Established Member
Those unhappy with the result of the referendum can always try and immigrate to Australia; obviously we're not overly keen on the common variety -whinging pom. :roll: ; the Scots and the Irish receive automatic entry. 
custard":1k2kqj4r said:DennisCA":1k2kqj4r said:I wonder if you underestimate how cross the EU is going to be if you think you are going to get something as amicable as Norway or Swiss style deals. I predict the EU might want make an example of the UK.
We can get that deal, that's not the problem.
The problem will be managing the howls of rage when many people who voted "Out" realise that we're not really out at all. That's going to change the face of British politics. The Conservative party will rally under Boris and convince themselves that they've achieved their primary goal of sovereignty (rather than curbing immigration) so it's job done. But Labour will be torn apart, losing votes to Scottish Nationalists and a resurgent UKIP who will continue to campaign when the statistics show that immigration is continuing to fuel UK population growth year after year.
Inoffthered":165jewhl said:The referendum is finished , the decision made, live with it, in the same way you would expect the other side to have lived with it if the the result had been Remain.
BearTricks":236n2bxv said:Inoffthered":236n2bxv said:In any case I'm personally insulted by people invoking the Nazis as if the mention of them suddenly gives their arguments more heft.
This myth has been dissected and proved false here before.Inoffthered":3lhtnpdd said:Of course the BBC receives funding from the EU
Inoffthered":2d35r4ly said:I think we are in a stronger position that you realise.
Rhossydd":3a2yyhgs said:This myth has been dissected and proved false here before.Inoffthered":3a2yyhgs said:Of course the BBC receives funding from the EU
If you want to criticise the BBC, and they've a lot to answer for, at least hit at their faults.
Did you read the dissection of these payments I made previously ?Inoffthered":2hy6qrxx said:No EU money, are you serious?
Rhossydd":2wgwq2dr said:No. I'm pointing out that 17m people out of a population 65m isn't much of a real majority for such radical damaging change.paulm":2wgwq2dr said:Are you suggesting it would be more just for quite a bit less than 37% of the electorate, the Remainiacs, to keep the country in Europe when the rest didn't vote for that ?
Rhossydd":uypigkx8 said:Nigel Farrage didn't think a 52-48 would be decisive enough.
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/ni ... um-7985017
Rhossydd":38q0ohxd said:Nigel Farrage didn't think a 52-48 would be decisive enough.
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/ni ... um-7985017
They aren't "delegates" (elected to act according to our instructions) - they are autonomous "representatives" (elected to act on our behalf) and the referendum is not legally binding as Parliament is still sovereign.Eric The Viking":3dl03b3a said:.........
So now we have a situation with a clear result by plebiscite and an opposite majority in parliament, but our constitution doesn't account for referendums!
So who should prevail - the people, by referendum, or the delegates we just sent to parliament a year ago? .........
custard":2qouhsqg said:And now the most senior Foreign Ministers in the EU have just issued a collective statement,
http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/EN/Infos ... RSION.html
Looks much like an olive branch to me. They say they're very sorry that they've upset the electorate, have learnt their lesson, and invite the UK government to sit down and see if something can't be worked out...which of course it can, especially as paymaster Merkel is standing in the wings telling them all to find a way, anyway, but just fix it!
Sure, there'll be all sorts of bluff and bluster served up for the Greeks and the Catalonians, but in the smoke filled rooms where the real business takes place it's looking increasingly likely that our future is to remain in the Europe village, just in a slightly more detached property set back a discrete distance from the High Street.