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And so speaks a self professed football fan (not)

England played well and deserved to win, had you taken your blinkers off you might have seen that

For tedium, how about the tour de France

Hows that for a fair playing field ;-)

I found myself watching it, just in case I was missing something as it has been cracked up as such a big event.
Bloody tedious game! Miserable players all trying to trip each other up like school kids, deadly serious managers, insane hysterical fans, so few goals. Imagine watching a cricket match with the rule set so that a team would just make 2 or 3 runs in the whole days play, with thousands of fans shouting continuously at the tops of their voices!
It was obvious the Italians were doing better by far except for the fluke goal at the start so I was pleased that they won, in spite of the tedium.
Tour de France OTH was utterly brilliant, as usual!
England played well and deserved to win, had you taken your blinkers off you might have seen that
It seemed to me that the Italians were up in English for a lot of the time making near misses with goals. But you hardly saw much of the Italian goalie because nobody got near him for long. Was I missing something?
I'll be even more fair. They're both tedious. :LOL:
Yebbut at least you see some spectacular landscape! Apparently the French subsidise the race to promote tourism, which seems a smart move.
Much more interesting than looking at massed ranks of fat shouty blokes with George crosses painted on their faces!
Though the tour has a lot of hysterical fans but not quite as obtrusive.
and here they come, the slagger off'ers, who know nowt, profess to knowing nowt yesterday, knew nowt about it for 70 odd years but now having seen one game in their life they know all about it, OK see you again in 40 years.
Few names on the list are no surprise, bloody know it alls, as always, things don't change.
Maybe they would enjoy it more if there was a split screen shot of the himalayan mountains or wilderbeast roaming the Serengetti reserve.............

This particular type of person and they come from all walks of life seem determined to try and spoil it for others, it's a beautiful game, win or lose but why do the sticky beaks seem determined to poke their noses in, giving an opinion on something they profess to have zero knowledge on, it's just beyond me
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Yebbut at least you see some spectacular landscape! Apparently the French subsidise the race to promote tourism, which seems a smart move
They've done it in Yorkshire as well -Tour de France first stage in Yorkshire (2014) then on the back of that the Tour de Yorkshire (2015 onwards). A friend of mine who used to live in Cragg Vale said there were so many people outside his house in 2014 that he couldn't get out of his front door for several hours. He watched the "procession" going past by removing an upstairs sash and hanging out. He said it took the pelleton only a minute or two to pass... Frankly, I'd rather be on the mountain watching the GP riders go past (IoM TT), but I can understand why others would think that was fairly bonkers, especially on a wet day (and I've had a few of those on the Island, only made better by a post race visit to the the Dog's Home)
Everyone is entitled to their opinion no matter who wrong they are, I saw a bit of the second half, did Italy have a goal.
and here they come, the slagger off'ers, who know nowt, profess to knowing nowt yesterday, knew nowt about it for 70 odd years but now having seen one game in their life they know all about it, OK see you again in 40 years.
Few names on the list are no surprise, bloody know it alls, as always, things don't change.
Maybe they would enjoy it more if there was a split screen shot of the himalayan mountains or wilderbeast roaming the Serengetti reserve.............

This particular type of person and they come from all walks of life seem determined to try and spoil it for others, it's a beautiful game, win or lose but why do the sticky beaks seem determined to poke their noses in, giving an opinion on something they profess to have zero knowledge on, it's just beyond me

Well said Bob.
They've done it in Yorkshire as well -Tour de France first stage in Yorkshire (2014) then on the back of that the Tour de Yorkshire (2015 onwards). A friend of mine who used to live in Cragg Vale said there were so many people outside his house in 2014 that he couldn't get out of his front door for several hours. He watched the "procession" going past by removing an upstairs sash and hanging out. He said it took the pelleton only a minute or two to pass... Frankly, I'd rather be on the mountain watching the GP riders go past (IoM TT), but I can understand why others would think that was fairly bonkers, especially on a wet day (and I've had a few of those on the Island, only made better by a post race visit to the the Dog's Home)
Best watched on the telly! Even better now with better filming, drones etc completely changed it.
I'm sure they're all very talented, but at the risk of criticized by the good doctor, I found it tedious. As opposed to the other sporting event yesterday, where the Italian lost, which I found gripping. I think football is broken. Need bigger goal mouths, or goalies with shoelaces tied together. Anything that prevents all those drawn results. Goal scoring currently doesn't have the necessary resolution to determine the better team. Penalty shootouts are a lottery.
Apparently Italy did not win a game of football, they won a game of just try and kick it past the goalperson, makes all the previous running around pointless. They should just keep going until there is a winner, even if they are so knackered they are crawling around and not be bounded by a time period.
I think they should stick to penalty kicks - they could do away with the game altogether. :LOL:
Dunno it'd be like watching darts on the telly. Or 10 pin bowling with just one live pin!.
Save a lot of messing about though.
Apparently Italy did not win a game of football, they won a game of just try and kick it past the goalperson, makes all the previous running around pointless. They should just keep going until there is a winner, even if they are so knackered they are crawling around and not be bounded by a time period.
And that Italian goalie had an easy time. It was good of the England team to let him off so lightly. Noblesse oblige in action.
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I tried to watch it, but only lasted 5 mins before I got really bored. But from what I did see it seemed that Italy were hogging the ball and then ended up taking it home with them.
I'm sure they're all very talented, but at the risk of criticized by the good doctor, I found it tedious. As opposed to the other sporting event yesterday, where the Italian lost, which I found gripping. I think football is broken. Need bigger goal mouths, or goalies with shoelaces tied together. Anything that prevents all those drawn results. Goal scoring currently doesn't have the necessary resolution to determine the better team. Penalty shootouts are a lottery.

Multiball ...................... 🤣

The beautiful game, I loved it, thought it was a great Euro's. Penalties are just part of the game. Stick to your tennis, stop watching and sticking your nose in to a sport you don't like.
Trouble is people watch a final who have no interest, I wish people wouldn't as you spoil it for us.
I can't understand in tennis why they don't just hit it back looks pisss easy.
I'm sure they're all very talented, but at the risk of criticized by the good doctor, I found it tedious. As opposed to the other sporting event yesterday, where the Italian lost, which I found gripping. I think football is broken. Need bigger goal mouths, or goalies with shoelaces tied together. Anything that prevents all those drawn results. Goal scoring currently doesn't have the necessary resolution to determine the better team. Penalty shootouts are a lottery.
Or no goalie? It's difficult enough getting one in at all, even without a bouncy giant with huge hands getting in the way.
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