US Election November 5th

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Jacob maybe get clear on how US politics work. She was selected by Biden to be his running mate, she was not elected.

Furthermore, each party has a caucus in which party members, both politicians and general public vote for their party nominee, a process she didn't go through. She's since garnered the "support" of the senators and representatives only after pushing Biden out of the way. She hasn't gone through the vote process and therefore has circumvented the process and is arguably where she is undemocratically, which is ironic as she likes to parrot Trump as the biggest threat to democracy. There's a chance she may not even been front runner if Biden hadn't first been selected as nominee.

Not 'elected' ?

Hasn't gone through the 'vote process' ?

If you are saying that KH's presence on the 'ticket' is somehow invalid and the office of the VPOTUS is nothing more than window dressing, what would happen if JB died in his sleep tonight - KH would become POTUS instantly (as did LBJ following the assasination of JFK in 63) and goverment in the US would continue ...
The BBC or ITV news .
Not conclusive but site searches on and do not return any results for "harris" "32 days". Are you saying they reported it was a teleprompter glitch that made her repeat 32 days?
Left wingers are so predictable, they always attack the person when an argument isn't going their way or the opposing views don't fit with their left skewed view of the world.
It's called using an "ad hominem" argument and is precisely what you are doing yourself.
Socialism is not that far removed from a religion such as Islam or the likes where anyone who doesn't subscribe to their views is a Kafir or second rate citizens and people like Trump are seen as the devil incarnate.
You don't seem to know anything at all about Socialism or Islam.
What do you think of the idea that J Christ was a socialist?
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Not 'elected' ?

Hasn't gone through the 'vote process' ?

If you are saying that KH's presence on the 'ticket' is somehow invalid and the office of the VPOTUS is nothing more than window dressing, what would happen if JB died in his sleep tonight - KH would become POTUS instantly (as did LBJ following the assasination of JFK in 63) and goverment in the US would continue ...
It's conspiracy theory at work. K Harris is totally legitimate and the procedure was quite clear (scroll down here) but people like @danst96 are attracted to the conspiracy idea, for reasons best known to themselves.
I guess it's just laziness, or fear? They don't understand what's going on or can't be bothered to check the facts, they just don't like them anyway; they upset their un-woke world view.
Funny how they are so often scathing about Wikipedia!
It's described at length here, but conspiracy theorists seem to see Wikipedia itself as just one more big woke conspiracy. :ROFLMAO:
They just don't know which way to turn, the poor things!
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I agree in principle but while accepting it's possible that Trump may win it's a certainty 50% plus of the electorate will not vote for him. If previous elections are anything to go by iro a third of the electorate will not vote. The "popular vote" has been won by the Democrats in both of the last elections but of course that didn't stop them losing in 2016.
If people choose not to vote - their views don't count.

Making the further assumption that no vote = a vote for the losing candidate is absurd.
If people choose not to vote - their views don't count.

Making the further assumption that no vote = a vote for the losing candidate is absurd.
I'm not sure this is logical. It is perfectly legitimate to feel that the top team in any of the three main parties is not what the country needs and that their policies are unclear or not acceptable. In such circumstances it is legitimate not to vote. Such people surely still have a legitimate view that none of the parties appeal to them enough.

If I were to be a US voter then I am not at all sure that I can see Harris as being capable of the presidency and Trump is a convicted felon, rather elderly and has other issues so I may well not be able to vote for him either. Not being a supporter of either side is still a political position and valid choice.
Some of us here are just trying to be polite and not a dic k and respectful of other people's opinions, as we realise everyone is entitled to think whatever the f*** they want. You on the other hand...

Literally most of the posts both you and BC'er have made contain either direct insult to fellow poster, or stating that they belong to some group or faction you've fever-dreamt up, or simply gaslighted (that really is the in word at the moment, isn't it) them with some nonsense that they haven't really said but what fits in with your fantasy of how it is.

You are demonstrably not respectful of people's opinions, and you are happy to subvert your professed belief that everyone is entitled to think what they want by stuffing your opinions into other people's mouths.

I mean, it's right there in pixels :dunno: .
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