US Election November 5th

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May I politely suggest there is a tad of imagination going on here........I rather doubt you would be able to find any Democrats, Labour supporters, Navara media or Joe politics that have suggested any of your examples.

Maybe you have got yourself a bit triggered by culture wars??

lets look at 1) "you can change your sex" -nobody is saying that, what they are saying is you can change your gender. It is true Democrats support trans rights, but trans is a minority group so why shouldnt they be supported? If you had a child that grew up Trans I am sure you would want their rights represented

lets look at 5) "there are 32 genders" whilst people are born biologically male or female, not every person feels they match the gender of the biological they were born with, but they dont necessarily feel they are 100% the opposite gender, the might be anywhere between male and female, so rather like autism, gender is a spectrum, a range.

I personally cant stand all these silly pronouns, I dont think it helps the trans community at all, but the fact is, there are more than 2 genders
"They' has been a gender neutral pronoun since before political correctness gone mad was a thing. If someone says that they'd like to be called "they/them", I say OK, I'll try to remember that, please forgive me if I forget. How does that hurt me? It doesn't. People should just be thankful that they slot into one or other of the mainstream gender categories, and maybe have a bit of sympathy for those who go through life in a confused and often socially vilified state of mind. Shame on them who think they have the right to stand in judgement over those less fortunate. No-one cuts their penis off merely to win a tennis tournament.
May I politely suggest there is a tad of imagination going on here........I rather doubt you would be able to find any Democrats, Labour supporters, Navara media or Joe politics that have suggested any of your examples.

Maybe you have got yourself a bit triggered by culture wars??

lets look at 1) "you can change your sex" -nobody is saying that, what they are saying is you can change your gender. It is true Democrats support trans rights, but trans is a minority group so why shouldnt they be supported? If you had a child that grew up Trans I am sure you would want their rights represented

lets look at 5) "there are 32 genders" whilst people are born biologically male or female, not every person feels they match the gender of the biological they were born with, but they dont necessarily feel they are 100% the opposite gender, the might be anywhere between male and female, so rather like autism, gender is a spectrum, a range.

I personally cant stand all these silly pronouns, I dont think it helps the trans community at all, but the fact is, there are more than 2 genders

You know full well that when the trans community talks about gender, they mean sex.
Sports is based on sex. If the trans community and you, are only talking about gender, then why do they want to compete against the opposite sex?

I’m not fooling for this left wing ‘culture wars’ nonsense
You lot started a cultured war in 2016 and lost. You went to war with reality and reality fought back. Almost every nutty social policy you’ve tried to foist on the public has been rejected.
You’ve resorted to shouting racism and far right extremism ever since. The more you lose the louder you get.
It’s like watching drunk making a spectacle of himself in the street.

Unsightly and sad but also amusing
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have though introduced a more concerning issue in that labour has been trying to influence the American election, if or when Trump wins then we in the uk now stand a much bigger chance of being given the cold shoulder and no trade deals so well done labou

This, in my opinion, is the most ridiculous and self sabotaging decision that this government has made so far and that's saying something. It's hard to see any potential upside. Maybe if the Harris campaign was 100% on course for a victory then this could make sense. However it isn't clear cut and honestly I think Trump will win and the uk at that point has already dug their grave. Kier clearly not the sharpest tool in the box
This, in my opinion, is the most ridiculous and self sabotaging decision that this government has made so far and that's saying something. It's hard to see any potential upside. Maybe if the Harris campaign was 100% on course for a victory then this could make sense. However it isn't clear cut and honestly I think Trump will win and the uk at that point has already dug their grave. Kier clearly not the sharpest tool in the box
Trump loves the Uk.

People think Trump is a psycho but he’s not.
His bark is worse than his bite, until he bites.

Did he arrest Clinton? No.
Did he arrest anyone? No.
Did he go to war? No.

At heart he’s a big dope with a new york exterior. All Labour has to do is talk sweet to him and everything will be forgotten.
All Charly boy has to do is. Invjte him over for a state banquet. As long as Charles can avoid being a insufferable snob.
Trump loves the Uk.

People think Trump is a psycho but he’s not.
His bark is worse than his bite, until he bites.

