US Election November 5th

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There is probably a downside to Trump wining for woodworkers and that is there will be no happy relationship with Starmer and who knows what could happen to trade so if thinking of buying American products like a nice Jessem router table for xmas then don't hang around.
There is probably a downside to Trump wining for woodworkers and that is there will be no happy relationship with Starmer and who knows what could happen to trade so if thinking of buying American products like a nice Jessem router table for xmas then don't hang around.
As has been pointed out elsewhere:

A) A grown up president would put the benefit to his country above some personal slight.

B) Trump has selected a man who once likened him to Hitler, as his running mate. So either he's a very forgiving person, a very forgetful person, or someone who changes his mind when subjected to a bit of flattery.

P.S. "whining" has an 'h' in it.
If you were hoping to offend me with your post then sadly you wasted your time as I don't value your opinion or those of others with your mindset enough to be offended by such nonsense, plus much more eloquent people have tried that without success..

It's got absolutely nothing to do with narcissism, you may not understand this but it's to do with me having the pride and a willingness to succeed where others have failed or can't be bothered and to achieve the goals I set myself as do many others with a similar determination and outlook. Failure was simply never an option for me.

However judging from your post I suspect that is something you just won't understand nor the motivation behind wanting to be a success at what I and other likeminded people do. It's to do with pride and principles something which I also suspect evades you.

Personally I couldn't give a monkey's what others achieve or what wealth they have as it doesn't interest me nor make me feel remotely envious of them which unfortunately is the true motivation behind most of the attacks on the wealthy.
I don't envy anyone's money or wealth as I don't have a socialist mentality! Money/wealth/materialism has never been that important to me throughout my life as long as I've earned enough for my needs. Others may look at things differently but for me there are far more important things in life other than wealth and money. I've never begrudged anyone doing better than me irrespective of how they achieved their wealth.

Envy is certainly not a virtue but if people fail to grasp opportunities when they arise which will improve their quality of life if they put in the effort then that isn't my problem. If they choose not to make an effort to improve their jobs opportunities/quality of life I certainly don't look down on them but I feel sorry that they are missing out but as the saying goes,' you can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink'...


I won't comment any more 'cos Noel will take me to my happy place and I won't get any guttering advice. You enjoy yourself.
America has a weak political system that allows vested interests to influence power.

The system favours the Republicans, so if it was destroyed it might result in a stronger political system.

The result is that ordinary working Americans have a worse standard of living than many other countries….don’t you want to change that?
Funny you say that when the democratic party is propped up by some of the most wealthy Americans who quite clearly have a fairly substantial say in what goes on even though they are not "directly" in politics. I.E Warren Buffett.

If you think all levels and all areas of government In US or UK or anywhere else for that matter are not massively influenced by a small select group of very wealthy people and governments, you are delusional. UK has the same issues, people are just more blind to it and have a "surely it can't happen in my back yard" mentality. Governments stopped governing purely for the people a long time ago.
Thank you for your long reply.

I appreciate there is not one source of infallible information, but since you know all the main stream media is lies, you must have access to information which proves it is lies (otherwise how do you know it’s lies) could you not provide at least one source?

I accept both Trump and Harris are flawed and h both have vested interests the choice is a compromise, but one choice is still better than the other.

So who do think is likely to do least damage to America?
Why do you ask? Are you actually looking for "alternate" sources of information and can't find any? Start at a good library or used book store perhaps?

I see nothing in your posts that indicates any desire for information outside the mainstream, so I would conclude that you are merely fishing for an answer that you can use for another purpose.

You seem to ask a lot of questions, but I notice you rarely answer those asked of you.

Personally I fail to see the point of this endless nattering about the minutiae of U.K. and particularly U.S. politics; your country is demographically, industrially and some would say morally dying before your very eyes. If you give a damn about that prospect your time would probably be better spent figuring out how and why and what if anything you can do about it, or at least how you can get out of the way before the train wreck.

I've been reading and listening for well over forty years and as I was prepared to follow where the evidence led, I've come to see some realities. They're not pleasant or promising of bright futures for this world, and our part of it in particular, but I'm of the odd disposition that truth however unpleasant is preferable to delusion however pleasant.

As for the US election, Trump's lead is now so massive that those determined to stop him and all they think he represents will probably either have to make yet another attempt to assassinate him or create a crisis that will allow the suspension of the election or the results. The Democrats are already talking about refusing to certify the election if he wins. Reports are that 45m plus "migrants" have entered the USA since Biden's term of office began and that over 200,000 of those are considered likely terrorist suspects by present or former US border service officers. So at this point many cards are in play and scenarios are possible, but I won't bore you with details you could neither grasp nor believe.
As for the US election, Trump's lead is now so massive that those determined to stop him and all they think he represents will probably either have to make yet another attempt to assassinate him or create a crisis that will allow the suspension of the election or the results. The Democrats are already talking about refusing to certify the election if he wins. Reports are that 45m plus "migrants" have entered the USA since Biden's term of office began and that over 200,000 of those are considered likely terrorist suspects by present or former US border service officers. So at this point many cards are in play and scenarios are possible, but I won't bore you with details you could neither grasp nor believe.
I haven't seen that, got a link?
And those polls include loads of low quality partisan polls - republicans are spewing out 30 or so a week to skew the averages.
........ looking for "alternate" sources of information and can't find any? Start at a good library or used book store perhaps?
You should just ask google a few questions yourself. You seem fairly confused.

