US Election November 5th

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Lol here we go with the convenient excuses.

If it’s wrong in principle, then It’s wrong on principle.

The only reason a core of the left believe in all this obvious rubbish, is because they think it will make them better off.
You have proof of this because when confronted with conservative concerns on immigration, one of the lefts top excuse is ‘but we need it for the economy’.

All this anger and hatred of Trump is just projection. Ask yourself which type of person is more patriotic.

1) A man that is called a nationalist
2) A liberal who doesn’t believe in nationalism

Yet here we are listening to people from option 2, call the people in option 1 ‘unpatriotic’.

It’s amusing to watch how some left wing types here just live in total fantasy and no evidence or logical reasoning will deter them from their beliefs. They have a fixed enemy in their mind that no longer mesh with reality.

Instead we get tons of gaslighting from people who should really mo better
and denials of left wing culture war issues, yet we all know they exist and now we have the projection. It all reeks of narcissism.

It never ends. It’s like an eternal James O’Brien show.
There's a lot of enemies in your head aren't there.
Lol here we go with the convenient excuses.

If it’s wrong in principle, then It’s wrong on principle.

The only reason a core of the left believe in all this obvious rubbish, is because they think it will make them better off.
You have proof of this because when confronted with conservative concerns on immigration, one of the lefts top excuse is ‘but we need it for the economy’.

All this anger and hatred of Trump is just projection. Ask yourself which type of person is more patriotic.

1) A man that is called a nationalist
2) A liberal who doesn’t believe in nationalism

Yet here we are listening to people from option 2, call the people in option 1 ‘unpatriotic’.

It’s amusing to watch how some left wing types here just live in total fantasy and no evidence or logical reasoning will deter them from their beliefs. They have a fixed enemy in their mind that no longer mesh with reality.
What we then get to defend this imaginary world, is tons of gaslighting and denials of left wing culture war issues, yet we all know they exist and now we have the projection. It all reeks of narcissism.

It’s like an eternal James O’Brien show.
Personally I don't think there are any true lefties when it comes down to it unless they are fantasists...they're just like everyone else and in it for themselves no matter how woke or how much knee bending and virtue signalling they pretend to be doing.
It just doesn't entitle them to share in someone else's success which they seem to think is their automatic right.

If someone is successful and worked hard to achieve that success then no one is entitled to a disproportionate share of that person's earnings. Of course they should pay their share but no's like me being the only person in the street with a lawn mower and everyone expects me to cut their lawns so they don't have to buy a mower themselves...stuff that!

There is no right to a job or work...if entrepreneurs didn't produce the jobs which employ themselves or your average left wing Joe then the average LW Joe would simply starve, that is the reality!
Nahhh I don't listen to them otherwise they drag you down to their level of thinking.
They see only problems with no solutions hence their demand to share in other's success.
Kamala is bad news
Please could you provide the evidence

Is protection of womens rights "bad news"
is extending premium subsidies for health care "bad news"
is lowering prescription drug costs "bad news"
is paid leave "bad news"
are child tax credits "bad news"

Or maybe you mean the strong economic growth the Democrats have achieved and the fall in violent crime

Personally I would have thought Project 2025 is the real bad news
Personally I don't think there are any true lefties when it comes down to it
Probably true because if you have all your backbone removed then how do you stand up or move around, you become a pile of jelly. This means there is no right or left in reality just politicians trying to label there cause and round up a flock to vote for them. The problem we face is that we seem to have been brainwashed into thinking money will make you happy when in reality there is so much more that can make you happier at the expense of commercialism and making others who do believe money is happyness even richer.
If someone is successful and worked hard to achieve that success then no one is entitled to a disproportionate share of that person's earnings
The following is mostly about the UK but it applies equally in the USA

A Donald Trump presidency would increase wealth inequality

what about the rich and wealthy having a disproportionate share of a working persons hard earned wages

income inequality in US & UK is so wide that while the richest are very well off, the poorest have a worse standard of living than the poorest in countries like Slovenia

Poorer people dying increasingly younger than richer people as 'dismal' life expectancy gap grows, report finds​ neighbourhoods in,areas, a report has found.

Britain and the US are poor societies with some very rich people​

‘A Poor Country with a Few Rich People in it’: Renowned Inequalities Expert Speaks Out as Bereaved Families Give their Accounts of ‘The Unequal Pandemic’​

Extreme poverty increases as billionaires’ fortunes balloon by $2.7bn-a-day (£2bn)

The richest 1% of Britons hold more wealth than 70 per cent of Britons

The richest 1% have pocketed $26 trillion (£21 trillion) in new wealth since 2020, nearly twice as much as the other 99 per cent of the world’s population, an Oxfam report reveals today.

Britain must get serious about its toxic combination of low growth and high inequality that has left typical families £8,800 poorer than their counterparts in comparable countries
"They' has been a gender neutral pronoun since before political correctness gone mad was a thing. If someone says that they'd like to be called "they/them", I say OK, I'll try to remember that, please forgive me if I forget. How does that hurt me? It doesn't. People should just be thankful that they slot into one or other of the mainstream gender categories, and maybe have a bit of sympathy for those who go through life in a confused and often socially vilified state of mind. Shame on them who think they have the right to stand in judgement over those less fortunate. No-one cuts their penis off merely to win a tennis tournament.
I agree, but the aggressive Trans lobby has not helped.

I dont have a problem with the basic pronouns, but is the trans community really going to sell dozens of pronouns.........lets be honest there are plenty of people who still havent worked out the difference between biological sex and gender (as is obvious from this very thread!)
Please could you provide the evidence

Is protection of womens rights "bad news"
is extending premium subsidies for health care "bad news"
is lowering prescription drug costs "bad news"
is paid leave "bad news"
are child tax credits "bad news"

Or maybe you mean the strong economic growth the Democrats have achieved and the fall in violent crime

Personally I would have thought Project 2025 is the real bad news
Funny thing is Trump has distanced himself massively from project 2025 but everyone still is windmilling that around their heads as the stick to beat him with.

- Kamala has overseen a rampant migrant crisis, look at her comments prior to her party being in power, she's been clear on her policies and only now is she trying to pander to the electorate to get votes. It won't be any different if she gets elected, the rot will continue
- she cannot perform on a live interview, how do you think she'll cope on the world stage dealing with provocative and dangerous leaders of other countries.
- the economy of the US might have grown, but for the top 1%, everyday citizens struggle more and more
- she's anti-christian. Whether you believe or not, the US is built on Christian values (the right kind) and has served it to become the strongest country in the world.
- she's come to be the front runner of the race for her party undemocratically. Biden was forced out and while she may have the support of her party now, you don't have to be too intelligent to see what happened there, if that party is willing to operate in that way for the leadership race, what does that say about them as a whole.
-shes dangerous to the freedom of everyone in the US, look at her views will AG in cal about locking up parents.

Unrelated to Kamala in a way but it's funny how it's the liberal states that are absolutely f***** in terms of violence, drugs, taxes, cost of living etc. Kamala is hard left and it's fair to assume she'll try enforce much more left leaning policies on the entire country while will lead to its ultimate downfall. Something I know a lot of Brits weirdly would love to see.

Spectric said it best imo and we agree for once. Trump will be a reset and both parties will hopefully come back a bit more central and with the ability to unify the greatest nation on earth. If Kamala wins, it will depend the divide and the country will begin to crumble.

All my opinion, you are entitled to yours but you won't change my mind.