US Election November 5th

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If it didn't , them it will probably survive another term.
And going by the age of Trump then it would be the last Trump presidency.

Regardless of the flaws, Robin is quite right - an electorate that's ill-informed or ignorant can't form part of a meaningful democracy.
Also more easily swayed by election promises that sound good to them but once you end up with a majority of lemmings then how can democracy actually deliver anything except a dictator.
I must admit, nobody is ever going to persuade me Trump is a jolly good chap
I am reminded of a reporter conducting interviews with workers leaving one of the massive Detroit car plants when the candidates were Reagan and Carter. One guy when asked who he thought was the better candidate said "what choice do we have, a movie star and a bum".
Common sense is an interesting notion. What proportion of mankind needs to think something before it becomes common sense? There's a left and right wing argument on most things that both sides maintain are common sense. We've debated another issue and have different views that we both probably would frame as common sense - it doesn't make either of us thick.
Don't disagree with that but would add that (as you know) it is a logical fallacy so it is an indication that there is a lack of reasoned and structured thought put into to the view being expressed. It basically reduces to 'this is what I think so it is correct'. That doesn't mean the person appealing to common sense is thick, but it also is not a basis for an intelligent conversation.
Is common sense not also self preservation, ie common sense tells me that crossing a road without first looking could be bad news so it is really a nickname for a logical thought process .
I think many of us have witnessed a recent episode of left wing mass hysteria, that has been seen off (for now) by a good old dose of common sense. And almost not a single ‘working class’ person agreed with any of it. No matter how many Joe politics or Navaro media degree wielding nutters, tried to manipulate them into thinking otherwise.

Examples are

1) You can change your sex
2) Ethnic Minorities can’t be racist
3) Women don’t lie
4) Women should never go to Prison
5) There are 32 genders
6) Men can play in women's sports
7) Why do we even have sex categories in sports anyway?

All positions posited by the ‘intelligent and informed’ voter. Well.. that’s what they would call themselves at any rate.

So no, when I see left wing ‘luvie’ types banging on about ‘thick voters’ (and it’s usually always them), I say thank god for thick voters because they would never vote for that.
Is common sense not also self preservation, ie common sense tells me that crossing a road without first looking could be bad news so it is really a nickname for a logical thought process .
Not really. The reason is that tonnes of metal moving at speed will injure or kill you. To then label that as common sense is neither here nor there.
I think many of us have witnessed a recent episode of left wing mass hysteria, that has been seen off (for now) by a good old dose of common sense. And almost not a single ‘working class’ person agreed with any of it. No matter how many Joe politics or Navaro media degree wielding nutters, tried to manipulate them into thinking otherwise.

Examples are

1) You can change your sex
2) Ethnic Minorities can’t be racist
3) Women don’t lie
4) Women should never go to Prison
5) There are 32 genders
6) Men can play in women's sports
7) Why do we even have sex categories in sports anyway?

All positions posited by the ‘intelligent and informed’ voter. Well.. that’s what they would call themselves at any rate.

So no, when I see left wing ‘luvie’ types banging on about ‘thick voters’ (and it’s usually always them), I say thank god for thick voters because they would never vote for that.
Gosh! You've really got a bee in your bonnet about this gender thing!
Not sure what some of this has to do with the American election because you will not find any common sense in politics.

1) You can change your sex
2) Ethnic Minorities can’t be racist
3) Women don’t lie
4) Women should never go to Prison
5) There are 32 genders
6) Men can play in women's sports
7) Why do we even have sex categories in sports anyway?
I don't think any of these are examples of common sense, the first one is illogical as it is defined at birth for humans, accepted some fish can change and the same for 5 because it is a binary constant and the rest are open to debate but are any candidates in the American presidental race talking about any of these or raising issues concerning gender and again there was some joke from Trump about Harris but not outstanding. We have though introduced a more concerning issue in that labour has been trying to influence the American election, if or when Trump wins then we in the uk now stand a much bigger chance of being given the cold shoulder and no trade deals so well done labour.
People who are ill informed can also have a high level of common sense.

I think the issue can arise from life experience.

Working class people (for want of a better description) imo generally have more common sense in certain areas because their life experiences come from living in a world, where they are more likely to be involved in violence, crime and people who want to rip them off.
We call it ‘street smart’.

Street smarts allow you to spot someone who’s no good pretty quickly and is a very transferable skillset imo when it comes to politics. Of course there are degrees of it and how it is deployed.
On the other hand, an educated person who has almost non of these experiences is open to vastly more amounts of manipulation. They are especially susceptible to appeals to empathy because they aren’t street smart. They don’t have much experience of when someone is exploiting that.

