I wasn't expecting Ray to come over today, I thought we were both going to work in someone else's garden today and work here tomorrow, but apparently I don't listen to my answering machine.
His first comment was, "There's not much to show for a week!". Hmmmm.
We started by finding our levels for the block paving and found that we needed to remove the concrete that is in front of the double doors. There is a limit of how close we can get the saw to the door, so there is a strip left, but we can bed the blocks pretty much directly onto that.
The saw didn't want to start
but eventually it was bullied into life
Ray started to cut
and it got dustier
and dustier
and dustier, until I couldn't stand there any longer. My sunglasses are safety glasses and they wrap around quite tightly, but they are not entirely dust proof and if there is one thing that contact-lens wearers don't like it dust on a windy day.
I was just glad that no neighbours had any washing out, or I would not be very popular at all.
With the line cut, we started to dig it out.
Actually, most of the time it was me levering and Ray bashing, my hunky body making this one job that I could do better than Ray.
So by lunchtime we had got half of it out, me taking it to the tip whilst Ray carried on breaking.
The concrete at the left side is a bit bulging out over to next door, so we are going to have to chop out for our fence posts a little there.
I am absolutely knackered. Even Ray said he'd had enough. My eyes feel like they have been sand-blasted. I just hope that my lenses have not been scratched. I know it's not half-past-five yet but I am seriously thinking of skipping dinner, having a bath and going to bed.