Work so hard you cripple yourself

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relieve local authorities of an onerous responsibility
Do you believe in home ownership?

You know the benefits of having investment in land and the benefits of a growing asset

It’s hilarious how Tory supporters are massively supportive of property ownership but twist themselves inside out claiming that it’s a terrible thing for councils to own property.
Public satisfaction is based on feelings. The feelings after the pandemic were low. No government was going to survive that strength of feeling

The number of rich people is pretty irrelevant. You're assuming that having more rich people means we have more poor people which is not the case. The rich people invest their wealth to get returns. The investments usually involve increasing profits for companies who employ more staff, who earn money, who pay taxes. The economy benefits.

Governments want the UK to thrive to boost the economy. Itr's how they choose to do that that counts. We know Labour will mess up the next 4 years and we know that the Tories, without or without a coalition, will return to power to remain for several decades until some other, third party event, changes the feelings of the people once more. History does rather repeat itself, politically-speaking.

I was modestly successful in lfe. I worked, was ambitious and ended up with a lot more than my parents ended their time with. Because of that, I can help my kids financially while I'm still around to see their development and will leave them my wealth when I'm gone. They will, I hope, use their inheritence to maintain and develop their lifestyles. I'm sure there are a lot of middle class families like mine.

When I look around and see those who can't afford homes, I see a lot of those who don't work yet crave the benefits of those that do, but without the effort.

I suppose I am using the house ownership, new cars and frequent family holidays as a benchmark of success, ambition and middle class wealth. But it's just an irrefutable fact of the modern age. Hard work brings its own rewards. Sitting around waiting fo rewards generally doesn't. It is the way of the world.

Wow, a post filled with mostly debunked fallacious tropes.

I think you misunderstood a part of the point entirely:
When I gave the factual figures of the increasing number of very, very wealthy in UK, I also provided the factual evidence of the decrease of the vast majority of the rest of society. Do you not understand that if the Very, Very wealthiest, which is a tiny, tiny minority of UK citizens, are increasing their wealth by double, triple or ten-fold, while at the same time, the rest of society is 8% worse off, this indicates a structural failure in the Economy which actually diminishes the Revenue returned in taxation?
People who earn very little always spend ALL of it, and in doing so they are taxed on ALL of their income both as earnings and then as spendings.
People who have more money than they know what to do with do not spend it. They also take advantage of the tax avoidance systems which, structurally, only the super wealthy can avail themselves of. So both their earnings and their spendings return less Revenue to the Economy. If you were to distribute that wealth more evenly over the population then no earning tax avoidance would be possible and the money would be spent, generating Economic Activity which benefits everyone.

You also fail to understand the observable reality that "trickle down" is clearly not a thing, despite your fallacious trope of "wealthy invest, create jobs and those jobs are taxed." This has been repeatedly debunked. Proof: when the median earnings of the mass of employees drops by 8%, at the same time as wealth being concentrated amongst the very few, then you know that "trickle down" is a complete fallacy. It's in your imagination. It's nonsense. Yet people still fall for the myth, despite the irrefutable evidence to the contrary which can be presented in black and white...

NHS satisfaction is not entirely "feelings based" at all - it has a lot to do with expectation versus treatment versus health outcomes.
Oh, and actually, the Pandemic provided a boost to the satisfaction ratings due to "clap on your doorstep" shenanigans.

Govts do want the Economy to thrive, and everyone should agree with that fundamental desire - but it is the aim of that thriving which separates different flavours of Govt. A govt that actively seeks to help concentrate the wealth generated from Economic Activity into the hands of a tiny minority is different from a Govt that seeks to redress that balance of Economic Activity to the benefit of the whole of society more evenly.

Forgive me also for poo-poing the concept that you "look around" and see benefit scroungers (which kinda contradicts the "I look around and I see nice cars and fancy holidays"). It isn't real and it isn't true. Again, it's in your imagination. Fact: Most people on benefits are in work. This is not an opinion, nor a personal anecdote of "looking around". It's just the facts.

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