Again not a be all and end all but I believe a valid position as to why common sense ‘street smarts’ is potentially more valuable than a university degree, when it comes to spotting good ir bad ideas, by good or bad people.

What is the quote
“An idea so stupid only an intelligent person could think it”
Just a lazy characterisation of 'working class people' and 'educated people' - a silly distinction in itself - as if one group has 'life experiences' and the other doesn't. Cartoon stereotypes.
I think many of us have witnessed a recent episode of left wing mass hysteria, that has been seen off (for now) by a good old dose of common sense. And almost not a single ‘working class’ person agreed with any of it. No matter how many Joe politics or Navaro media degree wielding nutters, tried to manipulate them into thinking otherwise.

Examples are

1) You can change your sex
2) Ethnic Minorities can’t be racist
3) Women don’t lie
4) Women should never go to Prison
5) There are 32 genders
6) Men can play in women's sports
7) Why do we even have sex categories in sports anyway?

All positions posited by the ‘intelligent and informed’ voter. Well.. that’s what they would call themselves at any rate.

So no, when I see left wing ‘luvie’ types banging on about ‘thick voters’ (and it’s usually always them), I say thank god for thick voters because they would never vote for that.
Again, just making stuff up.
Not sure what some of this has to do with the American election because you will not find any common sense in politics.

I don't think any of these are examples of common sense, the first one is illogical as it is defined at birth for humans, accepted some fish can change and the same for 5 because it is a binary constant and the rest are open to debate but are any candidates in the American presidental race talking about any of these or raising issues concerning gender and again there was some joke from Trump about Harris but not outstanding. We have though introduced a more concerning issue in that labour has been trying to influence the American election, if or when Trump wins then we in the uk now stand a much bigger chance of being given the cold shoulder and no trade deals so well done labour.
I would have thought any trade deals would be made on the basis of what was best for the USA, not according to some petty spite, but I'm forgetting, it's Trump we're talking about, a spoilt brat.
Not sure what some of this has to do with the American election because you will not find any common sense in politics.

I don't think any of these are examples of common sense, the first one is illogical as it is defined at birth for humans, accepted some fish can change and the same for 5 because it is a binary constant and the rest are open to debate but are any candidates in the American presidental race talking about any of these or raising issues concerning gender and again there was some joke from Trump about Harris but not outstanding. We have though introduced a more concerning issue in that labour has been trying to influence the American election, if or when Trump wins then we in the uk now stand a much bigger chance of being given the cold shoulder and no trade deals so well done labour.
Examples are

1) You can change your sex
2) Ethnic Minorities can’t be racist
3) Women don’t lie
4) Women should never go to Prison
5) There are 32 genders
6) Men can play in women's sports
7) Why do we even have sex categories in sports anyway?

May I politely suggest there is a tad of imagination going on here........I rather doubt you would be able to find any Democrats, Labour supporters, Navara media or Joe politics that have suggested any of your examples.

Maybe you have got yourself a bit triggered by culture wars??

lets look at 1) "you can change your sex" -nobody is saying that, what they are saying is you can change your gender. It is true Democrats support trans rights, but trans is a minority group so why shouldnt they be supported? If you had a child that grew up Trans I am sure you would want their rights represented

lets look at 5) "there are 32 genders" whilst people are born biologically male or female, not every person feels they match the gender of the biological they were born with, but they dont necessarily feel they are 100% the opposite gender, the might be anywhere between male and female, so rather like autism, gender is a spectrum, a range.

I personally cant stand all these silly pronouns, I dont think it helps the trans community at all, but the fact is, there are more than 2 genders
concerted efforts have been made for so long to debase, demoralize, stupefy and distract them.

People are generally very uninformed on politics............but thats not the problem

The problem is that being uninformed allows them to be manipulated.............if you take that to its natural conclusion, it means the biggest liar will rise to the top.

Im sorry but lies, gaslighting, propaganda, brainwashing, pork barrel politics, gerrymandering are not what I call democracy

Why do we have people like Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene etc getting away with conspiracy theories and lies?
A = because of social media, the lies spread faster than the truth can ever catch up

Trump knows he was lying about "they are eating the pets" but it doesnt matter
A) it gets a message across
B) lies get more media attention than boring facts
You never fix any problem by accepting it or making excuses for it, you get to the bottom of it and sort it out. You are born what you are and have no say in the mater so you might fancy thinking you are a mitre saw or a gremlin but not happening, if you have those sort of thoughts then seek medical help for mental health issues. All these issues will eventually come down as some form of autism where not all connections in the brain are correct but other parts are in overdrive so often giving you special abilities such as drawing or numbers but even nature is not perfect.

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