Did he arrest Clinton? No.
Did he arrest anyone? No.
Did he go to war? No.

At heart he’s a big dope with a new york exterior. All Labour has to do is talk sweet to him and everything will be forgotten.
All Charly boy has to do is. Invjte him over for a state banquet. As long as Charles can avoid being a insufferable snob.
He's not a psycho and maybe he does love the UK but his team around him may not. Overall it's a colossal mistake by Kier and one frankly I'll have to laugh about from a distance (Canada) while also feeling very angry that my childhood home is being run by an even bigger bunch of fools than the last lot.

And unfortunately for Kier, Trump has to win. Kamala is bad news and I'm generally fairly central in my views.
In a close US presidential contest it is simply bonkers to actively support one side. It can only compromise relationships post election if the supported candidate loses.

Protestations that they are simply private individuals who have every right to do as they see fit seems hugely economical with the truth. All with close links to Labour could have been strongly advised not to go (banning may be an abuse of personal freedom).

The "special relationship" is subordinate to harsh economic reality - a UK trade deal will not be top of the priority list for the incoming president. Trump and MAGA likely to be particularly unimpressed.
All too many submissives baring for Trump for my liking. You can't deal with authoritarians by curtseying and currying favour.
Isn't it curious that the Trumpophobes are also the same people who generally support this Krank Starmer, they also support being part of a federal Europe and actively support punitively damaging the successful.
I'm not a fan of Trump but he is a patriot and his supporters are too. He gives the disenfranchised a voice which they never had before and puts America first.
We in the UK could do with some of that...putting Britain and British people first!
Isn't it curious that the Trumpophobes are also the same people who generally support this Krank Starmer, they also support being part of a federal Europe and actively support punitively damaging the successful.
I'm not a fan of Trump but he is a patriot and his supporters are too. He gives the disenfranchised a voice which they never had before and puts America first.
We in the UK could do with some of that...putting Britain and British people first!
I've got some crypto I can sell you?
I largely agree - but unless alternatives solutions are found, the reality is:

“Democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time” from Winston Churchill.
You can seek to make democracy better. Stronger electoral regulators for example; anyone seeking the opposite is interested in power rather than democracy. Independent judiciary with appropriate qualifications and experience (where qualifications do not include "will decide issues in my favour"). Strong second house with a system for appointment/election that's different to that for the primary.
People who are ill informed can also have a high level of common sense.

I think the issue can arise from life experience.

Working class people (for want of a better description) imo generally have more common sense in certain areas because their life experiences come from living in a world, where they are more likely to be involved in violence, crime and people who want to rip them off.
We call it ‘street smart’.

Street smarts allow you to spot someone who’s no good pretty quickly and is a very transferable skillset imo when it comes to politics.
That doesn't seem to be working for the last few years at least. For example Farage and Tice are grifters and fairly obviously so, as is Johnson, yet those people have a strong support among "working class" people. Though I guess it depends what you call working class; most of working age in the UK are workers, rather than owners.
Isn't it curious that the Trumpophobes are also the same people who generally support this Krank Starmer, they also support being part of a federal Europe and actively support punitively damaging the successful.
I'm not a fan of Trump but he is a patriot and his supporters are too. He gives the disenfranchised a voice which they never had before and puts America first.
We in the UK could do with some of that...putting Britain and British people first!
Quite a few parallels there Tony with what Churchill would have been hearing from his critics in 1939 …

Ironic that you feel we need some of what Trump has … a president who wanted some generals like Hitler had …
Quite a few parallels there Tony with what Churchill would have been hearing from his critics in 1939 …

Ironic that you feel we need some of what Trump has … a president who wanted some generals like Hitler had …
It needs someone like Trump with his mentality to take the reins and put the UK and people of the UK first and actually believe in the UK instead of continually running it down and to marginalise those who would serve to undermine the fabric of our society.

When people are too afraid speak out and to tell it like it is without invoking the wrath of the woke brigade calling them racists, bigots and whatever else for simply speaking the truth then you know something is seriously wrong.
The problem is that unfortunately the majority of the woke brigade are just too ignorant and blinded by their own agenda to understand or visualise what the long term consequences for our nation is if it continues on its current self-destructive trajectory.