Work so hard you cripple yourself

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Established Member
31 Jul 2024
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Here's an example of low-pay manual work in the modern age. Maybe they should just work harder. Maybe they should have got more qualified. Only got themselves to blame.

Perhaps trickle down economics will serve them. Maybe they should buy shares. I mean, if you complain about being poor, then it's your fault for not working smarter and harder.
^^ Time and motion studies, usually devised by people who haven't done manual labour and and are in overpaid positions. It's a heartless concept, that should have been consigned to history, and in my mind it is little better than slavery.
Type of thing a tory would come up with.

Maybe they should just work harder. Maybe they should have got more qualified. Only got themselves to blame.

I hope you're kidding.
Here's an example of low-pay manual work in the modern age. Maybe they should just work harder. Maybe they should have got more qualified. Only got themselves to blame.

I did not follow your link, but assume you are showing the picture of Donald Trump serving fries in the fake McDonalds.
I do love Labour who in 2010 under Brown introduced the wonderful law of Anti Age discrimination . It was brilliant, instead of me allowing tge elderly workers to do the easier jobs and work at a lower pace, I had and we still tiday expect and require the elderly workers to do tge same jobs as a 20 year at the same pace. Otherwise the twenty year olds complain to tge union and we got anti age descriminatiin cases against us. Yes, Labour killed and maimed a number of workers as we could not after a lifetime of dedicated work look after them as we had traditionally done.

Before someone says, oh, set the pace and physical effort to the oldest worker……well, if we did that, and set it to what a. 75 year old could do, we wouldn’t have had a business left. He was still working due to Labour under Brown when chancellor raiding and destroying company pension schemes… salary schemes. Labour should rebrand the party ‘Hard Labour’
I do love Labour who in 2010 under Brown introduced the wonderful law of Anti Age discrimination . It was brilliant, instead of me allowing tge elderly workers to do the easier jobs and work at a lower pace, I had and we still tiday expect and require the elderly workers to do tge same jobs as a 20 year at the same pace. Otherwise the twenty year olds complain to tge union and we got anti age descriminatiin cases against us. Yes, Labour killed and maimed a number of workers as we could not after a lifetime of dedicated work look after them as we had traditionally done.

Before someone says, oh, set the pace and physical effort to the oldest worker……well, if we did that, and set it to what a. 75 year old could do, we wouldn’t have had a business left. He was still working due to Labour under Brown when chancellor raiding and destroying company pension schemes… salary schemes. Labour should rebrand the party ‘Hard Labour’

I’m not sure it’s quite as black and white as you paint it.

Age in itself isn’t a determinant of how fit and able a person is but conditions which are associated with ageing are. You are supposed to take account of any conditions that an employee has and make reasonable adjustments either in the allocation or measurement of their work.

The practice covered in the article shared by the OP is awful.
^^ Time and motion studies, usually devised by people who haven't done manual labour and and are in overpaid positions. It's a heartless concept, that should have been consigned to history, and in my mind it is little better than slavery.
Type of thing a tory would come up with.
My sister had problems with it in the mid - late '70s .................. under Labour.
Wow imagine having to lift 18kg. 1cwt cement bags was work.

As for age, I can't find anyone under 60 willing to do a days work.
I do love Labour who in 2010 under Brown introduced the wonderful law of Anti Age discrimination . It was brilliant, instead of me allowing tge elderly workers to do the easier jobs and work at a lower pace, I had and we still tiday expect and require the elderly workers to do tge same jobs as a 20 year at the same pace. Otherwise the twenty year olds complain to tge union and we got anti age descriminatiin cases against us. Yes, Labour killed and maimed a number of workers as we could not after a lifetime of dedicated work look after them as we had traditionally done.

Before someone says, oh, set the pace and physical effort to the oldest worker……well, if we did that, and set it to what a. 75 year old could do, we wouldn’t have had a business left. He was still working due to Labour under Brown when chancellor raiding and destroying company pension schemes… salary schemes. Labour should rebrand the party ‘Hard Labour’

That sounds more like a crooked and obtuse misinterpretation of the guidelines, (perhaps deliberately??) rather than the fault of the guidelines themselves.

As Blackswanwood skilfully explains, this has very little to do with "age discrimination" and far more to do with being "enabling". Unlike the linked story - which is so transparently and obviously founded in proactive human exploitation, at the expense of both safety and humanity (*while also disregards the "carp in - carp out" that so beleaguers any software system).
I’m not sure it’s quite as black and white as you paint it.

Age in itself isn’t a determinant of how fit and able a person is but conditions which are associated with ageing are. You are supposed to take account of any conditions that an employee has and make reasonable adjustments either in the allocation or measurement of their work.

The practice covered in the article shared by the OP is awful.
I suggest if you haven’t, try manual labour when you’re approaching retirement. I ran manufacturing companies, that complied with the highest standards of H&S with all manual assistance where ever possible. However, when making certain products, it needs manual labour with a tack time that’s reasonable. However, as you age and your stamina, muscle tone and overall physical ability reduces you cannot keep up with the physical effort of the tack time. I spent hours with the lawyers and arguing with the union shop steward and area convenor about allowing people as they got older to have easier jobs. The answer was simple, to do so was discrimination to the young bucks.

It’s black and white. It’s absolutely abused, another law brought in by Labour who hadn’t run a company or in most cases done a decent job in the private sector in their lives. Looking forward to Angela’s latest push for working laws. Brilliant insight she must have, having all those qualifications and years of experience running businesses generating wealth for the country……or perhaps not
That sounds more like a crooked and obtuse misinterpretation of the guidelines, (perhaps deliberately??) rather than the fault of the guidelines themselves.

As Blackswanwood skilfully explains, this has very little to do with "age discrimination" and far more to do with being "enabling". Unlike the linked story - which is so transparently and obviously founded in proactive human exploitation, at the expense of both safety and humanity (*while also disregards the "carp in - carp out" that so beleaguers any software system).
The article is ageism , it mentions the guys age.

I spent three years trying to get around the stupid law to continue to allow my ageing employees to have an easier time as they went into retirement. Most had worked for the company since they were a boy. If you think it’s all wonderful you’re deluded. It kills off the older employees and employers can do sod all about it. In fact, you have to treat everyone equally unless there is a protected characteristic or, they have a medical condition. Being old and less physically able is not a medical condition that’s recognised. I had six guys examined by a doctor to see if I could use that as a reason to treat them properly and with respect. It came back that they were fit to work.