Seen it.
He's using a saw with teeth spec very different from the hand saw so there is no point in the comparison at all.
He's also struggling quite hard as it's too big for one chap and I doubt he could do a straight cut down the far side.
Totally unconvincing. Talked me right out of it!
I've got two saws with identical teeth. In narrow stock, the long frame saw is ungainly, and it was when I was just learning it. In wood more than about 4 inches wide, the frame saw is much faster with the same teeth.
The comparisons online in pine aren't that useful as there's little made with it here in the states. The same is probably unfortunately true with wide mahogany - it's really not realistic for amateurs to get 16" wide 8/4 genuine mahogany in good quality or a small project can soon be $1000 - $2000 in lumber and have a finished value of not much if it's not used wisely.
Cherry, oak, soft maple, poplar (if painting) would be more realistic. Maybe some white oak.
I'm not sure why anyone tries to convince you or falls into the trap of believing that you're actually processing the discussion and considering anything. The unfortunate casualty in the back and forth is beginners who may believe you have a lot of experience just because you have a negative opinion about what everyone else is doing.
I'm mondo negative, but for a different reason. if I had the ability to be positive in the face of people misleading others and the kind of low bar for advice, I guess I would be. I don't.