Potential sites for new mega-solar farms


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We are, after all, only here by a random mixing of genes for parents, partners or lovers, and we pick up the mantle and carry it until we croak, filling in the time the best and most comfortable ways we can.

Since DNA and ancestory has been available I think many skeletons have come out of the closet and what some people might have believed has since been thrown into turmoil, once upon a time before DNA they thought they got away with a little dabble here or there and many probably did not even know the true origin of their child but now some generations later it is all being laid bare.
Since DNA and ancestory has been available I think many skeletons have come out of the closet and what some people might have believed has since been thrown into turmoil, once upon a time before DNA they thought they got away with a little dabble here or there and many probably did not even know the true origin of their child but now some generations later it is all being laid bare.
It's thought that one person in twenty here hasn't the father they they had, and one in ten in the U.S.
It's thought that one person in twenty here hasn't the father they they had, and one in ten in the U.S.
And, let's be honest. To the lowly masses it matters little, the outcome is the same; there's an offspring. Nature doesn't mind, and we don't last long enough to matter. Only when there's title or power does it make a difference, but only to those involved.
but the top wealth owners also provide, I think from memory, around 1/3rd of the total income tax take in this country. They also buy more and more expensive goods and therefore pay much more of the total VAT.
if wealth was spread more fairly everybody would earn more money and everybody would pay more tax

and actually the wealthy dont spend their all their discretionary income, they build assets which are taxed less.....so the wealthy actually contribute less to the state
What usually happens with the board game is that any advantage gained, whether by luck or judgment, tends to grow, until the game becomes so unbalanced that others go "bankrupt" as property accumulates in fewer and fewer hands.
Very analogous to the so-called "free market".
Thomas Piketty says more or less the same thing but in quarter of a million words, in "Capital in the Twenty First Century"

You’re still looking past the point.

Life is a mixture of luck, mental fortitude, and intelligence.

Life is not like a game of monopoly at all. If you think it is and or make prescriptions to try and substitute for the phenomenon we call luck, you’re going to make an immeasurably unhappy society. In part because yo';re going to have to implement the most draconian meaures, to ensure ‘fairness’ of luck.

You can see how absurd that is.
if wealth was spread more fairly everybody would earn more money and everybody would pay more tax

and actually the wealthy dont spend their all their discretionary income, they build assets which are taxed less.....so the wealthy actually contribute less to the state
The state restricts job growth and wealth generation.

You're making an argument that destroys your desired outcome. It's schizophrenic.

Also if everyone earned more money, inflation would go through the roof and likely destroy the economy.
We need poor people who earn low wages. You lefty guys instinctively know this, hence why you push for low wage mass immigration but then opine for ‘waelth being spread more fairly’. A subtle bit of dark humour there on your part ;)

The best we can do is a compromise.
You’re still looking past the point.
No you've missed the point.
Life is a mixture of luck, mental fortitude, and intelligence.
Yes. And inheritance, opportunity, family, societal support and many other things.
Life is not like a game of monopoly at all.
More that a Monopoly game is like life.
If you think it is and or make prescriptions to try and substitute for the phenomenon we call luck, you’re going to make an immeasurably unhappy society. In part because yo';re going to have to implement the most draconian meaures, to ensure ‘fairness’ of luck.
We already have draconian measures in place - about 50% of GDP is public spending on infrastructure and so many other things to make life better for us all. This is financed by a progressive tax system. "Progressive" means the more you have the more you pay.
You can see how absurd that is.
Seems normal to me. Everybody's doing it! How could you not notice this?
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The state restricts job growth and wealth generation.
Completely the opposite, though it can be done badly of course. It is under continuous attack from the right and the very wealthy who see it as a threat to their ill gotten wealth.

Also if everyone earned more money, inflation would go through the roof and likely destroy the economy.
We need poor people who earn low wages.
You lefty guys instinctively know this, hence why you push for low wage mass immigration
Weird thing to say - it's the right who push for low wages and exploitation of immigration as everybody knows.
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Completely the opposite, though it can be done badly of course. It is under continuous attack from the right and the very wealthy who see it as a threat to their ill gotten wealth.


Weird thing to say - it's the right who push for low wages and exploitation of immigration as everybody knows.
At this point Jacob you’re just literally saying the opposite of what I say.
It might surprise you to know that inherited wealth lasts on average two generations, so we can take the ‘inheritance’ angle out of your argument. Of course this fact won’t change your ‘belief’ system because it’s exactly that.

The left are pro mass immigration which is inherently low wage because the mass of those immigrants will have poor language skills, low education levels. This means they simply won’t be able to demand higher wages.
This observation is as profound as saying ‘water is wet’ but yet this most basic of truths, seems to have been lost in your world view.

The beauty of the things you say, is that they would never be enacted based on natural laws alone.
Humans are unfair, life is unfair, there will always be classes and the elite will always rule over the masses.
Every single idea or policy you try to enforce, will be subverted upwards.

idealists have just never grown up and are therefore no use to anyone
Back to solar farms, a view from Australia.

