US Election November 5th

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Do any of you really believe that your arguments for or against, will change any minds? Which to me are completely polar opposites. What a waste of energy.
I did watch a youtube vid the other day between 2 people (both have large num of youtube followers). The one of them who was basically a democrat and the other 'undecided' but mostly Trump leaning.

It was interesting the views that the 'undecided' person which were in most parts wrong. The democrat pointed out many falsehoods pushed by Trump and to his credit also did list a few things Trump did better on.

In the end the 'undecided' person came away far more likely to vote for Harris.

The trouble is a lot of the general public just see heavily edited bits from Trump so never see his insane ramblings and fascist statements. For example Fox news interview with Harris was keen to show a clip of Trump defending his statement about using the military on the 'enemy within'. Not only was that not the clip where he was ranting about using the military but even in the clip shown it was cropped and missed out his further statements backing his views up. Harris pointed this out.
Me neither, he's an obnoxious cretin ............. but he's still better than Harris.
Trump is a pathological, narcissistic liar -thats a fact
Trump tried to break USA democracy in 2020 - that’s a fact

I find it hard to understand how somebody so morally corrupt could possibly be a better choice than any other candidate.

It’s irrelevant whether it’s Kamala Harris or anybody else
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Will we just keep this thread after the election or start a new one to handle the customary calling of anyone who voted for the winner as being stupid, put forward spurious arguments why it's an undemocratic outcome and berate the lack of progress in the first three weeks of office? ;)
Will we just keep this thread after the election or start a new one to handle the customary calling of anyone who voted for the winner as being stupid, put forward spurious arguments why it's an undemocratic outcome and berate the lack of progress in the first three weeks of office? ;)
Will we just keep this thread after the election or start a new one to handle the customary calling of anyone who voted for the winner as being stupid, put forward spurious arguments why it's an undemocratic outcome and berate the lack of progress in the first three weeks of office? ;)
I vote all of these
Me neither, he's an obnoxious cretin ............. but he's still better than Harris.

How? I mean really, come on. You gotta explain it to me. I'm sure you're old enough to know Trump for decades, what he's got up to, the very obvious utter lies when he's managing to talk lucidly, the astonishing nonsense when he isn't, the out and out obvious disregard for democracy and willingness to subvert it, giving himself personal immunity from prosecution by turning the Supreme Court into a more nasty, crony driven nightmare than it's ever been, the declared intention to turn the civil service into just an extension of his federal power, giving himself a third term, I'll mention January the whatever it was Capitol Hill event (though I think it's more harmful to go on about that than it is a help, think it actually turns waverers off voting blue), declared intention to persecute and jail individuals who've crossed him if he gets back in, inject yourself with bleach roflmao, arrogant pineapple, nasty piece of work, f**king silly person. What have I missed?

I mean really. Is it because he wants a wall and Harris doesn't? Is that it?

The mind boggles. I never fail find it astonishing that he's even a contender and I keep on hoping I'll wake up and find I'm actually still twenty and the last 30 years were all a dream.

How? I mean really, come on. You gotta explain it to me. I'm sure you're old enough to know Trump for decades, what he's got up to, the very obvious utter lies when he's managing to talk lucidly, the astonishing nonsense when he isn't, the out and out obvious disregard for democracy and willingness to subvert it, giving himself personal immunity from prosecution by turning the Supreme Court into a more nasty, crony driven nightmare than it's ever been, the declared intention to turn the civil service into just an extension of his federal power, giving himself a third term, I'll mention January the whatever it was Capitol Hill event (though I think it's more harmful to go on about that than it is a help, think it actually turns waverers off voting blue), declared intention to persecute and jail individuals who've crossed him if he gets back in, inject yourself with bleach roflmao, arrogant pineapple, nasty piece of work, f**king silly person. What have I missed?

I mean really. Is it because he wants a wall and Harris doesn't? Is that it?

The mind boggles. I never fail find it astonishing that he's even a contender and I keep on hoping I'll wake up and find I'm actually still twenty and the last 30 years were all a dream.

you've forgotten his obsession with dictators. He literally has nothing nice to say about western leaders but continually praises dictators and has even hosted Victor Orban at Mar a largo. Along with his 'poisoning the blood' speeches which are strangely reminiscent of a certain other leader.

In addition to numerous illegal calls to Putin post presidency.

His desire to weaken/destroy NATO.

Said he would get Musk to be head of government efficiency, whilst his companies take $billions in government funding.

there is so much more but I'd be here til after the election listing it all.

Guess we'll find out in a few weeks what the American public really think. Currently there are record early voters which is a good sign for Harris. I believe a lot of people will say they will vote Trump to save face and actually vote Harris. But we'll have to see.
you've forgotten his obsession with dictators. He literally has nothing nice to say about western leaders but continually praises dictators and has even hosted Victor Orban at Mar a largo. Along with his 'poisoning the blood' speeches which are strangely reminiscent of a certain other leader.

In addition to numerous illegal calls to Putin post presidency.

His desire to weaken/destroy NATO.

Said he would get Musk to be head of government efficiency, whilst his companies take $billions in government funding.

there is so much more but I'd be here til after the election listing it all.

Guess we'll find out in a few weeks what the American public really think. Currently there are record early voters which is a good sign for Harris. I believe a lot of people will say they will vote Trump to save face and actually vote Harris. But we'll have to see.
dont forget Project 2025

it is absolutely Trumps manifesto blueprint
Whatever you think of Orban he was elected.
That's not an accurate statement. You should read up on Orbán, the Fidesz party and the history of the National Assembly, especially since 2010.
When one candidate's former Chief of Staff when he was previously President warns that he is a fascist, he's probably not the best candidate for post of 'leader of the free world'. Even more so when so many others involved directly with him agree.

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