Electric vehicles


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Maybe that's because people have stopped buying EV's ;)

Although I just bought a second one.

We've had a Zoe for nearly 6 years. Wife uses it daily for driving to work. Luckily we have a large drive, and it get's charged on cheap overnight rate. Costs pittance to run. We've maybe charged once a year on a public charger when the kids have been taken to grandparents in the summer holiday.

My EV gets delivered Monday. Sold the diesel Q5.
I live on the edge of a mill town in Lancashire. There are rows and rows of terraced properties and parking is a premium. Whoever gets home from work first gets the parking place sort of arrangement as there is not even sufficient space to have an agreement that the space in front of each house is 'reserved' for the home owner/ renter. How these people would manage to charge vehicles I have no idea. Multiply this by millions and you have the extent of the challenge.
Aren’t they supposed to walk to the mill?
True...there are reports but unless you dig down into how they went about the study, it's impossible to say just how accurate they might be. Also journalists are lazy and will copy stuff verbatim rather than question. I've already shown how one of the reports quoted as gospel by johnm80 is based on dodgy figures although he seems to be struggling to accept this.

But it’s a moot point unless you are just picking an argument for the sake of it. No one is saying that the number of homes that need access to a solution for charging is insignificant.