"Net Zero Pitfalls"

This quote from Australian engineer John Cadogan is pretty good at calling out this craziness.

"Saving the planet one $A80,000 two ton EV at a time is a patently absurd concept to anyone with a basic grasp of bare-knuckle physics...and if we get the sun shining 24/7 and the wind blowing dependably and endlessly, show me the plan for grid stability in the absence of the rotating (base load) turbines because it does not exist. Where the hell do you think the 50 Hertz comes from?"

It seems we are careering towards a ruinous meltdown that is of scandalous proportions yet our government is obsessed with this plan despite it being devoid of any engineering competence and applied physics.


Another interesting observation - there is no one in the department of energy and net zero who has a stem degree or has ever run a business.
At this point Jacob you’re just literally saying the opposite of what I say.
Thats because you are wrong about everything! 🤣
It might surprise you to know that inherited wealth lasts on average two generations, so we can take the ‘inheritance’ angle out of your argument.
No I'd rather leave it in. Some inheritances have roots in the Norman conquest!
Of course this fact won’t change your ‘belief’ system because it’s exactly that.
It isn't a belief system. It's just support for the simple notion that the state should work "for the many not the few"
The left are pro mass immigration
Of course they are not. But generally they do accept that immigration is a fact of life and a global humanitarian issue - not an invasion by malign foreigners, religious maniacs and perverts
which is inherently low wage because the mass of those immigrants will have poor language skills, low education levels. This means they simply won’t be able to demand higher wages.
Crazy idea - why would anybody want that, except for some dodgy employers of course.
This observation is as profound as saying ‘water is wet’ but yet this most basic of truths, seems to have been lost in your world view.
Which observation and which world view?
The beauty of the things you say, is that they would never be enacted based on natural laws alone.
Humans are unfair, life is unfair, there will always be classes and the elite will always rule over the masses.
Every single idea or policy you try to enforce, will be subverted upwards.
Gibberish! But a basic right wing view - that all change is pointless.
idealists have just never grown up and are therefore no use to anyone
The left aren't idealists particular, it's more about the practicalities of running things for the benefit of all.
Hope that helps!
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No I'd rather leave it in. Some inheritances have roots in the Norman conquest!
So you’re going to carry on your position now based on 0.0000000000001% of the population? That’s pretty desperate.
It isn't a belief system. It's just support for the simple notion that the state should work "for the many not the few"
It’s not a simple notion. It’s a simple thought and you’re having it.
Of course they are not. But generally they do accept that immigration is a fact of life and a global humanitarian issue - not an invasion by malign foreigners, religious maniacs and perverts
We’re talking about mass immigration. Almost no conservative believes we should have no immigration.
Are liberals for or against mass immigration?
Crazy idea - why would anybody want that, except for some dodgy employers of course.
Which observation and which world view?

Gibberish! But a basic right wing view - that all change is pointless.

The left aren't idealists particular, it's more about the practicalities of running things for the benefit of all.
Hope that helps!
No one said all change is pointless. Rational views and solutions are always welcome. You just haven’t provided any.
show me the plan for grid stability in the absence of the rotating (base load) turbines because it does not exist. Where the hell do you think the 50 Hertz comes from?"
Seems like a strange thing to say. How does he suppose the stability of the 50hz is monitored? I'll bet there's a quartz crystal or similar in the mix somewhere.
I could be wrong, but I don't see the lack of rotating turbines to be an insurmountable hurdle in the road towards more renewables.
Where the hell do you think the 50 Hertz comes from?"
It is the rotatng speed of a turbine generator so that is why they use a constant speed gearbox. With one of these the output is constant even though the input will have a range of different speeds. They are used in aircraft Ac generators to produce the required frequency and many other systems where an input speed is not constant but the output has to be..
If you are looking at the national grid then the frequency will fall as the demand increases and vica versa. To control the frequency you need to control the voltage / current reationship and in this case they use reactive power which in simple terms is power that is not doing useful work in supplying the resistive load but is being used to charge / discharge the reactive elements at twice the line frequency. These reactive elements are capacitance which is attempting to maintain voltage and inductance that is attempting to maintain current but only contribute to reactive power, ie not useful work.
My conce
If you are looking at the national grid then the frequency will fall as the demand increases and vica versa. To control the frequency you need to control the voltage / current reationship and in this case they use reactive power which in simple terms is power that is not doing useful work in supplying the resistive load but is being used to charge / discharge the reactive elements at twice the line frequency. These reactive elements are capacitance which is attempting to maintain voltage and inductance that is attempting to maintain current but only contribute to reactive power, ie not useful work.
My concern with all this renewable energy stuff, or as sensible people call it ‘remote combustion’ because the pollution is done ‘off site’, is that it’s a massive defence risk.
We will be sitting ducks in any conflict if a non ‘renewable country, wants to attack us.
Aka Russia.
Yet the same people who seem to hate Russia are the biggest supporters of green energy.