes, that's the beast. Ye Gods, 50 quid...
Memo to wife - "Seen coming? You have been...."

(My thought is, which is going to last longer...the greenhouse, or the ink on the receipt?!)

Actually, even the title is a bit iffy... a "potting" something would've been more accurate...
My wife dragged me off to Aldi this morning, dragged being the word, I hate it. Anyway they had one of those on the shelf, you have my sympathy. ;)
I think you're right thinking probably one per store.

Thanks for being understanding, Lons.
I looked at it in the cold light of day this morning, thinking that I'd perhaps been a tad unfair yesterday.

"No" is the answer to that momentary lapse.
I spent an hour-or-so adding a 6mm ply floor to it, using the bottom "shelf" as a template. This circa 2' x whatever probably doubled the weight overall....yes, it's that good.
"How difficult can it be?", thought I.
"******* ****** ** ********", thought I later, having fought with four right-angles, none of which were.
During this procedure, I managed to tilt the unit slightly on one side, noticing that a mere kiss on a stone floor resulted in two chips flaking off the front right corner. It may well be 100% FSC timber, but it doesn't stop it from being absolute ****....
That decided me to screw some rubber doorstops to the underside of the frame. Again, I use the word "frame" in a very loose way, but at least it'd not be sitting in any water after rain.

Moved it into the chosen position, realised how cold the wind was, and thought "**** it. I'm going indoors..."

The End.
I've got 2 of these & as you say, they are poorly designed crap.
The twin wall plastic (I hesitate to call it polycarbonate) sits in rebates thus not allowing any water to escape & ended up with multiple holes in the top layer after a hail storm.
They are now about 2 years old & will probably only last another year even though I have covered the tops with genuine twinwall polycarbonate.
I'm going to defend these slightly. My daughter is an inept, but "God loves a tryer" sort of DIYer. I usually rescue her from chaos and out lipstick on whatever porcine project she has embarked on now. She had one of these and I had to commit transplant surgery -as detailed above - and fit rubber door bumpers as feet, sure. lasted two Edinburgh winters without self destructing and was still going when she sold up and moved. It also allowed her to harden off seedlings for planting out and generally, I think she got her money's worth out of it - which, incidentally, was nowhere near fifty smackers. These wee things are no use to serious gardeners,nor could they be expected to be heirlooms, but they have a place and a function. Just don't expect easy construction or longevity.
I recognise the offspring description, SammyQ. In our case it's a male, with an attitude along the lines of "Point?" (as in "What's the point?", but he can't be ar5ed to say the 'What's the' bit...)
He too is a tryer...he's certainly been trying since day one. God love 'im, I'd defend him to the hilt, but we've had our moments over the years...
All that said, I will test his opinion as regards it being a possible heirloom next time I see him, but I fear, dear reader, I already know the tone of his response... :D