Diabetics feet! Who needs feet anyway...


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linagliptin looks to be sitagliptin only manufactured by another company if you look at the ' agliptin' ending to both names.

A quick update for my readers - the desperately needed angioplasty didn't happen. I did something to screw my back up and couldn't lie still. Had to postpone - back on the list. :cry: At least No. 1 child's 21st hasn't been spoiled by its going wrong. :)
Well. Another angioplasty and this time it went really well, so hopefully I still have a leg for a while. (Assuming the ulcers heal).
I have to say, the NHS don't take any chances - they even put an arrow to mark the correct leg.

No skills":1ui7xhju said:
Yes they do like that. They drew on my cock when I had my foreskin removed :D

So many questions and I don't want answers to any of them. :shock:

Really glad it went well Phil. Not as glad as you I'll hazard but great news nonetheless.
Glad to hear the angio went well Phil , loving the arrow as well. When they thought my leg was about to crumble through bone loss (meds caused calcium probs) they told me to go to hospital for X-rays. I asked "which leg?" and got a long pause before they asked "can't you tell by the pain?". I can't be blamed because nobody told me my right leg was supposed to hurt! I'm going to follow your example and draw an arrow so that they radiate the proper leg on Friday. :lol:
I showed the arrow to a friend - a GP but not my GP - and the first thing he said was it's a great pity they didn't do it years ago - it would have saved so many cock ups. It's better to do it when not necessary than not do it when it is. This is of course perfect sense. I had the same discussion with swmbo the other day. For years if I took something of a lathe I always marked the position it was on the drive or faceplate, even if there seemed no need. For some reason I stopped doing this, and of course the time came that I had to remount something I had no intention of so doing. Yes ... you know what's coming ... I ruined a nice piece and wasted a lot of time because it was no longer concentric. Totally different tack, but same logic - it costs nothing, and once in a blue moon will save a load of hassle.

I am hoping you make a good recovery, and I wish you well. There's one thing to which you have opened my eyes. I really am eating too much starch and sugar. It has to stop. No relapses this time. Finished with the bread and the spuds, and the pasta. No more watching Saturday Kitchen! Besides which the Doc won't let me drive until my BP is down a few points. So the weight has to go, and with it, I hope the Type 2 markers.

Keep your chin up.

John :)
I've had some thanks Phil. Those anti-bs give me indigestion at best and nausea at worst! I don't envy you those blighters. The minute I break the skin, I slap on some 'Fucidin'. So far it's contained any prospective ulcers.
I'd just like to add my thanks phil.p for the shock tactics, I've just had my first annual review, HBA1C down to 36, cholesterol 3.6 IIRC, weight down over 2stone. Metformin dosage reduced from 1500mg/day to 1000mg/day. I'm sure this post is contributory to my efforts to change lifestyle.

My type 2 was first spotted as a result of an eye problem. This turned out to be unrelated optic neuritis, I've just been given the all-clear [for now] on diabetic retinopathy, although there is a chance I may develop MS!
Good. In the nicest possible way I'm glad I scared a few people. :D
Unfortunately for me, I believe a lot of the damage was done before the diabetes was diagnosed - one of the reasons it was checked out was because of peripheral neuropathy.
Fair play to you Phil, never a whinge or a moan. My very best wishes bud, I hope it all goes your way, I really do. For the very little it's worth I'll be thinking of you. Best wishes fella.
