Happy New Year!
I know your fella's like a picture or two so thought I would post some pics of a dodgy 2 Cherries Mortice chisel. Asked Santa for one, and he came up with the goods, but I think the elves had abit too much xmas sherry when making it. :?
Back of the blade (sorry about the orientation). I think the gap was about 1mm in the middle. What would be exceptable? Or is this acceptable?
The left side is out of square......
...... but thats nothing compared to the right side!
I was expecting pretty close to square... or at worst the sides 'slightly' sloping inwards.
Anyway its gone back for a replacement. Hopefully the next one will be better.
I know your fella's like a picture or two so thought I would post some pics of a dodgy 2 Cherries Mortice chisel. Asked Santa for one, and he came up with the goods, but I think the elves had abit too much xmas sherry when making it. :?
Back of the blade (sorry about the orientation). I think the gap was about 1mm in the middle. What would be exceptable? Or is this acceptable?
The left side is out of square......
...... but thats nothing compared to the right side!
I was expecting pretty close to square... or at worst the sides 'slightly' sloping inwards.
Anyway its gone back for a replacement. Hopefully the next one will be better.