We wheeled the remains of my Router Table down to the workshop several weeks ago, since when it has been sitting there looking very sad indeed.
Although there are a couple of drawer fronts off, I do still have them. I'd tried to clean one up by washing it with a bit of bleach, but it did not get rid of the black discolouration. So there was nothing for it but to tart it up. I took off all the knobs and handles and gave it a coat of Mint eggshell.
which has done it a power of good. The drawers never fitted very well, but they had become very stiff indeed, but a squirt lithium grease sorted them out quite well. They are still not excellent, but they are useable.
I've bought a Kreg router plate, but it is a different shape and size to the one I had before. It is shorter and wider. If it was bigger all round I could fix it, but it is not easy to do a good job of filling the gaps, so it seemed sensible to make a new top.
I bought a sheet of 15mm MRMDF and cut a couple of pieces 950 x 700mm. I decided that I'd press them in a vacuum, but I had to improvise. I do still have one of my vac bags, but not the pump to evacuate it. If anyone has a vac pump they don't use, please let me know, I do want to replace mine.
So I took one of my vacuum bags for clothing and slipped the top in that.
I had limited success. To start with it went well and the bag did evacuate. But then the bag itself split. It didn't immediately collapse, not as long as I kept the shopvac going. So I left it running whilst I went up to the house to wash out the roller.
Unfortunately when I came back a few minutes later the shopvac was silent and the bag was full of air
I think what happened was that the shopvac got hot because there was no air flowing through it and the thermal cutout swung in. Fortunately, when I switched it off and switched it back on again (the IT engineer in me), all was well again. Good job, as this was actually only the first time I'd used my Fessy, I've been using my Lidl more generally, but the Fessy has a nice soft nozzle. which is ideal for this, as the bag does not have a socket.
So the two layers are not bonded as tightly as I had hoped for, I'll have to see if it is good enough in a day or two. I might have to make it again