I've been reading and listening for well over forty years and as I was prepared to follow where the evidence led, I've come to see some realities. ...
..and picked up many delusions.
.... Reports are that 45m plus "migrants" have entered the USA since Biden's term of office began and that over 200,000 of those are considered likely terrorist suspects by present or former US border service officers.
Your "45m+ migrants" under Biden is nonsense. The figure is nearer 2.5 million apparently, but not an easy calculation so I wouldn't waste your time struggling with the data - you will get it wrong.
So at this point many cards are in play and scenarios are possible, but I won't bore you with details you could neither grasp nor believe.
You mean the way you are already boring us with details you have failed to grasp but believe anyway! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Never trust a Trumptard!
What do you think of their alarming pet-eating propensities? Have you lost many yourself? A labradoodle ending up on a spit? I suppose you could call it a kebabradoodle. :oops:
PS there has been a fall in migration figures this year. Hope you are not too disappointed.
In some ways USA illegal migration is a continuation of slavery, by other means. They are known to be there, working/exploited at very low wages , with virtually no legal rights and protections. They'd be missed dreadfully if they were forced out
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Reports are that 45m plus "migrants" have entered the USA since Biden's term of office began and that over 200,000 of those are considered likely terrorist suspects by present or former US border service officers

I think those numbers are pretty much fabricated,

But lets examine that.
The US Department of Homeland Security has estimated there were 11 million illegal migrants, external living in the US as of January 2022.

It says about a fifth of them arrived in 2010 or later but the majority arrived before this time, some as early as the 1980s.

So the figures is say 12 or13m give or take, but as the US figures show that isnt purely under Biden, but under all administrations over the last 45 years

It's a bit like GB news harking on about how there are a million illegals in the UK, but the Daily mail can only account for a total number of 120,000 over the past 6 years. Which equates, as we know that the number is about 20,000/year

There seems to be a bit of a shortfall there.
If they think trump is the ideal candidate to run the US, then I reckon thats a good thing. Clearly that party needs a good shake up to cut out the rot.
Narcissistic sex offender and failed businessman who won't pay his bills.

Doesn't sound like a statesman to me, rather an egotistical clown who would always look to blame others for his own failings.

How many of his supporters are now in prison or facing huge civil suit judgements ?
And for the rest, they seem to be fulfilling their part as members of a cult, willing to forgive anything and everything.

I think we’re at the point were a typical Trump voter would say “Sure, he raped my Daughter – that’s Donny for ya! She must be a good looking girl. Kind of a compliment really. But he’s going to make me wealthy, protect me from the frauds and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN (AGAIN) so he’s got my vote 110%”

Well he certainly didn't make the American soya bean farmers wealthy. quite the reverse. Price of beans plummeted after he imposed agricultural tariffs.
Loss of export trade and farm bankruptcies are soaring.
Well if you and others are going to make assertions about Trump's moral compass and the Republican's choice of candidate then perhaps you should look at the Democrat's past choices can't get a more corrupt family than the Kennedys especially the adulterer JF who along with his brother was sleeping with Marylin and mixing with gangsters and it's questionable how Marylin really met her end!

Or how about the other adulterer Bill " I never had sex with that woman" Clinton who is also alleged to have been a visitor to Epstein's island on more than one occasion or I wonder how the latest President got his gropy-Joe title? As they say, no smoke without fire and all that malarkey.
You don't hear much of Monica these days, I guess she's just keeping her head down in the corridors of power.
Well if you and others are going to make assertions about Trump's moral compass and the Republican's choice of candidate then perhaps you should look at the Democrat's past choices can't get a more corrupt family than the Kennedys especially the adulterer JF who along with his brother was sleeping with Marylin and mixing with gangsters and it's questionable how Marylin really met her end!

Or how about the other adulterer Bill " I never had sex with that woman" Clinton who is also alleged to have been a visitor to Epstein's island on more than one occasion or I wonder how the latest President got his gropy-Joe title? As they say, no smoke without fire and all that malarkey.
You don't hear much of Monica these days, I guess she's just keeping her head down in the corridors of power.
Never mind the way they have forced joe out and undemocratically pushed Kamala into the front running position, clearly the plan from the get go.

The self righteousness is sickening.
Never mind the way they have forced joe out and undemocratically pushed Kamala into the front running position, clearly the plan from the get go.

The self righteousness is sickening.
er - she was democratically elected vice president. Picking up the reins from an obviously struggling Biden, was part of her job. Maybe you didn't know that?
Well if you and others are going to make assertions about Trump's moral compass and the Republican's choice of candidate then perhaps you should look at the Democrat's past choices can't get a more corrupt family than the Kennedys especially the adulterer JF who along with his brother was sleeping with Marylin and mixing with gangsters and it's questionable how Marylin really met her end!

Or how about the other adulterer Bill " I never had sex with that woman" Clinton who is also alleged to have been a visitor to Epstein's island on more than one occasion or I wonder how the latest President got his gropy-Joe title? As they say, no smoke without fire and all that malarkey.
You don't hear much of Monica these days, I guess she's just keeping her head down in the corridors of power.
What a strange argument. Trump's a convicted felon/serial sex offender/failed businessman/moron, but some democrats have done bad stuff, so Trump can do whatever he wants,!
He's not running against Clinton, or JFk, so what's your point exactly?