I recently came across this while searching for parts for a friends table saw , not sure if I’ve copied the link correctly but I’ll try it anyway ..
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Power Tools >
Saws > We’re Much Closer to SawStop-Like Table Saw Regulations – Update
JAN 9, 2024
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The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) moved closer towards introducing a rule requiring table saw makers to limit the depth of a potentially injurious cut to no more than 3.5mm.
They “determined preliminarily that there may be an unreasonable risk of blade-contact injuries associated with table saws,” and are considering enacting a potential performance standard regarding how severe a cut can be in the event of an unintentional blade contact accident.
Basically, the CPSC has moved closer towards requiring Saw-Stop like active injury mitigation systems on all table saws.
Here are the latest updates:
September 2023: CPSC staff provided a briefing package to the Commission.
October 2023: The Commission voted to publish an SNPR (Supplementary Notice of Proposed Rulemaking) in the Federal Register.
November 2023: CPSC published a proposed rule:
Safety Standard Addressing Blade-Contact Injuries on Table Saws.
This document is an interesting read. It includes a background on the proposed rulemaking, as well as responses to 23 distinct comments and concerns expressed by the public and rulemaking opponents.
January 2024: CPSC
granted an extension of the comment period.
February 2024: The comment period will close on
February 1st, 2024.
The supporting documents include comments and letters from various tool brands, some of which are particularly insightful.
A November 2023 response from Bosch says:
From a November 2023 letter from SawStop’s parent company:
If Bosch and SawStop’s parent company “reached an amicable solution,” more than 5 years ago, and Bosch licensed SawStop IP, why hasn’t Bosch reintroduced the REAXX table saw?
Here’s one more excerpt from SawStop:
From a 2019 comment from SawStop inventor Stephen Gass:
I didn’t know that.
Lastly, the CPSC published the minutes from their October 2023 meeting and vote.
Decisional Matter: Federal Register Notice: Safety Standard Addressing Blade-Contact Injuries on Table Saws, Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (SNPR)
The Commission voted 3-1 in favor of approving the draft SNPR and to publish it in the Federal Register.
The sole dissenter provided a statement titled “Proposed Standard for Table Saws Would Create Harmful Monopoly, Not Ready for Publication.”
One of the Commissioners in favor of the proposed rule provided a statement titled “Historic Table Saw Rule Could Provide Greatest Net Benefits of Any Rule in CPSC History: $2.32 Billion Every Year.”
Here are some excerpts:
Once the comment window closes on February 1st, it might be a while until the next actions are taken.
Everything I read so far suggests that the major obstacles have been reduced to speed bumps, and that the CPSC is headed to a final ruling.
Whether you are for or against the proposed rules, this might be your last opportunity to chime in.
Index for Rule 3041-AC31 (Actions, Dates, Supporting Documents)
CPSC Docket No. 2011-0074 (Regulations.gov)
Commission Meeting Minutes and Vote Statements (October 2023)
Safety Standard Addressing Blade-Contact Injuries on Table Saws – A Proposed Rule by the Consumer Product Safety Commission on 11/01/2023
Notice of Extension of Comment Period(December 2023) – check that page for details on where to submit a formal comment.
Supported Documentation (Letters and Statements)
Read Also: Table Saws Might Still Require SawStop-Like Safety Tech (September 2023 Recap)
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