US Election November 5th

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I'd say less, much less. He doesn't respect the constitution, and he'd sell out American interests in a heartbeat for personal gain or a tickle on the tummy from Putin.
Isn't it curious that the Trumpophobes are also the same people who generally support this Krank Starmer, they also support being part of a federal Europe and actively support punitively damaging the successful.
I'm not a fan of Trump but he is a patriot and his supporters are too. He gives the disenfranchised a voice which they never had before and puts America first.

I highly doubt Trump actually cares about anyone other than himself. But regardless, his (and his supporters') brand of patriotism is more akin to nationalism; which tends to be altogether more negative. E.g.

"identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations"

We in the UK could do with some of that...putting Britain and British people first!

The problem is that there usually seems to be a correlation between those who make these sorts of statements (look after our own rather than others) and the people who also are against the kinds of social support measures to actually look after their own. Generally it always seems to boil down to look after me.
He's no more of a patriot than most Americans. He just makes more noise about it.
I'm with Jake and Sploo: he's not a patriot at all. He's in it 100% for himself, for his ego, for power and for greed. He's an amoral gangster. His appealing to 'patriotism' has nothing to do with love of country and everything to do with votes. Much like Putin but sadly without the brains, just a little feral cunning.

And yes, I know that can be applied to some degree to most politicians, but Trump is just beyond the pale.
I'm with Jake and Sploo: he's not a patriot at all. He's in it 100% for himself, for his ego, for power and for greed. He's an amoral gangster. His appealing to 'patriotism' has nothing to do with love of country and everything to do with votes. Much like Putin but sadly without the brains, just a little feral cunning.

And yes, I know that can be applied to some degree to most politicians, but Trump is just beyond the pale.
I agree, but I chose my words carefully.
Just make sure Trumps finger is well away from that Big Red Button when his time comes, he's the kind of selfish SOB that would take the world with him if he couldn't have it.
Kier clearly not the sharpest tool in the box
Perhaps he needs to spend a week with Jacob to sharpen him up.

If you think of trump as a tool needed short term to get a job done and get the train back on it's rails then maybe he is the best tool short term. At the moment Biden and Harris have left a mess that needs cleaning up, not all in old Joes pants either and so you need a tool to clean it up which is where Trump comes in, after his next term who knows what will happen but hopefully we have more stability in the world as Trump is a businessman and can see things from that direction.
Yeah, my bad.
One of those times when you leave the keyboard in a hurry without checking.
The last sentence should have read - They don't want what a few others think they should have.

One word too many and one missing - not bad for me...
I highly doubt Trump actually cares about anyone other than himself. But regardless, his (and his supporters') brand of patriotism is more akin to nationalism; which tends to be altogether more negative. E.g.

"identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations"

The problem is that there usually seems to be a correlation between those who make these sorts of statements (look after our own rather than others) and the people who also are against the kinds of social support measures to actually look after their own. Generally it always seems to boil down to look after me.
I think we did the - "identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations"bit from the 1500s onwards.

Trump is far right and appeals to those who are far right. He wants to own the country and will use all his money and powers to see that he does.